Looking for job in social, catering or communication sectors

Posted 2 months ago
13 Visits


I plan to spend two or three months in Mauritius to work in the social, catering or communication sectors. I am open to various professional opportunities.

I am motivated by the opportunity to acquire new skills and expand my professional experience in an international environment. Working in Mauritius will allow me to discover a new culture, meet diverse people and contribute to local projects. My goal is to develop personally and professionally while having a positive impact on the community.


Depuis décembre 2017 (week-end) : Extra en restauration (cuisine et salle)

• Depuis avril 2020 (confinement et vacances scolaires) : Gâtine Viande - La Guerche de Bretagne (035)

• Eté 2021 : Agent de Service Hospitalier – EHAPD – La Guerche de Bretagne

• novembre 2021 à mai 2022 : hôtesse de caisse – Société SAS CLEOPATRE – Nice

• Été 2022 : agent de service hospitalier – EHPAD – Tremblay

• Septembre 2022 : agent de service hospitalier – EHPAD - Tremblay


Seconde professionnelle lycée hôtelier de la Guerche de Bretagne Bac Professionnel Accompagnement Soins et Services à la Personne BTS Économie Sociale et Familiale DE CESF

Language(s) spoken

French (Mother tongue)

Job offer details
What I am looking for
Fixed-term contract, Temporary work
Working time
Full time