ADG Europe presents TNT theatre Britain in
by William Shakespeare
Stadtpalais Liechtenstein
Bankgasse 9, 1010 Wien
29. Juni, 2017, 19.00 Uhr
Karten € 25,- (Studenten/Schüler € 12,-)
Weitere Information: - • • 0049/1728629753
This is Shakespeare’s greatest and last pure comedy, the master at the height of his art. The play explores the great obsessions of human life: love, jealousy, class, gender, greed and passion. And if it explores the serious within us it also revels in merriment: drinking has a key place in the play as does song and laughter in all its forms from melancholy wit to slapstick comedy.TNT, directed by Paul Stebbings, have been producing Shakespeare’s comedies world wide for over ten years to great acclaim. An ensemble of veteran performers have been gathered to grapple with this magnificent work, with music added live under the direction of composer John Kenny. We invite you into a wonderland, created by the greatest story teller ever to grace the planet, one who liked a drink and loathed a puritan and above all knew how to dissect love, which is both tragic and hilarious: the most powerful emotion known to us stumbling humans.
This production tours from China to Britain, from Norway to France and Japan to Germany, join us in an evening of laughter and song; for “If music be the food of love, play on!”