From 7 to 11 July in Sarteano.
For its first Summer workshop, Lab-oratoire, teaching Voice work and Singing classes, is inviting Joseph Clark, founding member of the Roy Hart Theater, to teach during 5 days in Tuscany. The program will allow you to explore your voice with creativity, sensitivity and authenticity! Wether you want to get to know your voice, improve your public speaking abilities or want to sing, this intensive but joyful class will give you the opportunity to bring your inner self into your voice!
The Voice is a combination of our different abilities: physical, emotional and mental. It is, therefore, our most complete way of communicating and expressing ourselves to others, because the voice contains all aspects and dimensions of our being.
Joseph Clark will lead the stage of singing and voice work from 7 to 11 July in Tuscany, near Montepulciano, one hour from Siena. The workshop will be given in English and French. It includes 24 hours classes with group and individual work. Price, lunch included is 270 €. We can provide accommodation on-site on demand.
Contact me for the detailed program or further information.
The workshop is open to everybody, older than 18 years old and we accept beginners as well.