Job offers in Rabat

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Latest job offers in Rabat
Added on 28/08/2024
MAD 5000
Montessori educator
Crèche Rabat'M Montessori
Added on 11/07/2024
Everything you need to know to work in Rabat
Working in Rabat
Rabat, the capital city of Morocco, is the administrative centre of the country. Over the past few years, Rabat has experienced significant economic developments. The restructuring of local government and the establishment of new businesses in the area have created many job opportunities in the city.
Starting a business in Morocco
The Government of Morocco has committed, for a few years, to the liberalisation of its economy. Investment procedures in the country have been simplified to encourage more entrepreneurship in the region. New laws have been passed to increase the growth of local and foreign private companies. The Moroccan government has also signed free trade agreements with several partners, including the European Union, the United States of America, Turkey, and the Arab and Mediterranean countries.
Working in Morocco
There are several sectors that you might consider for job opportunities in Morocco, and they vary by city. Remember that foreigners cannot easily get positions that could be filled by Moroccans, so consider positions where you might have specialised training or language skills not commonly found in Morocco. This article will give you information on what kinds of jobs are available in each city.
Internships in Morocco
Do you dream of doing an internship in Morocco? The different Moroccan cities offer many opportunities for international students. Given the accelerated economic development and the establishment of new businesses in the country, the demand for labour has increased. To overcome the lack of competence in specific areas, internship opportunities are growing fast.
The labour market in Morocco
Given the low cost of local labour and the low cost of living in Morocco, many foreign companies have settled in the country. This includes many call centres along with some multinational and international companies. The main employment areas are located in Rabat, Marrakech, Agadir, Tangier and Casablanca.
Working as a digital nomad in Morocco
A gateway to Africa, Morocco used to be inhabited by the nomadic Berber people travelling across the Sahara Desert. Today, it comes as no surprise that this alluring location welcomes the modern nomad — a travelling freelancer looking for new authentic experiences of which Morocco offers aplenty.
Job candidates in Rabat
Production Engineer
Permanent contract
Added on 04/10/2024
USD 8000
Community Manager
Nissrine MANI
Permanent contract
Added on 17/08/2024
MAD 15000
Added on 12/06/2024
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