“Designer showcase market presenting the cultural and creative diversity of the sparkling Wedding area. With over 70 stands, a variety of street food, live music and a special participatory theatre for children.”
On Sunday August 5th the Leopoldplatz in the Berlin Wedding Kiez will experience this years’ fourth and pre-last edition of the charming Weddingmarkt, an open air vendor showcase of the districts’ art and design scene. Visitors can spend their relaxing Sunday afternoon exploring an extensive variety of handmade products, while enjoying delicious food and live music, as the kids participate in a theatre play.
Over 70 stands represent the high-quality diversity of the lively Wedding district. Artisans, designers and artists show their works, from illustrations to paintings, ceramics, fashion and jewelry and so much more.
Sunday August 5th | September 2nd (last summer edition) | 12.00_19.00h Leopoldplatz, Wedding | Free / No Admission
www.wedding-markt.de | facebook.com/weddingmarkt