
Living in Japan: the ultimate expat guide

Everything you need to know for a successful life in Japan.

As the world's third economic powerhouse, Japan is a key business and trade actor in Asia. It thus attracts expatriates in large numbers, including students and investors.

If you wish to discover ancient cultures and traditions along with beautiful breathtaking landscapes, the "Land of the Rising Sun" may be the ideal place for you. Indeed, Japan provides job opportunities for expatriates at all levels.

5 main islands

Japan is an archipelago made up of 6852 islands and, more precisely 5 main islands and 6,847 isolated islands, of which only 416 are inhabited. The 5 main islands of Japan are Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and Okinawa. Honshû is the largest one and is also the 7th largest island in the world (if we consider Australia as a continent). Most of the inhabitants live on these 5 islands.

47 prefectures and 8 large regions

The 47 administrative prefectures of Japan are located on the main islands. They are grouped into 8 larger regions, namely Hokkaido (the island also gives its name to the region), Tohoku, Kanto (where Tokyo, the capital, is located), Chûbu, Kinki, Chûgoku, Shikoku, Kyûshû-Okinawa.

Japan's climate

With its islands stretching from the far north to the south, Japan is a land of contrasts ranging from the cold climate of Hokkaido in the far north to the subtropical regime of Okinawa in the far south, with a temperate environment in between.

In Japan, seasons are very distinct: spring, summer, autumn and winter. We could even say that there are 6 seasons if we consider the rainy seasons (tsuyu, in June, and akisame, in October).

Politics in Japan

Japan has been a constitutional monarchy since 1947, when the United States imposed a constitution to replace the Meiji Constitution (1889). This new constitution was inspired by the British system. Ever since, the Emperor of Japan has had a symbolic function. Emperor Naruhito became the 126th emperor of Japan. He took the place of his father, Emperor Akihito who was the first emperor of Japan ever to abdicate. Emperor Naruhito was enthroned in October 2019. In the Japanese system, it is the Prime Minister who actually exercises political and executive power.

The Prime Minister is not directly elected by the people, but by MPs who are elected by the people. The current Prime Minister of Japan is Fumio Kishida, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), a right-wing nationalist party.

On July 8, 2022, 2 days before the senatorial elections, the former prime minister and leader of the LDP Shinzo Abe was fatally shot while holding a meeting in support of an LDP candidate. This assassination shook the world and upset the entire Japanese population in a country known for its peace.

The Japanese economy

In 2020, Japan's GDP plunged to -4.5% due to the pandemic. It recovered to 1.6 in 2021, which is nearly $US 5.4 billion. Japan is still the 3rd world power, behind China ($US 16.6 billion) and the United States ($US 22.7 billion).

After shining on the industrial market in the '70s and '80s, Japan has become famous in high-tech, research, robotics, automotive and electronics. Nissan, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda, Canon and Sony are major Japanese groups that have successfully been implanted worldwide.

Read also Working in Japan

Visiting Japan

When traveling to Japan, you will encounter a unique culture and fascinating architecture, where the new and the old meet almost everywhere. That's how you can discover an ancient temple in the middle of the skyscrapers of the business districts or find yourself in a colorful neighborhood next to a posh one, or even in a garden where English, French and Japanese arts meet. For many Japan is a painting in motion, where nature is sublimated in total simplicity.

If Japan can be visited all year round, spring and autumn are particularly recommended seasons to discover all the beauties of the archipelago. In spring, nature is reborn, and with it, the famous sakura, the Japanese cherry trees. In autumn, the Japanese maple leaves, the momiji, enchant the population.

In search of nature? Head to the prefectures of Hokkaido, Ibaraki, Kyoto, Shizuoka or Okayama. Tokyo only is not Japan, and there are a lot of places to discover in the country.

Read also Things to see and to do in Japan

Relocating to Japan

Are you planning to move to Japan? You can choose between the student visa, the Japanese Working Holiday Visa (WHV) and the work visa.

Read also Professional visas in Japan

The student visa allows you to study in Japan and to work therein for a maximum of 28 hours per week (1 year, renewable) without age limit. The WHV allows you to work and travel in Japan for 1 year, provided you are between 18 and 30 years old, but it is not renewable. The work visa allows you to work in the category in which you apply (engineer, teacher, medical professions, etc.). This is the most difficult visa to obtain.


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Everyday life

Eager to discover what life in Japan looks like? Here's a taste.

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