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152 properties found in Ouagadougou

Ouagadougou ؋ 14,000,000 Land for sale in the southern extension of Ouaga 2000 ؋ 14,000,000 Land for sale last month
Ouagadougou ؋ 25,000,000 / Negotiable Land for sale in nioko2 cité socogib ؋ 25,000,000 / Negotiable Land for sale last month
Ouagadougou Fr 750,000 per month / Negotiable A luxury villa for rent in the Bois area Fr 750,000 per month / Negotiable House for rent, 3 bedrooms, 800m2 last month
Ouagadougou Fr 1,000,000 per month / Negotiable 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT OUAGA 2000 ZONE C (150 m from OLA station) Fr 1,000,000 per month / Negotiable Flat for rent, 3 bedrooms, 300m2 last month
Ouagadougou ؋ 1,200,000 / Negotiable Land for sale at the Zad ؋ 1,200,000 / Negotiable Land for sale last month
Ouagadougou Fr 195,000,000 / Negotiable Land for sale in Ouaga 2000 Fr 195,000,000 / Negotiable Land for sale last month
Ouagadougou Fr 140,000,000 / Negotiable Villa for sale in azimo Ouaga 2000 Fr 140,000,000 / Negotiable House for sale, 4 bedrooms last month
Ouagadougou ؋ 280,000,000 / Negotiable Land for sale in Ouaga 2000 zone A ؋ 280,000,000 / Negotiable Land for sale last month
Ouagadougou Fr 500,000 per month A high standard furnished villa for rent in the Bois zone Fr 500,000 per month House for rent, 3 bedrooms, 450m2 last month
Ouagadougou Fr 650,000 per month / Negotiable A furnished villa for rent in the Bois zone Fr 650,000 per month / Negotiable House for rent, 3 bedrooms, 625m2 last month
Ouagadougou Fr 700,000 per month A high standing villa with swimming pool for rent in the Bois area Fr 700,000 per month House for rent, 3 bedrooms, 800m2 last month
Burkina Faso Fr 1,600,000,000 / Negotiable 19ha for sale near Saaba Fr 1,600,000,000 / Negotiable Land for sale last month
Ouagadougou Fr 1 per month / Negotiable Air-conditioned and furnished villa azimmo ouaga 2000 Fr 1 per month / Negotiable House for rent, 4 bedrooms, 400m2 last month
Ouagadougou ؋ 2,000,000 per month Duplex for rent in Ouaga 2000 zone A ؋ 2,000,000 per month House for rent, 5 bedrooms last month
Ouagadougou Fr 600,000,000 / Negotiable Commercial duplex and housing for sale in Ouaga 2000 Fr 600,000,000 / Negotiable House for sale, 7 bedrooms last month
Ouagadougou ؋ 750,000,000 / Negotiable Duplex for sale in Petit Paris ؋ 750,000,000 / Negotiable House for sale, 11 bedrooms last month
Ouagadougou Fr 140,000,000 / Negotiable Land for sale at the southern extension Ouaga 2000 Fr 140,000,000 / Negotiable Land for sale 2 months ago
Ouagadougou Fr 700,000 per month A high standing villa with swimming pool for rent in the Bois area Fr 700,000 per month House for rent, 3 bedrooms, 900m2 2 months ago
Ouagadougou Fr 1,000,000 per month / Negotiable A high standing villa with swimming pool for rent in the Bois area Fr 1,000,000 per month / Negotiable House for rent, 3 bedrooms, 900m2 2 months ago
Ouagadougou Fr 230,000,000 Villa for sale in Petit Paris Fr 230,000,000 House for sale, 4 bedrooms 2 months ago

Houses around Ouagadougou

Building for rent 5 Housing ads
Flat for rent 7 Housing ads
Flat for sale 1 Housing ad
House for rent 64 Housing ads
House for sale 21 Housing ads
Hotel for sale 1 Housing ad
Land for sale 50 Housing ads
Office for rent 1 Housing ad
Storage space for rent 1 Housing ad
Vacation house rental 1 Housing ad
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