
How will the COVID-19 vaccine affect travel and immigration?

travellers in a plane
Written byVeedushi Bon 25 November 2020

Nearly a year after the coronavirus was declared a pandemic, a new vaccine was found with 95% efficacy. Developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, this vaccine should be available around the world from January 2021. Another vaccine, having the same rate of efficacy, has been developed simultaneously in Russia. Does this mean that travel and immigration can resume once people have been vaccinated?

What's the current situation?

Around the world, the festive season is beginning in a couple of weeks. But celebrations are likely to be gloomy this year. Many expatriates had to postpone their travel plans, so they won't be able to spend the holidays with their loved ones. While many European countries went back into lockdown during the past few weeks, some expats are still hoping to be able to travel in the coming weeks. However, uncertainty prevails as tests to determine the COVID-19 vaccine's efficiency will be ongoing until the end of 2020. It's also likely to take some time -- even several months -- until the vaccine is distributed around the world. Whether the travel industry and immigration will resume in early January 2021 remains a big question mark even though it's the wish of millions of people around the world.

How are countries planning vaccination?

The United States hope to get more than 20 million people vaccinated by the end of this year. Health authorities have set up an action plan so that vaccines can be sent to the different States by December 11 or 12, 2020. Today, the US has a record of over 12 million COVID-19 cases, with more than 257,000 deaths. Figures that keep increasing daily as the virus keeps spreading. Things are likely to get worse with the coming winter, and the temperature drops.

The UK has ordered 40 million doses and hopes to receive at least 10 million from BioNTech by the end of the year. With this stock, at least 5 million people can get vaccinated over the coming weeks. Priority will therefore be given to health professionals, including doctors and nurses, care centre employees, as well as the elderly and high-risk people. For the rest, however, the wait is going to be long. Still, the National Health Service (NHS) has already received instructions for the imminent start of the vaccination campaign.

Germany has also set up a vaccination plan after obtaining some 300 million doses thanks to a bilateral agreement with the European Commission. The German authorities are even discussing the possibility of distributing the remaining doses to other needy countries. So the vaccination campaign should start in mid-December. In Spain, people will have to wait until January 2021 as 13,000 vaccination centres are set up across the country. A maximum number of people should be able to get vaccinated over the next three months.

Meanwhile, France hopes to obtain at least 15% of the volume vaccines provided by the EU. Moreover, the country has six contracts in progress, which means that 200 to 300 million doses are guaranteed, and 100 to 200 million are optional. France is also looking to manufacture vaccines locally to ensure that there is no shortage in the long run. So the vaccination campaign will begin in January 2021 in a progressive way. Healthcare and medico-social professionals, as well as high-risk people, will be prioritized.

It's also worth noting that poor and developing countries have not been left out. With the World Health Organization (WHO), Unicef ​​has pledged to ship billions of vaccines and syringes to African and West Asian countries. An action plan has been set up with the collaboration of more than 350 airlines and freight companies.

A return to normalcy?

Today, testing for COVID-19 is mandatory for anyone who wishes to travel abroad, regardless of the purpose of the trip. But the trend is likely to change as COVID-19 vaccination becomes the new normal. Instead of producing the results of a COVID-19 test, you may have to provide proof, such as a vaccination certificate. The Commons Project, a non-profit organization, based in Switzerland, recently developed a new app with the collaboration of the World Economic Forum. Travellers should be able to upload their COVID-19 test and vaccine results on this app, for the needs of the country in which they intend to travel or settle. Many countries are looking to adopt this app for better control over travel.

As we mentioned above, a return to normalcy is unpredictable as the pandemic keeps evolving, compelling some countries to lockdown once again. So there's hope that the vaccine is efficient and that vaccination campaigns are carried out without any hurdles. There's also hope that the virus knows no mutation in the coming months. Countries around the world will then feel safer to lift their travel restrictions and fully reopen their borders. With the global health crisis, the leading actors of the travel industry, mainly airlines and shipping companies, had to review their policies during the past year, including health protocols and screening tests. It's still too early to predict a return to normalcy, but according to many experts, it wouldn't be before the end of 2021, when the vaccines have reached the broader section of the population.

Health system

I hold a French diploma and worked as a journalist in Mauritius for six years. I have over a decade of experience as a bilingual web editor at, including five years as an editorial assistant.


  • WoDi
    WoDi4 years ago(Modified)
    As many epidemiologists told, people have an immune system and it is our best weapon but we must train it. The measures allover the world do the opposite to weaken the immune system. And big pharma will force all people to receive vaccines. It is not necessary. Just in exceptional cases for people with previous illnesses. It is not about health, it is about control. We should fight for our civil rights and our freedom. Don´t believe in the lies of politicians and their toadies.
  • Village287
    Village2874 years ago(Modified)
    Dear veedushi, what a brilliant idea to have your details of your COVID-19 on file it will save a lot of time and frustration when you enter an overseas country, regretfully another tier of big brother along with facial recognition, unless people start revolting and stopping our right to freedom of speech and go about with being followed by a camera, it has been suggested that all new born babies be impregnated with a computer chip to keep on file there medicinal history, yes a book 1984 written in 1932 has come into reality in 2020, anyway as I have not seen my Cambodian wife since January it would be nice if the government relaxed there demands on arrival in Phnom Penh.
  • blackjack2010
    blackjack20104 years ago(Modified)
    it appears that the World Economic Forum is pushing for a CommonPass card. This card will have all details on the individual and you will be traceable through the QR tracking software. The numbers do not support such measures as over time we have found that the deaths numbers are mostly false. THe financial costs for introducing lockdowns is astounding. The psychological costs and health of people is immeasurable and will come to the front in months and years ahead. As i was told recently science and politics dont mix well and when a politician uses science to extend their agenda its fatal as we have seen. The BIGGEST PROBLEM is the lack of education people are getting in regard to vaccines. The ones being touted are RNA based and their is a distinction between this and antibody vaccines (traditional used) = the media has a duty to point this out!
  • masonrg
    masonrg4 years ago(Modified)
  • masonrg
    masonrg4 years ago(Modified)
  • blackjack2010
    blackjack20104 years ago(Modified)
    this is simply not true - getting a vaccine will not stop the Convid - it will also not protect you from passing it on to others - you will also need the vaccine every few months - you will also need the vaccine every year as it changes - CDC said that you will also get sick for one week - most times worse that getting the Convid as 99.% get over it with mild symtoms - At the end of the day the whole thing is about getting all people onto a system called CommonPass - and this is not a conspiracy as it is real and has been in trials = i think your article although reads well is not accurate - also I doubt people would want an RNA vaccine - different to our history vaccines based on antibodies - also a recent head of Pfizer said vaccines given the numbers of proven deaths (not core deaths) was not necessary.
  • matjung
    matjung4 years ago(Modified)
    There are too many ads between article and - Write a comment I think it reduces the risk the borders are closing again and that sme have to temporarily close business. I would expect that either people who pass the rapid antibody test or those who get vaccinated will be able to board a flight. A lot of people are making the experience that not traveling is good for the bank account. Maybe total demand for travel is going down for ever. The pandemia somehow supports climate change.
  • gsjackson
    gsjackson4 years ago(Modified)
    The equanimity with which these incursions against human freedom are accepted now is deeply troubling. So we'll need to get a vaccination that many millions -- billions -- of people will resist for a variety of reasons in order to travel in the future? Doesn't anybody see something very wrong with this picture?

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