One of the funniest modern British comedies, Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas, is also renowned for its stunning language, extraordinary townsfolk and universal themes that have made it an international favourite.
Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor, Anthony Hopkins and Michael Sheen have all starred in this hugely enjoyable play, performed here with live music and described by Burton as “a comic masterpiece”.
Moonlight Theatre’s talented cast is drawn from South Wales, home to Dylan Thomas - one of the most popular modern British poets and playwrights. The play's director, John Rhys Thomas, has already taken Milk Wood on tour to New York, Harvard and Canada to great acclaim.
It’s set in a fictional Welsh seaside village but could be anywhere: the characters are eccentric, poignant, dreamers or driven, frustrated lovers, schemers, shopkeepers, fishermen, preacher, postman, blind sea captain, schoolteacher, even a would-be if hapless murderer.
Surprisingly, the play has rarely been staged in Malta, despite some striking similarities with Wales: both are small maritime nations with a proud independent culture and strong bilingual tradition. Moonlight Theatre is excited to have the chance to showcase to new audiences and Dylan Thomas fans alike a play that never loses its comic appeal.