
Work in Algeria

Work in Algeria
Published on 13 April 2015
Updated byAnne-Lise Mtyon 05 May 2020

What are the conditions governing the employment of foreigners in Algeria? What are the major recruiting fields? Find out in this article.

The country requires foreign expertise in many fields. Hence, the numerous career prospects it provides. In fact, Algeria has a developed economy which is considered as Africa's fourth largest economy. Moreover, the country's economy is mainly based on oil which is one of its main job creators.

Good to know:

In 2013, Algeria's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) amounted to $ 209 billion. As regards unemployment rate, it stood at 9.7% of the active population during the same year, including 24.3% of young people.

Therefore, finding a job in Algeria should not be a difficult task provided you have the qualifications and skills required by the local labor market. However, you are advised to inquire on related conditions and formalities beforehand.

Find a job

It is best to have found a job from abroad if you wish to work in Algeria. In fact, you will have to produce a work visa on your arrival in Algeria. This visa must have been delivered by the Algerian embassy or consulate in your home country. But above all, you will need a work permit to be eligible for a work visa.

Hence, you can start your job search on the Internet by browsing general and specialized job websites, as well as professional social networks. You can also seek the help of the Algerian Chamber of Commerce in your home country, if any, or any other related organization. Consider sending spontaneous job applications to major companies operating in the country so as to have more chances of being hired. Make sure to update your CV according to local standards. Get a free CV review at TopCV

Work permit

A minimum of technician level is required for foreigners to be hired in Algeria. In fact, according to Algerian regulations, employers are not allowed to hire foreign nationals with a lower qualification. Thus, the recruiting agency must make sure that the candidate meets the requirements set by Algerian authorities and that his qualifications and skills are not available locally.

You will then need a temporary work permit which will be issued by the relevant authority in Algeria. Note that employer generally takes care of the formalities to apply for a work permit. Documents to be produced are the following:

  • your identity documents and other relevant information
  • certified copies of your degrees, diplomas and other documents regarding your academic and professional qualifications
  • medical certificates
  • a copy of the signed employment contract
  • two passport photos.

Other documents may also be required from the employer. Note that the work permit is valid for two years.

Working conditions

The legal minimum working age in Algeria is fixed at 16 years. The minimum wage is fixed at 18,000 dinars.

A legal working week consists of 40 working hours. Overtime remains exceptional.

Employees are entitled to two and a half days off per month, that is a total of 30 during the year.

In general, Friday is deemed to be a rest day. Therefore, many companies close on Thursday so as to enjoy a two days' week-end.

The employment contract includes a six months trial period. However, in the case of responsibility and high profile jobs, it can be extended to up to 12 months. The fixed-term contract, on the other hand, has a maximum of 36 consecutive months.

In case of dismissal, the employer must inform you orally and talk with you before sending you an official letter. The notice period is equal to the trial period duration, plus five days per year for the number of years you have been working in the company.

Social security

All employees in Algeria, regardless of their nationality, are eligible to the social protection system. This includes social insurance against illness, maternity, disability, as well as life insurance, retirement pension, coverage in case of accident or occupational disease, family benefits and unemployment insurance, etc.

These are provided by four national institutions, namely the Caisse Nationale de Recouvrement des Cotisations de Sécurité Sociale (CNRSS), the Caisse Nationale d'Assurances Sociales des Travailleurs Salariés (CNAS), the Caisse Nationale des Retraités (CNR) and the Caisse Nationale de l'Assurance Chômage (CNAC).

As at the 1st of January 2014, contributions were established as follows: 25% for the employer and 9% for the employee. Both contribute 12.5% and 1.5% respectively to social insurance, 10% and 6.75% respectively to the retirement fund, 1% and 0.5% respectively to the unemployment insurance, and 0.25% each to the early retirement fund.

Accidents and other occupational diseases represent 1.25% of the contribution and this is solely paid by the employer.

Unemployment insurance and severance compensation

The unemployment insurance differs from the severance compensation. In Algeria, unemployment refers to a person who is unable to work for a defined period following an accident at work or contraction of a disease. There is no monthly unemployment benefit as such for those who haven't worked at all.

However, in case of economic or other dismissal, a unique compensation is to be paid in a single installment. This sum is equal to one month' salary per year according to the number of years the employee has been working in the company.

Note that these indemnities apply to both Algerian citizens and foreign nationals.

Useful links: - Jobs in Algeria
National Employment Agency (ANEM)
National Social Insurance Fund for Employees
National Pension
National Fund of Unemployment Insurance
Linked In
Tip Top Job
Career Jet

We do our best to provide accurate and up to date information. However, if you have noticed any inaccuracies in this article, please let us know in the comments section below.


Anne-Lise studied Psychology for 4 years in the UK before finding her way back to Mauritius and being a journalist for 3 years and heading's editorial department for 5. She loves politics, books, tea, running, swimming, hiking...

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