MAMA JAZ is a unique demonstration for music creation, improvisation and performance on planet Earth!
Enn Mond Meyer is a new chapter of the festival in the midst of the old heart of our capital, Port Louis.
Café du Vieux Conseil is a cultural space within a functional as popular restaurant / coffee shop / bar and has always inspired, timeless, as a meeting ground for artists and art lovers to feel at home.
DOUSER is sweetest kiss we may leave on your forehead, in your ears and on your heart after a grand week.
MAMA JAZ JAZ is delighted to present:
20H - 21H15 | Gina & Belingo
Beautiful human beings having a passion for positive thinking and a deep respect for all life forms, as they will unveil how subtle, graceful, sublime, exquisite, delicate, rare, universal, and dazzling, their act is. Hence, shall shine, two of Mauritius’ finest artists and they will softly, deeply, surely, charm.
Belingo Faro - Guitar / Piano / Keys / Compositions
Gina Jean Charles - Vox / Percussions / Compositions
Link to buy ticket -
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