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90 properties found in Kinshasa

Kinshasa FC 120 per day / Negotiable 2 bedroom furnished apartment for short stay in Kinshasa-Gombe FC 120 per day / Negotiable Flat for rent Yesterday
Kinshasa FC 2,000 per month 2 bedroom apartment for rent in Kinshasa-Gombe FC 2,000 per month Flat for rent, 2 bedrooms 6 days ago
Kinshasa FC 1,500 per month Modern 1 bedroom apartment for rent in Kinshasa-Gombe FC 1,500 per month Flat for rent, 1 bedroom 6 days ago
Kinshasa $ 450,000 / Negotiable Plot - Okapi Weather District $ 450,000 / Negotiable Land for sale, 3 bedrooms 4 weeks ago
Kinshasa $ 1,500 per month Furnished apartment - High command district $ 1,500 per month Flat for rent, 1 bedroom 4 weeks ago
Kinshasa $ 400,000 / Negotiable Plot - Okapi Weather District $ 400,000 / Negotiable House for sale, 4 bedrooms last month
Democratic Republic of Congo FC 479,999 / Negotiable For sale: Modern apartment in Gombe - $479,999 (without furniture) / ... FC 479,999 / Negotiable Flat for sale, 2 bedrooms last month
Kinshasa $ 1,400 per month / Negotiable Villa - Cité Maman Mobutu $ 1,400 per month / Negotiable House for rent, 3 bedrooms last month
Kinshasa $ 400,000 / Negotiable Unfinished Building - Adoula District $ 400,000 / Negotiable Building for sale last month
Kinshasa $ 450,000 / Negotiable Plot of 360 m2 - Adoula district $ 450,000 / Negotiable Land for sale last month
Kinshasa $ 50 per day Vacation rental T6 - GB district $ 50 per day Vacation flat rental, 5 bedrooms last month
Kinshasa $ 2,500 per month Vacation rental T3 - Sur Colonel Mondjiba $ 2,500 per month Vacation flat rental, 2 bedrooms last month
Kinshasa $ 1,500 per month Vacation rental T2 - GB district $ 1,500 per month Vacation flat rental, 1 bedroom last month
Kinshasa $ 1,200 per month Furnished studio - Golf district $ 1,200 per month Flat for rent, 1 bedroom, 30m2 last month
Kinshasa $ 120 per day / Negotiable 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN KINSHASA GOMBE $ 120 per day / Negotiable Flat for rent, 2 bedrooms 2 months ago
Kinshasa $ 200 per day / Negotiable 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT - FOR RENT IN KINSHASA-GOMBE $ 200 per day / Negotiable Flat for rent 2 months ago
Kinshasa $ 450,000 / Negotiable Land (mortally) - Basoko district $ 450,000 / Negotiable Land for sale 2 months ago
Kinshasa $ 50 per day Holiday rental - Itimbiri district $ 50 per day Vacation flat rental, 1 bedroom 2 months ago
Kinshasa $ 220 per day Vacation rental - High Command District $ 220 per day Vacation flat rental, 2 bedrooms 2 months ago
Kinshasa $ 2,100 per month Vacation rental - GB district $ 2,100 per month Vacation flat rental, 2 bedrooms 2 months ago

Houses around Kinshasa

Building for sale 3 Housing ads
Flat for sale 2 Housing ads
Flat for rent 52 Housing ads
House for rent 5 Housing ads
House for sale 8 Housing ads
Land for sale 7 Housing ads
Office for rent 2 Housing ads
Room for rent 1 Housing ad
Vacation flat rental 8 Housing ads
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