
The Visa Conundrum in Vietnam

Written bygreengeckoon 14 November 2013

Like most countries Vietnam requires that all arriving travelers have appropriate travel visas and a valid passport with at least 6 months to run. Entering Vietnam used to be something of a bureaucratic nightmare but has become much more straightforward in recent years.

Travel Visas

Formalities at Vietnam's international airports are generally smoother than at land borders, as the volume of traffic is greater. That said, crossing overland from Cambodia, China or Laos is now relatively stress-free.

Tourist travelers should apply to the nearest Vietnamese Embassy within their home country for an appropriate visa. If you are travelling to other countries before arriving in Vietnam you can apply for a visa there. Many travel agents in Bangkok and Singapore will be able to assist with the application process. Visas available will range from standard 30 day single entry tourist visas, multiple entry visas, and a variety of 3 month travel visas for tourists and business purposes. (see below)

Visa costs vary and are often more expensive than other country's visas. (in Australia a 30 day tourist visa costs $120 AUD from the Vietnamese Embassy in Canberra) If you are travelling from Thailand, to Cambodia then on to Vietnam, the best place is to get a visa from the Vietnam Embassy in phnom Penh, Cambodia. It takes 24-48 hours and usually costs only $35 USD.

Visa On Arrival

Vietnam visa on arrival works perfectly for tourists and business travelers who would like to enter Vietnam but have no time to visit an embassy in their country or just wish to avoid visa procedural delays. Note that visa-on-arrival system is not available via land borders.

The Visa on arrival service is available at HCMC airport but operates differently to many other countries. In many places, depending on your nationality and inter-country visa agreements, it is possible to simply arrive at the airport and get your tourist visa as you go through immigration formalities. In Vietnam the visa-on-arrival system works differently.

You must first apply for a visa-on-arrival through a travel agency either in your home country or online. Online is usually best. They will apply on your behalf (usually along with many other applicants at that time), and you will receive confirmation of acceptance and an email copy of the documentation within 48 hours. You will pay about $50 USD to the travel agency for this service. On arrival at Tan San Nhat airport in HCMC you will see a visa office immediately to the left, and before, the usual immigration entry desks. Present your documents and passport there. You will have to fill out another form, supply a passport sized photo, and pay your visa fee ($50 for 3 month). All this should only take about ten minutes unless there is a long lineup of applicants. Thereafter you go through immigration as normal.

NOTE: Your travel agent or online agency will apply for your visa on arrival according to your travel itinerary. If your arrival arrangements do not exactly match the original details it will cause processing problems with the bureaucratic officials at immigration, you can be sent back overseas if you arrive early or late, and be charged a lot more if you arrive at a different time and/or date to your original application details.

If you are visiting Vietnam on business you should apply for a business visa. This will be valid for 90 days and will usually allow for multi entries into the country. Officially you will require a company in Vietnam to provide the necessary paperwork and details to the immigration authorities before the application can be processed, though some travel agencies and online agencies seem to be able to provide business visas without the Vietnam company requirement.

Visa regulations are subject to change so check with a Vietnamese embassy before you apply.

Visas Available

Recent changes to visa regulations mean there are fewer types of visas available. Short stay tourists normally get a 30 day tourist visa ($25 USD), or 90 day tourist visa($50 USD). 90 day tourist/business visas are also available for multiple entry($50 USD). There are no longer any 6 month visas.

For foreign workers you can get a 12 month resident visa but only after you have got an official work permit, so you will need to get a 90 day business visa first. Your employer will then need to do the required documentation, register you as a foreign worker, then you can apply for a 12 month visa.

For foreigners who are married to a Vietnamese national, have a business in Vietnam, are a director of that business, are all able to apply for 12 month, or 3 year resident visa. If you can satisfy all of these conditions you can sometimes get a 5 year residental visa. This is much easier to get if you have a family here.

There are other types of business visas but these generally require significant and very specific business criteria.

Eg1: A 3 year resident visa ($275 USD) is available for representatives of an overseas company. You must be a director of an overseas company wanting to do business here, have sufficient income to live here, and require an official work permit if you want to work and earn money here! Also requires company documents and accountants financial report to verify your criteria.

Eg2: If you buy into a business in Vietnam thereby becoming a company director, and invest significant money into the venture, then you can get a 3 year resident visa and work permit very easily.

Visa Renewal

Once in Vietnam it is easier to get your visa extended or renewed as most travel agencies offer this service. It can take from 48 hours to 5 days to get this done but the agency will handle everything for you. Prices can vary so ask around but typically a 3 month visa renewal costs about $85 USD. Travel agencies are not officially entitled to issue any visas other than 30 day or 90 day, though some will try and tell you different. Also 90 day visas can cost anything from $85 to $185 USD through a travel agency, (although they only officially cost $50 USD) so they try and get as much as possible as their "service fee". So it is advisable to check around for current prices.

In most cases now (May 2010) you can only get a 3 month visa extended once for another 3 months while in country. Thereafter you are expected to leave the country and go through the whole process again. In actual fact, any good visa agent, rather than any old travel agency, can get renewals for you.

Customs Formalities

When you arrive in Vietnam you must complete a customs declaration form usually given to you before you leave the aircraft. You should complete the form and hand it to the customs officer as you pass through a customs post or leave the airport arrivals hall. Customs formalities are straight forward and the duty free allowances are printed on the customs declaration form. If you are bringing in prescription drugs ask your doctor for a note detailing the drugs you are taking. Music CD's and DVD's may be subject to inspection. Fire-arms, pornography and narcotics are strictly prohibited, and the penalties for drug trafficking are very severe.

Information at:
In Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam contact visa agent direct: Phatman Visa, Mr Phat Dang, 090 831 1294

We do our best to provide accurate and up to date information. However, if you have noticed any inaccuracies in this article, please let us know in the comments section below.

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  • Paulmurray
    Paulmurray5 years ago(Modified)
    Has anyone heard about changes in Visa policies for expats starting in July of this year?
  • Taylor Ms
    Taylor Ms9 years ago(Modified)
    Please keep up-to-date the Vietnam visa information. As I know, the stamping visa fee paid to get visa on arrival is $45 for single visas, $65 for 1 month multiple visa and $95 for 3 month multiple visa. I applied for 3 month multiple visa for my partner through and they charged me $35 only for the service.
  • Trung_Dung
    Trung_Dung10 years ago(Modified)
    I've got a problem. Supposed to be going to Vietnam in a month's time so I have to send off my passport for 4 weeks to get the visa. The problem is that I'm going to the states for two weeks on Friday so obviously Im gonna need my passport with me for that and I'll only be home for 10 days before I head off again. The quickest the visa first crowd said they can do it in is two weeks. Does anyone know a way around this conundrum eg. emergency visas, or simply getting a visa at the border.
  • ixs
    ixs10 years ago(Modified)
    this is all a bit overwhelming im gonna start asking my first question here since the article is only one month old i hope you're still watching. I cant find anything remotely connected to my situation. I intend to move out of europe , that's one certainty in life that definitely won't budge. Asia is my preferred choice and the island group around vietnam seems almost like a dream if i look at the cost of living compared to here. Now the thing is, it wont be happening for at least few more years however. If i am self-employed, i work by internet and say i might get somewhere between $500 and maybe $2500 a month, how do i get the permission to live there without first finding me a woman to marry because that is somewhat , well i dont wanna marry someone just to get somewhere, that would feel completely wrong and the relationship wouldnt last. Do i need to set up some kind of business structure and write my own recommendation for a per-year visa or what because i would be much obliged if you could explain, this is 500% new to me and i have all the time in the world since it wont be happening anytime soon. Thanks in advance What visa , what permit, is it even possible like that ? Im pretty much very much confused
  • ddn_ro
    ddn_ro12 years ago(Modified)
    If you are married with a Vietnamese then you can get a Visa Exception from the Vietnamese Embassy in your country of residence. Visa Exception is valid as long as the passport is. However, it gives you the right to enter Vietnam at any moment. If your stay is longer than 3 months then you have to get a different visa which is given for free (in this situation)

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