Hilarious English comedy opens in Copenhagen ...
...This is the funniest show you'll see this year!
Come cosy up to Elsie and Norm, just off Ströget, on Badstuestraede 12, Copenhagen. Fed up with playing Trivial Pursuit, and no Danish neighbours coming over for tea, they have decided to have a bash at a bit of culture! All it took was a spot of re-writing to make MacBeth snappier...
Book tickets at:
(Thursdays & Fridays 4 - 27 May)
There are only 30 seats per performance, so get your tickets now...
Directed by Jeremy Thomas-Poulsen
With Jens Blegaa & Vanessa Poole.
Feeling very proud this is the first production of Copenhagen's newest professional English language theatre company - Down the Rabbit Hole Theatre. (Please wipe your feet on the way in, says Elsie :-))