Did you know that education is compulsory for children aged 6 to 16? However, most children start going to school at 3 years old. If you have school-aged children and you are in the process of choosing a school for the next academic year, this session is certain to be of interest to you.
The City Council's Barcelona International Welcome team is organising a session so that international families who have recently arrived in Barcelona can find out about the city's available educational offer, in both state and private schools, whether the latter be independent or subsidised. Access and the pre-registration and enrolment process for the 2023-24 school year will also be explained.
The Government of Catalonia's Department of Education, the Barcelona Education Consortium and the Private Independent Schools of Catalonia Association (EPIC) will be collaborating in the session.
Don't miss this practical talk, which will help to answer any questions you may have about how to get your children a place in a school and where you'll learn about our city's diverse educational offer, so you can choose the best option for your family.
Judith Romera, coordinator of City Promotion at Barcelona City Council
The education system in Catalonia: excellence and inclusion
Oriol Pallarés, assistant chief inspector at the Government of Catalonia's Department of Education (pending confirmation)
Private schools in the Barcelona area
Àlex Cerdà Gaos, president of the Private Independent Schools of Catalonia Association (EPIC) (pending confirmation)
Practical advice for pre-registration in the public education system
Cristina Iglesia, representing the Barcelona Education Consortium (pending confirmation)