
Working in France

Trouver un emploi en France
Updated byAsaël Häzaqon 23 July 2024

For several years, France has been grappling with high unemployment rates. This issue not only impacts the country's economic health but also limits job prospects for foreigners unless they are from the European Union (EU) or possess the required work authorization for France. Finding employment in low-skilled or semi-skilled sectors can be quite challenging. However, opportunities are more abundant for highly qualified individuals and foreign staff proficient in multiple languages.

The French labour market

As far as expatriates are concerned, the French labor market can basically be broken down into two segments: highly skilled individuals and less skilled employees. The high unemployment rates frequently mentioned in the media mostly apply to the less qualified segments and, strikingly, to the youth. Your chances of securing a job in France are, therefore, more realistic if you hold highly reputable academic qualifications coupled with international experience. Also, consider getting a free CV review at TopCV.

The international footprint of French companies is such that they require a workforce that has knowledge of international business practices as well as foreign languages. Thus, if you speak other languages as well as French, you can drastically increase your chances of securing employment in France. In terms of cities, Paris will often seem a natural choice for expatriates. However, in certain industries, hubs and hotspots are sometimes far beyond the City of Lights. For example, aviation professionals are in high demand in Toulouse as well as Bordeaux.

The most promising fields in France

Some of the most promising fields in France include the automotive industry (including the automotive spare parts industry), digital technologies, information and communication technologies, trade and commerce, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, and professional services, to name a few. In general, qualifications from countries other than France are recognized relatively easily, especially if you have studied at a university of international repute.

Nationals from the European Union, the European Economic Area, Switzerland and Croatia

You can stay for 6 months in France to look for a job there. This period can also be extended if you actively pursue your job search and have a realistic chance of securing employment in the country based on the qualifications you hold. Otherwise, you will be required to leave the country at the end of the six-month period.

It is highly advisable that you register at the public employment agency (Pole Emploi) nearest to your place of residence. Once registered, you will be eligible for an unemployment allowance if you have worked in the EEA previously, based on the periods of unemployment insurance accumulated through your previous jobs. Note that you must have started a professional activity in France before your employment history in the EEA can be considered. Pole Emploi also provides a list of vacancies and supports job seekers.

Nationals from other countries

Foreign nationals from outside the EU, EEA, and Switzerland need to apply for a work permit and a residence permit to work in France. For further details on the specific paperwork required, please consult our section on visas.

Companies seeking to recruit foreign nationals need to prove that the prospective candidate is ideal for the specific position being offered and that the skills required were not available in the European Economic Area. In general, the process for securing the necessary paperwork and authorizations is quite long, so be ready to wait many months before the process is finalized. In general, work permits are delivered on a yearly basis. If you are employed on a long-stay visa, you will be required to attend integration sessions held by the French Immigration and Integration Office (OFII).

If you do not wish to work in a company, you may opt to become a migrant worker (to be able to travel regularly from and to France), an au pair, or even opt for the tourism sector or language teaching. However, keep in mind that the process of securing paperwork for these professions can be particularly stringent.

Useful links:

Pôle Emploi
Monster France
APEC ' Emploi cadres
The Local

We do our best to provide accurate and up to date information. However, if you have noticed any inaccuracies in this article, please let us know in the comments section below.


I'm the holder of a Master's degree in Law - Political Science as well as a diploma from the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N2, and have worked as a communications officer. I have over 10 years' experience as a web copywriter.


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    Jobboard_Finder8 years ago(Modified)
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