ADAPT Basketball Training Opening Ceremony
On February 2nd, Adapt Basketball will be holding an
Opening Ceremony at Pont De Fusta Basketball Court. It is an
easily accessible court, it can be reached by metro on line 4 or
by bus to Almassora - Argenter Suàrez bus stop.
Our Head Trainer, Joey, will be taking athletes who attend
through a full day basketball camp. All Attendees have to be at
the Basketball court for 12pm. Such events will take place at
the event:
● 2 Full Camp Training Session
● 3 point contest!
● NBA Skill Challenge!
In the 2 full camp training sessions, there will be a Dynamic
Warm-up, Dribbling Workout, Shooting Workout,
Conditioning drills and Much More! It is a completely FREE
event! Everyone who turns up will be given a Discount code
that gets you 30% off your first purchase with ADAPT!