Repair computers / Repair computers
My job is to prevent computers from breaking down and to fix them if they have already broken down. My job is to prevent computers from computers and repair them if they have already broken down.
Diagnostique matériel, diagnostique logiciel et dépannage selon le problème détecté et selon la disponibilité du matériel ou du logiciel à installer ou à remplacer, installation et configuration des composants matérielles et logicielles.
Material diagnostic, software and troubleshooting diagnostic according to the problem detected and depending on the availability of hardware or software to install or replace, installation and configuration of hardware and software components.
Le niveau d'étude requis pour cela est aléatoire, mais je dirai entre 5 et 10 ans d'expérience sans perdre du temps.
The level of study required for this is random, but I will say between 5 and 10 years of experience without wasting time.
French (Mother tongue)