Standard job-hunting procedure in GlasgowMost companies in Glasgow will advertise job positions when they become available. There are many websites used by companies to post adverts for jobs, some of the most popular being Indeed, CV Library and Totaljobs. These websites cover the whole of the UK, but all have a search function allowing you to find jobs specifically in Glasgow. Myjobscotland exclusively hosts Scottish job adverts. Companies may not post adverts on all of these websites, so it is probably best that you look at a few of them to ensure you do not miss opportunities. Read also Developing a professional network in Glasgow CV and job interviews in GlasgowApplicants then respond to an advert by sending in their CV (or resume as it is also known) and cover letter, explaining why they are the right candidate for the job. CVs and cover letters in Glasgow are similar to those anywhere else in the world, but following advice from Jobs and Business Glasgow is perhaps the best way to give your CV what it needs to impress local employers. CVs should be kept short and adjusted to fit each role you are applying to. Companies do not like to be sent a CV or cover letter that could have been used to apply to any job. Cover letters should be uniquely tailored to each position, expressing personal interest in the company.Something worth noting about CVs in the UK is that most employers advise against using a photo of yourself on your CV. This is to discourage biases based on the appearance of a candidate. However, if you are applying to be something like a model or actor, using a photo is entirely appropriate. On your CV you should also make clear what kind of UK work visa (or permit) you have or are expecting to get. Details about when it expires should also be provided. Read also The work culture in Glasgow After a certain deadline (usually a month or two after the job is advertised), the company will select the top candidates. This is called 'shortlisting'. Anyone who is shortlisted will be invited to an interview, which is the final stage of the hiring process.Most interviews in Glasgow take place in person, with one interviewer and one candidate. Online video interviews may be arranged if you are not located in Glasgow. Depending on the type of interview, the tone of the conversation can vary. Group interviews, where there are many applicants and one or two interviewers, are often casual in tone. Interviews where you are the only candidate tend to be formal. Read also The labour market in Glasgow The University of Glasgow has many resources about how to answer interview questions, and what kind of questions you may be asked. Remember to follow local etiquette, which is as simple as giving a firm handshake upon meeting your interviewers.Other ways to get a job in GlasgowIf you really like a company, but they have no vacancies advertised, it is worth expressing interest anyway. Find an email address for enquiries and send your CV to someone at the company or go to the company building with a printed CV and see if you can talk to a manager about joining their workforce. They probably won't offer you a job on the spot but might give you important information about when they are next expecting to have job vacancies. If they keep your CV on file, they will be sure to consider you for future positions. Read also Setting up a business in Scotland Recruitment agencies can help you find work. First People Solutions, allstaff and blueArrow all have branches in Glasgow, as well as useful websites.Job opportunities can also be discovered through networking - either online or in-person.