Being locked within the four walls of one’s house with very limited social interaction and physical contact is undeniably hard for a lot of people. So, how will you take care of yourself during these uncertain times?
Kindness to yourself above all!
Your friends are all baking, working out, keeping on top of work, learning arabic and doing a somersault challenge but you can barely seem to get out of bed in the morning? Whatever anyone says, a lockdown is a difficult period and people all deal in different ways. Some people get very productive to escape the anxiety, others bask in it and spend their days watching TV shows. And both are totally okay. Remember that we are all human, we thrive on social interaction and physical contact and the lack of this can be very hard to cope with. And above all, we have emotions and we need to sit with them and give them space to exist. So be kind to yourself for feeling these emotions. Be sad if you feel sad. Be unproductive if you don't have the energy. Stay in bed all day if you need to. Be hyper productive if you need to. But be kind to yourself in all situations.
Make supermarket days the new fun days
Unless you're a frontline worker or other essential worker, supermarket days are probably the only days you're allowed outside your house. So, make the most of it. Instead of driving to the supermarket, why not take a walk to the supermarket? If you're a runner, you can even jog to the supermarket, get your heart pumping and feel that elusive runner's high. Of course, you should respect the sanitary measures at all times. Keep physical distance, sanitize your hands and wear a mask whenever possible. Of course, if you are running, keep the mask handy for if you run or walk past anyone else and for the supermarket.
And you know what? Enjoy yourselves on supermarket days. Maybe you do not want to walk or run to the supermarket but something else would make you happy. Maybe wearing that super cute dress you bought just before the lockdown and have not had the time to wear yet? Maybe wearing makeup and feeling really good about yourself? Maybe arranging with a friend to go to the supermarket at the same time while keeping sanitary measures in mind? Do what makes you feel good!
Do you really need the news?
Okay, the news can be a little addictive. You want to know what's happening, you want to make predictions. Are we going to be out of lockdown soon, is it going to be extended? And yes, that's legitimate. But what's more important? Your mental health. And reading the news can bring an amount of stress, anxiety and tension that we're not even aware of. Until we stop, that is. So try that, turn off your radio and unfollow news outlets for just two days and see the difference. Ultimately, of course, remaining on top of news is also important but learn to gradually include it in your daily consumption in such a way that it is not overwhelming.
Keep in touch with friends and family
It can feel like an effort in itself, especially for the introverts. Maybe you're more of a text kind of person or maybe you do not usually reach out to people. But these are desperate times. And a call with a close friend or family member can leave you feeling really serene and calm. Also, especially if you're in lockdown on your own, it can feel like you're the only one experiencing the mental comedown which comes with being deprived from the freedom of going outside and talking to friends and family can really set the record straight about that. So leap out of your comfort zone. It is going to be really rewarding, we promise!
Collective games!
Okay, so maybe you really do not feel like being on a call for someone for an hour. It's not your style, it's just not you. Well, how about playing a game? There's a plethora of options (and free options too) for online games with remote players nowadays. So why not get your friends together for a game of scrabble, chess, or literally anything else you fancy? It will really drive the conversation away from the lockdown and pandemic for a good hour or so.
Climb your house!
Okay, this one might seem a little crazy and yes, you should totally be super careful and not do it if you do not have a safe way to get up there. But being locked within four walls is difficult, you keep seeing the same things and talking to the same people and it feels restrictive. Finding a way to your roof or to an open space if you have one regularly will make you see things from a different perspective. Our personal suggestion is to make your way there for sunset or sunrise. Even if you do not see the actual sunset or sunrise, the pretty sunset or sunrise sky can only make your day better. And for those with kids, it will be the perfect 15 minutes break your day needs!