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Everything you need to know to work in Mauritius
Work in Mauritius
The small, prosperous republic of Mauritius has risen to become one of the most progressive economies in Africa. Its strategic location in the heart of the Indian Ocean makes it a prime destination for work and investment. Here's everything you need to know if you want to find or have found a job in Mauritius.
Setting up a business in Mauritius
Mauritius is a world-renowned business center, ranked first in sub-Saharan Africa by the World Bank. It is the most relevant destination for foreign entrepreneurs wishing to create their company in a stable and dynamic environment. One can incorporate a company online at the Corporate and Business Registration Department. The capital of the company can be foreign, but the board of directors must be at least one resident or a domestic company.
Work contracts in Mauritius
In Mauritius, job contracts are stringently regulated to ensure fair treatment and clarity for all employees. The Workers Rights Act 2019, overseen by the Ministry of Labor, mandates that employment terms, such as work hours, salary, overtime, and leave entitlements, are clearly defined in contracts. Special provisions protect expatriate employees, ensuring they are treated equally and paid in Mauritian rupees without unauthorized deductions. This regulatory framework aims to create a transparent and equitable working environment for both local and expatriate workers.
Internships in Mauritius
Mauritius attracts many international students who are looking to do an internship abroad to gain their first professional experience. Here are the different options and conditions that should be met for those who want to do an internship in Mauritius.
Labor market in Mauritius
The Mauritian economy is a service economy, and not surprisingly, the labor market is dominated by this sector. The largest employers are the new technologies, information and communication, financial services, textile, and tourism sectors. The most sought-after profiles are digital marketing experts, web developers, finance, and FinTech experts. 
Job candidates in Mauritius
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Added on 15/01/2025
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Added on 28/06/2024
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