
How to get 1st Iqama for your Family- Latest procedure 2017

Written byFaraz048on 26 January 2017
Updated on 27 January 2017

Hi Guys,

Today i got Iqama for my wife. I am sharing my experience, it may help you if you are going to apply for first Iqama for your family.

Documents Requirements:

1-IQama Form. Can get online and filled it with help of Arabic friend. Attached 02 pics of your wife and get it stamped one of them from your company. There is also other place on form where you need company stamp in front of your Details. (as a sponsor). Put your details as a sponsor not company as your will be Kafeel of your family. Pics in white back ground.

2- Family Passport Copy. ( Take original passport also)

3-Family Visa page copy

4-Your Iqama copy. (Take Original also)

5-Medical Clearance copy (Take original also)

Location for Riyadh:

I was told to go in Jawazat office on King Fahad Road. But they are not issuing Iqamas, they refereed me to go in Azizia Branch. This branch is located in side of Saptaco Bus Station. You need to go there and show your documents, with in 05 minutes they will issue IQAMA. Check details on iqama, it anything wrong you can ask them to print again with correction


No Fees

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  • Rajeshomr
    Rajeshomr5 years ago(Modified)
    What is the dependent iqama and visa fee now
  • goldbird
    goldbird5 years ago(Modified)
    you didn't pay any fee for iqama?
  • speedygonz
    speedygonz6 years ago(Modified)
    my wife is on vist visa and she is expecting. i want to apply for permanent visa so is it necessary for her to exit n reenter. as. her health not permit her to fly.
  • Jepjenggo
    Jepjenggo6 years ago(Modified)
    Hi Faraz, upon iqama issuance do we need to buy medical insurance for our family before we apply for the iqama?
  • Ahsanazeem
    Ahsanazeem6 years ago(Modified)
    I got iqama for my family last week. Here is my experience. I went to Al rimal dist jawazat office. Timing is day and evening till 10 PM. I went around maghrab. The officer checked the documents and put xyz amount based on my iqama expiry date; yes that is dependent fee till expiry of my iqama. You have to submit this fee before he hands you over the iqama. That fee can be paid via saddad; which is located in the same building. They will charge you some extra money like 100 Sar. You can also pay this amount via your bank account under Govt. services, allien controll, pay dependent fee for specifc dependent. Put border Number, your Iqama ID and expiry data of your iqama. Make sure the amout officer wrote and in bank page is the same. After a while go to the officer and hand him the documents he will give you the iqama in 5 minutes.
  • arashid
    arashid6 years ago(Modified)
    My family came recently to Riyadh KSA on new permanent visa. My HR applied for their IQAMA and I am being asked by Jawazat to pay dependent fee even for the first Iqama (new). Do we really need to pay dependent fee even for newly arrived dependents? Please help
  • waqas509
    waqas5096 years ago(Modified)
    Sir my friend new her Saudia before 3 month here no contact kafeel passport and kafeel I'd available I am contact kafeel pls help
  • roopesh91
    roopesh917 years ago(Modified)
    Hi all, I'd like to update everyone on my experience in getting my wife's new Iqama issued today. She had landed on the family visa a few days ago, The above thread was helpful in getting the documents in order. 1. I tried paying the Iqama issuance fee, 500 SAR through my bank with her Border Number. It was debited from my account but was not shown on my Abhser Available funds even after 48hours and so was not able to proceed with Iqama issuance process on Abhser even though her details were shown as my sponsoree. 2. I had my company HR upload my Wife's details for addition and issuance of Medical Insurance. 3. I carried the Iqama issuance form, with one Picture stamped by company in two places with all the relevant data filled in arabic. 4. Also carried the original medical test report even though I received a notification saying it was updated in the government system. 5. I also attached her Passport copy, her visa page copy, my iqama copy and a copy of the medical report. 6. I went to the Passport office on the first floor inside the SAPTCO, Aziziyah. Be careful to park properly in the nearby areas either near NESTO or on the opposite street and walk a short distance. Muroor are ready to snap pictures of your vehicles to fine you for wrong parking. 7. I had the taken the token inside the office and waited my turn. Went to one of the two available officers who took the application form and the copies in addition to my iqama. 8. He then entered my details onto the system and wrote 510SAR on the sheet and asked me to pay the same downstairs and come back to him. There was a passport services booth who i believe are agents who pay for additional commision. I was asked 510 30 SAR to complete the payment. 9. After payment, I proceeded back to the upstairs office, submitted my documents again and received my wife's iqama in 10 minutes. Overall, I wasn't familiar of the 510 SAR payment as i couldn't find the same on my Bank page. Everywhere I had read that there is no payment required for the issuance of iqama but I was asked to pay 510 SAR to proceed, Any idea if this is a newly implemented fee? Thanks.
  • Zohaib Gulzar Qureshi
    Zohaib Gulzar Qureshi7 years ago(Modified)
    Dear Shababs, i need help about to get 1st Iqamah of my wife, actually i applied already with the jawazat form but there is an issue, medical insurance not updated on their system, thats why they reject my application, what should i do now?
  • Mumtazkhan99
    Mumtazkhan997 years ago(Modified)
    Dear friends i need your kind help, my family already reached i also submit a app form for my family insurance to my company HR they sign and stamped, i also did family medical test but only worried, should i go to jawazat to get my iqama or need to wait for some confirmation, your kind help and advise will be highly appreciated.

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