This free group welcomes ADULTS (from native speakers to beginners) looking to put their English language CONVERSATION skills into action.
Native and stronger speakers are encouraged to share their English language skills. The sessions will be informal and oriented towards the initiative, creativity, curiosity and courage of the individual participants.
A trick for less strong English speakers, in order to play a role in the conversations of others, is to listen and then pose a question. In fact, repeatedly pose questions! Questions alone will begin to provide practice in speaking. Speaking is the critical component to gain confidence/fluidity and even comprehension in a language. Listening alone is not useful enough. If listening were enough, one could stay home and listen to the radio or the television. Speaking is the key and repeatedly posing questions is a good beginning. Kids pose questions automatically, without constraint. So put aside the normal adult social rules and ask many questions. Ask questions even to the point of being a little impolite. Over politeness actually gets somewhat in the way when it comes to language learning.
Our plan is to break into individual tables of FOUR people for English CONVERSATION. Half way through the evening two participants from each table are encouraged to move to a different table. Moving between tables reinvigorates the CONVERSATIONS. NOUS ÉVITONS D'AVOIR UNE GRANDE TABLE UNIQUE, CAR CELA CRÉE UNE AMBIANCE DOULOUREUSE ET INEFFICACE POUR LES PERSONNES QUI PARLENT L'ANGLAIS MOINS BIEN.
The number of people in Guadeloupe having interest in, knowledge of and good-will towards the English language has been impressive! Hopefully this MeetUp group can be a place to express and give value to all that good will, while at the same time be a place where neighbours can get to know neighbours. I hope you will join us to share/celebrate/grow your English CONVERSATION, have fun, and meet great new people!
We'll be the ones speaking English! Usually sitting at the tables outside!
TUESDAYS - every 2 weeks (barring holidays)
Don't forget to bring your dictionaries!
(Please do not forget to support our café/restaurant with your purchases!)
Organization of our group:
hello are this projet still working???