
Visas and residence for NON EU

Written byserafimon 08 August 2011

Types of visas are:

1. airport transit visa (type "A");
2. short-stay visa (type "C");
3. long-stay visa (type "D").

Visas are issued by diplomatic and consular missions of Bulgaria. Exceptionally, border control authorities at bordercheckpoints may issue single transit visas with a term up to two days, and with short residence within 15 days. Visa applicant should submit no earlier than three months before the planned visit, completed and signed application form.

Short-stay visa for transit with length of residence in the Republic of Bulgaria to two days, and be issued to a foreigner who enters the Republic of Bulgaria and leave its territory on their way from one country to another country. The total duration of stay with this visa can not exceed three months within any six-month period from the date of first entry into the territory of Bulgaria.

Short-stay visa for stay is scheduled to last no more than three months within any six-month period from the date of first entry into the territory of Bulgaria. Short-stay visa may be issued for single, double or multiple entries. The validity of the visa and the duration of authorized stay is determined on the basis of inspection of conditions of entry and risk assessment when considering the application for a visa.The period of validity of visa may not exceed 5 years.

Long-stay visa valid for up to 6 months with a right of residence to 180 days issued to a foreigner who wishes to establish long-term, long term or permanently in Bulgaria.

Long-stay visa valid for one year and right of residence to 360 days may be issued to foreigners who carry out research or student training programs within one school year, students or interns, foreign seconded by a foreign employer to perform specific tasks related to control and coordinate the execution of a contract for tourist services, as well as foreigners, seconded by the foreign employer for performance of investments, certified by the Law on Investment Promotion. long-stay visa is entitled to multiple entry into the territory of Bulgaria within the period of validity. long-stay visa is canceled upon issuance of a residence permit from the authorities for administrative control of foreigners.



Foreigners entering the Republic of Bulgaria and leave its territory only through border checkpoints. A foreigner who has more of one personal travel document and identity documents or transfer to another such person is obliged to declare to the authorities for border control. An alien who has more than one nationality, must declare to the border control authorities citizenship, which will draw in their stay in Bulgaria, and to verify that a valid document for travel to the country whose citizenship declared. A foreigner who has more than one valid travel document is required to leave the country with the document with which he entered. The bodies for border control and the administrative control of foreigners can take biometric data for automated verification or identification of aliens.

Upon entry into the Republic of Bulgaria alien declares purpose of their visit and write to the address where they reside, and complete address card in a form. Aliens in transit through the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, did not complete registration forms.

A foreigner who enters the Republic of Bulgaria or transit through its territory, depending on the purpose of the trip must have:

1. valid document for travel abroad or other substituting document and visa, if necessary;

2. sufficient funds to ensure their support of the length and conditions of stay in Bulgaria, and return to their country of permanent residence or transit through the Republic of Bulgaria;

3. medical insurance and other insurance, when required;

4. invitation form, if required;

5. other documents indicating the purpose of the trip.


A foreigner who enters the country with a vehicle, stay or transit passing through the country by land, air or water, must have:

1. permission to move the vehicle when required;

2. documents certifying the registration of the vehicle;

3. documents establishing ownership of the vehicle;

4. compulsory insurance;

5. documentation license.

Border control authorities detain vehicle and documents if there are no grounds under the mentioned above. A foreigner having valid documents for entering the country, but without such a vehicle, is allowed to enter the country.


Residence of foreigners in Bulgaria is based on:

1. issued a visa;

2. international agreements for visa-free or preferential visa regime;

3. authorization services for administrative control of foreigners.

Foreigners residing in Bulgaria:

1. short - 90 days from the date of entry into the country, the deadline may be extended once by the administrative control of foreigners on humanitarian grounds;

2. long - with resolved within one year;

3. long - with an initial authorized period of 5 years and renewable after application;

4. permanently - with permitted indefinitely.

The terms mentioned above shall not apply to foreigners who are refugees according to the Bulgarian law.

Permission for long term residence (up to 1 year) may receive foreigners who hold a visa and:

1. are willing to work under an employment relationship with the authorization of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy;

2. engaged in trade in the country legally in order, as a result of this activity were detected at least 10 job places for Bulgarian citizens, maintained for the duration of residence;

3. are foreign specialists staying in the country under international treaties to which Bulgaria is a party;

4. have grounds to have permitted permanent stay, or have married a resident alien in the country;

5. are representatives of foreign companies registered at the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce;

6. are financially ensured parents of resident foreigners or Bulgarian citizen;

7. have started long treatment in a hospital and have the financial resources for treatment and maintenance;

8. are correspondents of foreign media and have accreditation in Bulgaria;

9. are provided with pensions and sufficient means of subsistence in the country;

10. are family members of an alien who has received permission for permanent residence;

11. are the parents of a foreigner or live in concubinage with a foreigner who has obtained permission for permanent residence;

12. wish to carry out free-lance practice upon permit by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy;

13. wish to operate a non-profit order after authorization by the Ministry of Justice;

14. are granted special protection under Art. 25 of the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings;

15. are family members of Bulgarian national.

To obtain a permit for long term residence persons should be provided with accommodation, mandatory health insurance and provide sufficient means of subsistence, without recourse to the social assistance in an amount not less than the minimum monthly wage or the minimum pension under the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria for the period of residence. Upon initial application for a residence permit persons aged more than 18 years, with the exception of stateless persons, submit criminal records issued by the state whose citizens, or the state of habitual residence.

An application for a permit for long term residence shall be considered within 14 days of filing. In the legal and factual complexity and the need for submission of additional documents, this period may be extended by a month.


Foreigner who wishes to reside for a long term in the Republic of Bulgaria with the purpose of carrying out a freelancer, may receive long-stay visa or permit for long term residence if it meets the legal requirements for entry and residence and presented to diplomatic and consular representations, respectively to the offices for administrative control of foreigners, the following documents:

1. application form;

2. permission to operate on a freelance basis.

3. Permits to operate a freelance issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.

Foreigners who meet the statutory requirements to carry out the work of freelancers, is exempt from authorization, when provided in an international treaty to which Bulgaria is a party.


Permission for long term residence can receive the foreigners that have a visa and are admitted to regular training in high school, students admitted to the territory of the country for training in the average level of education within the exchange program or as a trainee without pay. A foreigner who has been admitted as a student in the state- member of the European Union, and applies to conduct part of the training course, which is committed, or to complement them with related course in Republic of Bulgaria shall be issued a permit for continuous residence by a period consistent with the duration of lessons.

Long-term status (up to 5 years) is granted to an alien who has resided legally and continuously in Bulgaria within 5 years before applying for settlement of long-term residence. After the acquisition of long-term residence status is permanent, unless they arise grounds for revocation. Periods of residence for diplomatic persons and residents exclusively on temporary grounds such as running programs au pair, seasonal workers, cross-border service providers, employees seconded from the service provider to provide services across borders, or when their residence permit is formally limited, are not accounted for in calculating the period of residence. In calculating the period of residence under par. 1 is reported only half the time of residence of foreigners as students or trainees. Periods of absence from the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria does not interrupt the period referred to, and reported in its calculation, when less than 6 consecutive months and not exceeding a total of 10 months for 5-year period. Provision of long-term resident alien must submit evidence that he has for himself and members of his family with sufficient means of subsistence, without recourse to social assistance system, in an amount not less than minimum wage and minimum pension, and that has a compulsory health insurance or insurance for the duration of residence under the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria. The competent authority of the Ministry of Interior decides on the application to provide long-term resident status within three months of deposit. In the legal and factual complexity and need for submission of additional documents, this period may be extended by two months. A foreigner who has received long-term resident status shall be granted a residence permit long-term resident in the European Union. This authorization is valid for 5 years at its expiration be renewed upon submission of an application. Expiry of residence permit long-term resident in the European Union is not grounds for withdrawal or loss of status. The permission for long-term resident in the European Union issued on the basis of personal application. The permit is issued under Regulation (EC) â 1030/2002 of 13 June 2002 on a uniform format for residence permits for third country nationals. In the "type of permit" noted "long-term resident in the EU". Family members of long-term resident alien can receive permission to stay with one year with possibility for renewal, without exceeding the permitted period of residence of the holder. After 5 years of residence in the Republic of Bulgaria, provided that the husband / wife and children of the age-old resident alien in the country are not authorized for residence reasons other than family reunification, are entitled to own long-term residence permit, regardless of the holder, if there are grounds under the law. In calculating the period of residence of family members of a Blue Card residence in different member states could accumulate under the terms of Blue Card legal status. Upon termination of the marriage the children of long-term resident and the other parent have the right to own a permit for permanent residence if they meet the requirements of the law and when the children are enrolled in the school system of public education or in high school until the school year or until completion of the training course.

Permanent residence permit can receive the foreigners:

1. of Bulgarian origin;

2. five years after the marriage with a resident alien in the country and resided legally and continuously for a period of 5 years territory;

3. minor children of permanent resident alien in the country who are not married;

4. parents of Bulgarian citizens when they provide outstanding support in law and in the case of recognition or adoption - upon expiration of 3 years of affiliation or adoption;

5. invested over leva (BGN) 1 million or increase the investment with this size through the acquisition of:

a) shares in Bulgarian companies traded on a regulated Bulgarian market;

b) treasury bills and bonds and their derivative instruments issued by the state or municipalities, with a remaining maturity of not less than 6 months;

c) ownership of a separate part of the assets of the Bulgarian company with more than 50 percent of state or municipal participation in the capital under the Privatization and Post Privatization Control;

d) units or shares owned by the state or municipalities in Bulgarian companies under the Privatization and Post Privatization Control;

e) Bulgarian intellectual property - subject to copyright and related rights, patent-protected inventions, utility models, trademarks, service marks and industrial designs;

f) rights under the concession agreements of the Republic of Bulgaria;

6. invested the amount in item 5 of the Bulgarian credit institution licensed under a trust with a term of not less than 5 years;

7. invested in the capital of the Bulgarian company whose shares are not traded on a regulated market, an amount not less than 6,000,000 leva (BGN);

8. are not persons of Bulgarian origin, born in Bulgaria, lost their Bulgarian citizenship by expatriation agreements or by their own desire and wish to settle permanently in the country;

9. which until 27 December 1998 have come, reside or were born in the Republic of Bulgaria and whose parent has entered into marriage with a Bulgarian citizen;

10. family members of a Bulgarian citizen, if they have resided continuously in the territory of Bulgaria in the last five years;

11. which until 27 December 1998 have come, stay and have not left the territory of Bulgaria or have been born in Bulgaria and are not recognized as citizens of former Soviet Union republics;

12. operate and are certified by the Law on Investment Promotion;

13. The minor children, born and abandoned by their parent / s - alien / citizen / us, the Republic of Bulgaria, which are placed in institutions or other alternative social services residential as a protection measure;

14. The minor children, abandoned by their parent / s - alien / citizen / us, the Republic of Bulgaria, who are placed in institution or other alternative social services residential as a protection measure.

The Ministry of Interior decides on the application for permanent residence permit within three months of deposit. In the legal and factual complexity and the need for submission of additional documents, this period may be extended by two months. The order of authorization is determined by the regulations implementing the law.


1. Immigration Authority rules

Permission to reside and work in a "Blue Card" can get foreigners a visa and are highly qualified under the Law on Employment Promotion. The residence permit and work type "EU Blue Card" is issued upon authorization by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy within one year, renewed in the presence of grounds for reissuing it. If the duration of the employment contract is less than one year permit is issued for the duration of the contract extended by three months. Family members of a Blue Card holder can receive residence permit valid, appropriate to the period of residence of the holder of the EU Blue Card. For the issuance of residence permits of family members should meet the requirements of the law. The holder of an EU Blue Card issued by another state - member of the European Union, residing in that Member State 18 months may, together with members of his family to reside in Bulgaria for the purposes of highly qualified employment. An application for an EU Blue Card in the Republic of Bulgaria shall be filed not later than one month after the alien enters the country. If the validity of the blue card issued in the first Member State expires during the proceedings on the issue of an EU Blue Card in Bulgaria, the administrative control of foreigners granted temporary residence permit of the alien, giving him pportunity to continue their legal residence in the Republic of Bulgaria, while a decision on his application by the competent authority. Where the holder of the EU Blue Card issued in another Member State, moves to the Republic of Bulgaria and when his family was already constituted in that Member State, members of his family are allowed to accompany or join him. In applying the provisions family members of the holder of the EU Blue Card can be issued temporary residence permit. The holder of an EU Blue Card can receive long-term residence status in Bulgaria, where five years resided legally and continuously the territory of countries - members of the European Union as a Blue Card, which last two years in Bulgaria. That five-year period is not mentioned as 'interrupted' by periods of absence of a blue card holder from the territory of countries - members of the European Union for economic activity as an employed or self employed person to perform a voluntary activity or to study in his country of origin if these periods are shorter than 12 consecutive months and their total duration does not exceed 18 months within the 5-year period. The period of unemployment is not grounds for withdrawal of an EU Blue Card or refusal to extend the residence of its owner when not exceed three consecutive months or when it occurs more than once during the period of validity of the EU Blue Card. The family members of a Blue Card can receive single permit for residence.

2. Employment Agency rules

In the employment of foreigners for the purpose of highly qualified employment is issued a single permit for residence and work type "EU Blue Card" under the provisions of the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria and its implementing rules.

The Employment Agency provides written authorization of highly qualified employment for a Blue Card from the Ministry of Interior . For granting and continuation of the permit, the employer paid a fee of 400 leva. The exercise of skilled employment of foreigners in Bulgaria is in compliance with the Bulgarian labor and social security laws. The holder of an EU Blue Card is equal to the Bulgarian citizens to: 1. services provided from Labour authorities; 2. working conditions, including pay, dismissal, health and safety at work, access conditions, the subordination of obligations and use of social security rights under the law of the European Union and others; 3. access to goods and services, including public; 4. education and vocational training; 5. acquired statutory payments for old age pensions related to income, the amount applicable under the law of the Member State or Member States debtors moving to a third country, without prejudice to existing bilateral agreements; 6. recognition of diploma; 7. recognition of certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications in accordance with the Act on recognition of professional qualifications; 8. freedom of association and affiliation and membership in organizations of employees or employers, as well as vocational and professional organizations, including the provision of such membership privileges, except by law, statute or regulation require Bulgarian citizenship . That rights benefit only the holders of the EU Blue Card and members of their families who are resident in the Republic of Bulgaria. The conditions shall not prevent the imposition of administrative coercive measures under the Aliens Act in Bulgaria. During the first two years of legal employment highly holder of the EU Blue Card can be exercised on the territory of Bulgaria only activities meeting the conditions under which he was awarded the EU Blue Card. During the same period holder of an EU Blue Card can change the employer only after receiving written permission from the Employment Agency. In the event that his or her job, holder of the EU Blue Card has the right within three months and start looking work. To obtain permission on changing employer that circumstance is not under the Employment Agency to propose the withdrawal of the EU Blue Card. That right can be invoked only once within the validity period of the EU Blue Card. In the case of unemployment, the holder of an EU Blue Card should register at the Employment Agency.


A person who is not a Bulgarian citizen may acquire Bulgarian citizenship if the date of filing the application for naturalization:

1. is an adult (more than 18 years);

2. before at least 5 years has received permission for permanent residence in Bulgaria;

3. has not been convicted of premeditated criminal offense by a Bulgarian court against him and not prosecuted for such crime, unless rehabilitated;

4. has income or occupation, which enables him to withstand the Republic of Bulgaria;

5. speak Bulgarian, which establishes a procedure established by the Minister of Education and Science;

6. was released from his present citizenship or will be released from it at the time of acquisition of Bulgarian citizenship.

A person who is not a Bulgarian citizen, meets the above mentioned common requirements and not less than 3 years from the date of filing the application for naturalization is authorized for permanent residence in Bulgaria may acquire Bulgarian citizenship if he meets one of the following requirements:

1. not less than 3 years there is still legally married to a Bulgarian citizen;

2. was born in Bulgaria;

3. residence permit was received prior to 18 age;

A person granted refugee status or asylum before no less than three years from the date of filing the application for naturalization may acquire Bulgarian citizenship if he meets the above mentioned common requirements 1, 3, 4 and 5.
A person granted humanitarian status before not less than five years from the date of filing the application for naturalization may acquire Bulgarian citizenship if he meets the conditions of the above mentioned common requirements.
Stateless person can acquire Bulgarian citizenship if he meets the requirements of the above mentioned common requirements 1, 3, 4 and 5 and not less than three years of the date of filing the application for naturalization has a permanent residence in Bulgaria.

A person who is not a Bulgarian citizen may acquire Bulgarian citizenship through naturalization, without the conditions of the above mentioned common requirements 2, 4, 5 and 6 if it meets one of the following additional requirements: 1. is of Bulgarian origin; 2. adopted by a Bulgarian citizen in terms of full adoption; 3. one of his parents is Bulgarian citizen or has died as a Bulgarian citizen.

In proceedings for acquiring Bulgarian citizenship by naturalization, the application for acquisition of Bulgarian citizenship shall be submitted and Bulgarian origin certificate issued by the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad. The certificate shall specify the data on which is established Bulgarian origin. The certificate in that case shall be issued within a month.

A person who is not a Bulgarian citizen may acquire Bulgarian citizenship, without any conditions of the above mentioned common requirements, if the Republic of Bulgaria has an interest in naturalization, or if the person has special merits to the Republic of Bulgaria in public and economic sphere, in science, technology, culture and sport.
Children under 14 years of age shall acquire Bulgarian citizenship if their parents or living or accept Bulgarian citizenship if only one of their parents do so if the other is a Bulgarian citizen. Under the same conditions of children 14 - to 18-years of age shall acquire Bulgarian citizenship if they so wish. Children up to age 14, of which only one parent is a Bulgarian citizen, if they do not have Bulgarian citizenship may become Bulgarian citizens, without any conditions of the above mentioned common requirements if both parents or surviving them give written consent. Not require the consent of a parent who is deprived of parental rights. Under the same conditions can acquire Bulgarian citizenship and children from 14 to 18 years if they so wish. On the same conditions the person can acquire Bulgarian citizenship and persons adopted by a Bulgarian citizen in terms of full adoption.

Application of a person who meets the conditions for acquiring Bulgarian citizenship by naturalization shall be rejected in view of his behavior, there are serious reasons to believe that the applicant poses a threat to public order, public morality, public health or national security.


For the foreigners entered the country on one ground It is forbidden to extend the periods of residence on other grounds, except when public interest so requires and in exceptional circumstances. The term residence of foreigners may be extended at most 6 months before the expiry of the national travel documents. For the authorization for continued long-term or permanent residence, the national travel document of the alien shall be valid for no less than six months from the date of application for a residence permit. A foreigner whose travel document or replacement document is lost or destroyed, shall immediately inform the administrative control of foreigners. Foreigners with allowed long-term (5 years permit) or permanent residence in Bulgaria, and family members of an alien granted long-term residence may commence work under the procedure established for the Bulgarian citizens. The foreigners staying long (1 year permit) or short in the Republic of Bulgaria, can work in an employed or seconded parties only after obtaining a permit or registration by the Ministry of Labour and social Policy. The foreigners received a work permit or registration may perform work only for the employer or for the resident and for the period determined by the work permit or registration. Every foreigner must leave the country till the expiry of his stay. Foreigners may leave the Republic of Bulgaria in designated areas based on travel documents and other substitute documents, entitling them to leave the country. A foreigner can not leave the country if it has taken against thecompulsory administrative measure for leaving. A foreigner who has long term (1 year) residence permit may leave the country and returned without a visa until the expiry of time allowed to stay. A foreigner who has a long-term (5 years) or permanent residence can enter and leave the country without a visa.

For the purposes of the Law for the foreigners:

"family reunification" is the entry and residence in a Member State of family members of a foreigner residing lawfully in that Member State in order to preserve the family unit, whether family relationship arose before or after entry of that person.

"first Member State" means the Member State which provided the first long-term resident status, or Member State which first granted 'EU Blue Card "to the foreigner.

"second Member State" means any Member State other than the first Member State.

"EU Blue Card" is authorized by the words "EU Blue Card" which entitles the holder to reside and work in a State - State of the European Union for highly qualified employment.

"Systematic violation" exists when a period of one year foreigner has committed more than two offenses.

"Valid document for travel abroad or other substituting document" is the one issued by the legal order of the country, which can be affixed visa, which entitlesalien to return to the country from which, in the country of origin or a third country, the photo in it permits identification of its holder, does not contain corrections, deletions, deletions, additions etc. in the data, no evidence of replacement picture , the seals are clear, the image of the picture coincides with the image of the holder and the term of validity has not expired.

"residence permit" means any residence permit issued by the Ministry of Interior in accordance with the uniform format laid down by Regulation (EC) â 1030/2002 of Council of 13 June 2002 laying down a uniform format for residence permits for third country nationals.

The "Undocumented Alien" is a foreigner - a third country, which is located on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria does not meet or no longer To qualify for stay or residence.

"Expulsion" is a forced removal in a short time a foreigner outside the country because of violations or lack of reasons to stay in it.

"voluntary departure" is the fulfillment of the obligation to return the alien within the period specified for that purpose in order for imposing compulsory administrative measure.

"Vulnerable persons" are minors, unaccompanied minors, disabled, elderly, pregnant women, single parents with minor children and persons who were subjected to torture, rape or other serious forms of mental, physical or sexual violence.

"Services for administrative control of foreigners" are normatively determined state bodies which have powers under this Act.

"Person of Bulgarian origin" is a person of whom at least one ascending is Bulgarian.

"Exceptional circumstances" are spontaneous and natural disasters, accidents, accidents, robbery and circumstances that led to the implementation of emergency medical assistance and other events occurring at the will of the foreigner, he could not foresee or prevent.

"European Economic Area" means an economic community, which includes the countries - members of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

"School" is a general educational institution under the laws of the State in which the student resides.

The "Free-lance activity" is any business activity, carried out in personal quality without commitment to an employer.

'De facto cohabitation" occurs when individuals live in a household and live common-law partner.

We do our best to provide accurate and up to date information. However, if you have noticed any inaccuracies in this article, please let us know in the comments section below.

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  • germainchar
    germainchar12 years ago(Modified)
    If you are on a visa "C" (short-term 3 months) - (for a Canadian you don\'t need documents, as a stamp in the airport in your visa) - You can actually work with this? So what happens after? what do you do if the company wants you to continue or they want you to apply right from the start for long-term work - what ever the words may be... just to remain longer under their company(longer than 3 months) What then? Also, is this article still valid? I see it says : Long-stay visa valid for up to 6 months with a right of residence to 180 days issued to a foreigner who wishes to establish long-term, long term or permanently in Bulgaria. Can this be detailed some more? I find it very vague. Does this mean anyone can just apply ?

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All of Bulgaria's guide articles