Furniture in Manama

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Bahrain .د.ب 20 / Negotiable wood side board rosewood finish .د.ب 20 / Negotiable Furniture last month
Bahrain .د.ب 80 Black enamel coated wood cupboard .د.ب 80 Furniture last month
Bahrain .د.ب 10 computer chair-swivel type .د.ب 10 Furniture last month
Bahrain .د.ب 25 / Negotiable wood cupboards 2 door -2 numbers .د.ب 25 / Negotiable Furniture last month
Bahrain .د.ب 15 computer table .د.ب 15 Furniture last month
Bahrain .د.ب 100 6 dining chairs heavy duty .د.ب 100 Furniture last month
Bahrain .د.ب 40 dining table + 4 chairs .د.ب 40 Furniture last month
Bahrain .د.ب 3 Dressing table stool .د.ب 3 Furniture last month
Bahrain .د.ب 5 bed side tables-4 nos .د.ب 5 Furniture last month
Bahrain .د.ب 15 study table .د.ب 15 Furniture last month
Bahrain .د.ب 70 L shaped sofa with rosewood handrests .د.ب 70 Furniture last month
Bahrain .د.ب 10 coffee table rosewood finish-2 no .د.ب 10 Furniture last month
Bahrain .د.ب 15 Center table rosewood finish .د.ب 15 Furniture last month
Bahrain .د.ب 20 / Negotiable Dressing tables rosewood finish 2 nos .د.ب 20 / Negotiable Furniture last month
Bahrain .د.ب 30 double bed with mattress .د.ب 30 Furniture last month
Bahrain .د.ب 40 / Negotiable double bed with headrest & mattress .د.ب 40 / Negotiable Furniture last month
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