
Working in Marrakech

Updated byPauline Bouveauon 11 July 2022

Getting hired in Morocco is not that hard. Yet, it is better to plan everything in advance. This includes your application to jobs online, in addition to having all the needed papers ready. In Marrakech, there are many companies that prefer foreigners over locals. A good example would be fancy hotels.

What you need to know before moving to Marrakech

Potential expats who plan to live and work in Marrakech are advised to look for a job beforehand. There are many websites where companies of Marrakech advertise their job vacancies. Anyone can apply for a job of their choice and get in touch with potential employers. The chances of being hired are high.

Getting a Residence Permit to work in Marrakech

To be employed in Marrakech, as in the rest of the country, any foreign employee must have a Residence Permit. To get this, you will have to submit the following documents:

  • A copy of your passport
  • A copy of your job contract
  • Six passport photographs
  • Proof of sufficient funds
  • A medical certificate
  • Criminal record check
  • A stamp

Is a visa required to work in Morocco? 

You need to have a valid passport with at least one blank page. You do not need a visa if you stay for a short period, which is less than 90 days. Otherwise, if you are a foreign national wishing to work in Morocco, you must register with the Moroccan authorities within fifteen days of your entry and obtain a residence permit. This permit, which is equivalent to a work visa in Morocco, is usually valid for one year and is renewable.

The most promising fields in Marrakech

If you have not yet looked for a job and you have already settled in the 'Red City'; then it is time to move. Generally, there are three main sectors that recruit people in Morocco. The first sector is NTIC and Offshoring, which offers jobs for those who are somehow competent in new technologies and communication. Call centers, for instance, belong to this sector. The second sector is concerned with automotive and aeronautics. For example, a mechanical technician would apply for a job in industries that fall under this sector. The third and last sector deals with business services such as security and night guard.


Starting your job search in Marrakech

Recruitment agencies

There are many recruitment agencies in Marrakech, but they are hidden, and you need to ask locals about them. Generally, a recruitment agency (i.e., Bureau de Recruitment) mediates between companies and job seekers. In other words, a recruitment agency recruits potential candidates and decides on the ones that would be sent to the company, with respect to the company's needs. Other than that, many recruitment agencies offer affordable training for candidates to ensure that they are well-fit for the position they will occupy. For example, one-week training in Telecommunication would cost only 40$ (i.e., 400 Dhs).

A spontaneous application or a response to a job offer

The more you apply, the higher your chance of getting a job will be. You should never stick to one job offer. In fact, you must respond to all jobs where your profile fits the best. You can also try sending spontaneous applications directly to companies' human resource departments. An optimal spontaneous application includes a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and a cover letter. The cover letter needs to highlight your skills and show your knowledge of the sector and the company you are aiming to work at.

As a trick, you can start by applying to call centers, where you would be favored due to your foreign accent. The lowest salary at a call center is US$ 350 per month. Even though this salary may seem very low to you, it is considered good by Moroccans, given that $1 equals about 10 Dirhams. Besides, the salary can be increased if you are deemed productive. Some hardworking call center employees reach an engineer's salary (i.e., US$ 900). While you are working in a call center, you can keep applying to other jobs that interest you the most.

Good to know:

Almost 80% of jobs in Morocco require some French language level. If you are to apply in Marrakech and do not speak French, then you need to learn some of it. Any language other than French is a plus in all sectors. Aside from that, most companies ask for people who are sociable and can work in teams. In Marrakech, expats are usually favored in hotels, riads, call centers and fancy restaurants.

Curriculum Vitae

An optimal Curriculum Vitae (CV) in Morocco includes the following:

  • Title of the job
  • Personal information, including the full name, address, phone number, and email address.
  • Education and training
  • Professional experience
  • Skills, both linguistic and technical
  • Hobbies

Job Interviews in Marrakech

Long before the interview day, you should search online for how interviews in Morocco are done and what are the frequently asked questions. You also need to inquire about the company you are applying for. There are plenty of websites and YouTube videos that can help you with that. On the interview day, you must dress formally. During the interview, try to be calm and smile.

Job contracts in Marrakech

After being hired, you will have to sign an employment contract. In general, there are three types of job contracts in Morocco: CDD, CDI and Freelance. CDD is a contract through which an employer recruits an employee for a limited period. CDI is the normal contract that does not provide the date on which it ends. In other words, it stands for a permanent contract. Finally, a Freelance contract is given for part-time jobs.

In addition, the application for an employment contract is now only processed via the TAECHIR online platform, developed by the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs. Any employer is required to register on the platform to complete the work permit application and to download the standard contract. In order to submit your application, you will need several documents, such as a copy of your diploma, a certificate of your former employment as well as supporting documents pertaining to the legal existence of the new employer company. Such documents should be signed and authenticated and then submitted to the Ministry of Labour.

The trial period in Marrakech 

A trial period refers to the period during which the employment contract can be canceled voluntarily by either party without notice or compensation. If the trial period is terminated after one week's work and not for serious misconduct by the employee, a notice of eight days must be given.

In the case of open-ended contracts, the trial period is usually set as follows: 

  • three months for executives and similar positions;
  • one month and a half for employees.

In such a case, the trial period is renewable once only.

With regard to fixed-term contracts, the trial period cannot normally exceed the following:

  • one day per one to two weeks of work for fixed-term contracts of less than six months
  • one month if the contract is longer than six months.

Can you be employed in Marrakech without speaking Arabic?

It all depends on the work you are looking for. Some people may suggest that you are unlikely to work without learning Arabic unless you are well-qualified to teach English or any other language which is widely taught in Marrakech. Alternatively, others will tell you that they have been living and working in Marrakech for years with just enough Arabic to order in a restaurant or catch a taxi.

However, you should be aware that some employers may want to hire you as an expat, in which case your knowledge of Arabic will probably not be important. Thus, you should first aim at finding a job and then worry about becoming fluent in Arabic later on.

Teaching English in Marrakech 

If you haven't been able to get a teaching job before your arrival in Marrakech, you may need to visit the schools in person to check out the opportunities. To get the best jobs, you need to have higher degrees and teaching certifications.

You may want to visit public schools if you feel that your qualifications may be insufficient. Make sure you carry your passport, a copy of your diploma, a teaching certificate, and a curriculum vitae. Fortunately, there are many private schools that recruit teachers without formal teaching certification.

Part-time jobs in Marrakech

There are part-time jobs available throughout Marrakech, especially in the field of tourism. You may not be well-paid for this kind of work, and it is perhaps best for young people who are not really looking to save money. For instance, if you are employed in a bar, you may get paid just enough for your rent. In addition, many part-time jobs pay cash, and work visas may not be offered by employers. Even if this is not a problem for you, you must avoid exploitative work.

Working in Marrakech with no degree

Employers in Marrakech are quite hesitant about hiring people without a degree. However, being a French national with professional experience and good recommendations from abroad can help. Some sectors, such as consumer service, industry, sales, and sometimes catering, are more likely to employ workers without diplomas.

The highest paid jobs in Morocco over the past ten years

Public Sector

The average net salary in the public sector increased by 24.38% between 2010 and 2020, going from 6,550 Dhs to 8,147 Dhs, thus representing an average annual increase of 2.21%. For the Justice Department, the average net salary has reached 12,001 Dhs, as opposed to 9,524 Dhs, 9,203 Dhs, 8,220 Dhs, and 6,637 Dhs for the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of National Education and Higher Education, the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Administrative Reform, and the Ministry of Interior.

In addition, according to the breakdown of the average net monthly salary by scale of pay, the staff belonging to the salary scales less than or equal to 6 earn DH 4,900, while the supervisory staff falling under the salary scales 7 to 9 earn DH 5,400 . Managers and senior managers (on a pay scale of 10 or above) earn an average net monthly salary of DH 9 600 . 

Private sector

The key to negotiating salaries is to have access to relevant data on the current wages in the labor market. Nevertheless, very few studies provide factual information on this subject, be it in Morocco or other African countries. 

According to a survey by Michael Page, the wages earned in the fields of marketing, finance, accounting and hotel management are on the rise. Salespersons are doing best, as all sectors are demanding them and their salaries are increasing at all levels of qualification.

How does the law regulate the recruitment of foreigners in Morocco?

According to Article 516 of the Labour Code, foreign employees must obtain authorization from the Ministry of Labour to legally exercise their duty on Moroccan soil. Although foreign employees are expected to meet the same requirements outlined in an employment contract as other Moroccan employees, they should still have the Ministry's authorization affixed to their contract. It is worth noting that a special work contract form is used to apply for the work permit for all foreign employees. Failure to use such a form at the time of application may lead to the rejection of the employee's application (as per Article 517).

In addition, the employee's actual work contract should match the Ministry's date of granting the work permit. Thus, even if an employee engages in work before getting their work permit, they would not be able to justify the time effectively worked in the company preceding the issuance of the work permit. Therefore, such period that preceded their work permit cannot be considered when calculating seniority or redundancy payments when necessary.

We do our best to provide accurate and up to date information. However, if you have noticed any inaccuracies in this article, please let us know in the comments section below.


A serial expat, I have been living in Rabat, Morocco, for two years, after having lived in Mauritius and Senegal. A journalist with a passion for travel, I love writing and sharing my discoveries and adventures.


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