Of course, not everyone will become your best friend or even a friend, but it's important to maintain a certain level of friendliness and communication in Toronto. It's essential to preserve the chemistry between you and others to take advantage of your network. You've moved to Toronto to break out of your comfort zone and eventually build a professional network that sets the stage for a successful career. To succeed in networking, make sure to abide by some unwritten rules. Aim to not only connect professionally but also win over a few as friends and surround yourself with individuals who'll have your back when things don't go smoothly. Be friendly and open-minded Making friends without being friendly doesn't add up. If you're not open to networking, if you're not ready to engage with people and be patient, the reality is you might not find success. So, mentally prepare yourself to meet new people regularly and befriend those who may be different from you. Explore places aligned with your interests, like gyms or art classes, to make the process more enjoyable. Read also Outdoor recreation in Toronto Return calls and messages If you're thinking about expanding your network, you also need to make sure you return calls, emails, or network messages. If you have a missed call, call the person back as soon as possible and apologize. Be courteous and avoid conflict Politeness plays a crucial role in building relationships. Torontonians value good manners over smooth talk. If you want to make friends in Toronto, being courteous is essential. Show respect, maintain peaceful relationships with everyone, and, if you can, go the extra mile to help others. Be sincere Your "yes" has to be a real "yes" so that people can trust you. If you're judged a liar, you can lose your friends one by one. Be honest with your friends, and never make a promise you can't keep. Be helpful Do your best to help others, including the people you've just met. Volunteer and show compassion to the sick and downtrodden, and be kind in your statements. Read also Work culture in Toronto Be sympathetic Engaging in discussions not only allows you to express your knowledge and opinions but can also lead to disagreements and ongoing animosity. Pay attention to others' points of view. Whether you agree or not, communicate in a non-offensive manner. Accept that you can't always be right. Even if you are correct and someone disagrees, try to keep the conversation as brief as possible. How to apologize If you're wrong, admit it. Apologize and move on. Don't hold grudges or let anyone feel resentful towards you. Try to resolve conflicts as quickly as possible. Pay off your debts If you owe someone money, make sure to settle your debts – good accounts make good friends! If someone has taken the time to visit you at home or work, consider returning the favor. When someone responds to your invitation, make an effort to do the same. If you've been called, think about returning the call the next day or shortly after. Likewise, if someone invites you to lunch, propose having lunch the following day, and don't forget about text messages or birthday wishes on social media – return the favor. It's a simple way to make others appreciate you more. Useful links: How to build a professional network from scratch Building and maintaining a professional network Facebook Group - Toronto Network community