In our next meeting we will have the author Ms. Nada Faris joining us to discuss her lovely book "Fountain Of Youth"
Fountain Of Youth was published December 19th 2016.
Concerned with endings, resonances, and aftermaths, Fountain of Youth explores the mediation of an Arab female poet on the brink of change, documenting moments of transformation from adolescence to adulthood, from the immature stage of a mental disorder to its mature form, and from post-colonial conditions which led to the creation of a comfortable welfare state to globalization and its repercussions. Specifically, Fountain of Youth questions what it means to be human after the global triumph of neoliberalism—and how our revision will help us rethink our ideas about youth/growth in the Middle East.
Millennium Hotel is very well known located in 4th Ring Road, Salmiya Abou Thar Al Ghafari St., Salmiya, (you can see the building from high way Road 30). the meeting will be in the Library Café - ground floor.
For more information please feel free to contact my number: 98942003.
Enjoy your reading.