Job offers in Malawi

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Job candidates in Malawi
Sekelani Munthali
Fixed-term contract
Added on 12/10/2024
MWK 25000
Added on 22/07/2024
USD 1500
Mining Engineer
Richard Siwawa
Permanent contract
Blantyre District
Added on 11/07/2024
USD 30000
Plumber and electrician
Raphael Augusto fanuel
Permanent contract
Blantyre District
Added on 28/05/2024
Added on 28/05/2024
USD 90
Driver- I can drive wide range of vehicles
Charles Jasper Sakala
Fixed-term contract
Mchinji District
Added on 14/05/2024
USD 2000
Domestic Assistant
Conless Mbewe
Permanent contract
Added on 11/05/2024
Lilongwe District
Added on 23/02/2024
USD 60
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