Study in Spain

Study in Spain
Updated by Anne-Lise Mty on 30 July, 2023

Opportunities to work towards your qualifications, expand your horizons, form lifelong connections and learn one of the most spoken languages in the world are among the top reasons to study in Spain. The country provides high-quality education with around 80 universities as well as technical, polytechnic, engineering and business schools.

Degrees in Spain's universities cover many subjects that can be broadly divided into the following five groups:

  • Sciences; 
  • Engineering and technology;
  • Health sciences;
  • Social sciences and law;
  • Arts and humanities.

The universities in Spain offer graduate degrees, master's and doctorate courses, while higher technical engineering and architecture schools provide long-term technical courses leading to Técnico Superior qualifications.

No matter what type of higher education you are looking for, you will find it in Spain.

Spain: A top choice for international students

One of the main reasons Spain attracts students from all over the world is its distinguished universities and colleges. The high-quality education system offers a range of academic programs and courses in various disciplines. Whether you're interested in business, medicine, engineering, or humanities, Spain provides top-notch education with experienced professors and cutting-edge facilities.

The country's diverse and captivating culture is another major draw for students. From the historical cities of Madrid and Barcelona to the picturesque coastal towns, Spain offers a unique blend of tradition and contemporary life. Students can immerse themselves in the Spanish language, art, music, and cuisine, enhancing their cultural understanding and global outlook. Moreover, Spain's lively festivals, nightlife, and warm climate help create an exciting social atmosphere, making it an attractive destination for young individuals seeking a memorable and enjoyable university experience.

Another advantage of studying in Spain is its affordable cost of living compared to other European countries. Students can find reasonably priced accommodation, meals, and transportation, allowing them to manage their expenses effectively. Additionally, there are numerous scholarships and financial aid programs from the government, universities and other organizations, making higher education more accessible and affordable for international students in Spain.

Good to know:

According to the QS World University Rankings, the best universities in Spain are the Autonomous University of Barcelona, University of Barcelona, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Complutense University of Madrid, Pompeu Fabra University and the University of Navarra.

The most popular university courses can vary based on several factors, such as demand in the job market, student preferences and societal trends. However, some traditionally popular courses include medicine and health sciences, engineering, business administration and economics, law, education, tourism and psychology.

The Credit System in Spain

Official degrees in Spain follow the Bologna ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). It is designed to make degree programs and student performance more transparent and comparable across every country that is a member of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This means that students from EHEA countries can study abroad, and their degrees will be accepted throughout the EHEA.

Students in Spain are rewarded credits by completing a module, seminar or course. Each credit represents the workload a student accomplished in a period of time. The credits can be accumulated and transferred. 

Credits per degree type

Examples of credits per degree type are:

  • 1 year of academic studies: 60 ECTS credits;
  • 3-year bachelor's program: 180 ECTS credits;
  • 4-year bachelor program: 240 ECTS credits;
  • 2-year master's program: 120 ECTS credits.

Advantages of ECTS credits 

Less differentiation between local and international students.

You can study for a bachelor's degree in one EHEA country and for a master's in another.

Degrees have the same number of credits, no matter the course.

If you drop out of a program, credits help to prove your academic achievements.

Good to know:

You will have to apply directly to your chosen university because Spain has no centralized system.

University fees in Spain

The cost of university education in Spain depends on several factors, such as whether you study in a public or private institution, the degree program, the location of the university and the number of credits per program. Typically, costs are much higher in private institutions than they are in public ones.

University tuition fees in Spain are calculated based on the pay-per-credit format, which makes fees variable. 

The average cost for undergraduates is:

  • €12.50 - €30 per credit for the first enrolment;
  • €25 - €54 per credit for the second enrolment;
  • €52 - €100 per credit for the third enrolment.

As you can see, tuition fees increase if you withdraw from a degree program and enroll for a second or third time.

Sample costs for a 3-year bachelor's degree with a cost of €20 per credit:

Each year is worth 60 credits, so one year costs 60 x €20 = €1,200

Three years costs 3 x €1,200 = €3,600

The average cost for a master's degree in Spain is €16 - €45 per credit and usually has 60 ECTS credits per year. Sample costs for a two-year master's program with a cost of €30 per credit are:

Year 1: 60 x €30 = €1,800

Year 2: 60 x €30 = €1,800

Total cost = €3,600

The average cost of a Ph.D. credit in Spain can go up to €55 per credit. Students are required to attend lectures, courses, and other academic activities during the first year, which is worth 60 credits. Sample costs for this first year with a cost of €50 per credit is €3,000 (60 x €50). During subsequent years, students concentrate on research and thesis writing and have to pay training and research fees, which cost several hundred euros.

Private universities' fees can range from 3,000 to 4,000 euros per year up to around 20,000 euros.

Other costs of living in Spain as a student

Studying abroad in Spain comes with many other expenses. They include:

  • Visa fees
  • Rent
  • Utilities
  • Books and supplies
  • Food
  • Leisure activities
  • Transportation
  • Healthcare
  • Internet/mobile phone

Admission requirements for universities in Spain

Each university in Spain sets its entry requirements, and you may have to get your qualifications validated first. You may also have to take an entrance exam. Check with your higher education institution if specific exams are required for the program you're applying for.

The student visa in Spain

Whether or not you need a student visa depends on which country you come from.

If you're from the EU/EEA/Switzerland, you don't need a visa to study at a university in Spain. However, if your stay in the country will be longer than 90 days, you will need to apply for a residence permit or a Foreigner Identity Card (TIE) within 30 days of arrival. You can do this at your nearest Foreigners' Office (Oficina de Extranjeros).

If you're from outside of the European Union, you will need to apply for a visa at the Spanish embassy or consulate that's closest to where you live in your home country. You do this only after you've been accepted onto a course.

Formalities for EU-EEA nationals

EU-EEA citizens and those from Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland can easily move to Spain without undergoing too many formalities. European students are exempt from university entry tests provided they comply with basic entry requirements (they are holders of the European Baccalaureate Certificate or equivalent qualification). 

EU-EEA citizens can also benefit from the Erasmus program in Spain. This is a student exchange program designed for students of the EEA-EU (plus Turkey) wishing to study in another EU-EEA country. Diplomas and degrees obtained abroad in the framework of the Erasmus program are valid in your home country via the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. Erasmus grants are also available to students who study in another European state via the program.

You can find more information about the Erasmus program and Erasmus grants at universities in your home country or by visiting the European Commission website and the Erasmus website.

Good to know:

Following Brexit, UK citizens no longer participate in the Erasmus program. So the UK launched the Turing Scheme, a global program for studying, working and living abroad. It is named after the British mathematician Alan Turing and provides funding for thousands of students.

Formalities for Non-EU/EEA nationals

If you are a non-EU/EEA country student, you will have to take your chosen university's entrance exam. You will also need to apply for a student visa from the Spanish embassy or consulate in your home country. There are two types: The short-term visa is for three to six months, while the long-term visa is for more than six months. 

The visa application procedures can take time, so it's recommended you book your embassy/consulate appointment at least a couple of months before you intend to come to Spain.

To make an application, you will need the following documents:

  • A passport that is valid for at least six months after your scheduled return date;
  • Two recently taken passport-sized photographs;
  • Proof of enrolment in a Spanish school or university;
  • Certificates of study courses you have completed;
  • A doctor-signed medical certificate (required if you intend to study in Spain for more than six months);
  • A criminal records check from the place where you have lived for the past five years. This is not a requirement for students under the age of 18;
  • Proof of health insurance;
  • Parental authorization/permission for students under the age of 18.

Once in Spain, you will have 90 days to apply for a student resident permit that is valid for the duration of your studies. To get one, go to the nearest police station with your student visa. This will let you apply for the TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad para Extranjeros), the foreigner identification card demonstrating your legal right to stay in the country.


Make sure you have the correct visa. Don't enter Spain on a short-stay tourist visa on the assumption you can apply for a student visa at a later time. You will most likely have to return to your home country to apply from there.

Student accommodation in Spain

Universities tend to provide residence halls and student apartments. Prices vary from city to city. Other options include renting a property near your university or flat sharing with colleagues. Major cities such as Madrid and Barcelona are generally more expensive than other locations.

There are many accommodation options in Spain, so it's a good idea to do your research as early as possible and weigh up your options before deciding. Among the useful websites where you can search for student accommodation in Spain are:

To support your lifestyle, you can work up to 30 hours per week under your student visa.

Practical tips and advice for expat students coming to Spain

Here are some valuable pieces of advice to help you make the most of your time while studying in Spain:

Practice Spanish - do this as often as you can. Even if you're enrolled in an English-taught program, take the opportunity to learn one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Practice when you buy groceries and go out for meals. Watch Spanish TV, listen to Spanish music, and talk to locals.

Enjoy a good study/life balance - find a good balance between sticking to your studies and enjoying life in your new country. Schedule time off for weekend trips and to explore your town/city and surroundings.

Learn how to save money - as an expat student, you will probably be on a tight budget, so you'll have to manage your finances well. Get into the habit of planning a weekly or monthly budget.

Finding accommodation - although nothing stops you from arranging your accommodation in your home country, it's better to visit places in person. Therefore, when you arrive in Spain, check into a hostel for a few days while you look for a more permanent roof over your head.

Meet Spanish people - it is easy and comfortable to stay inside a bubble of people from your country, but to do so is to miss out on making a connection with Spain. Your student life will be a lot richer if you include Spanish people in your social circles. An easy way to meet locals is to live with them. Your university may have a homestay option where you can live with a Spanish family, although this may not appeal to every student.

Another way is to continue with the same interests you enjoy in your home country and find a Spanish parallel. For example, join a local walking group if you love to hike. The same applies to other hobbies such as cooking, yoga and dancing; look for Spanish groups near you.

Take advantage of freebies and student discounts - Spain is a popular destination for international students, but it is not always the most budget-friendly place. Therefore, when visiting museums, galleries, or other popular attractions, check their websites to see if they have free days or heavily discounted student rates. Your university may also host several free events throughout the year. Keep an eye out for them.

Check COVID-19 measures - Although the situation has improved in Spain and face masks no longer have to be worn publicly, it's still worth checking the latest information on the Ministry of Health's webpage.

Useful links:

Ministry of Education and Vocational Training



Turing Scheme

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