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Everything you need to know to work in Johannesburg
Find a job in Johannesburg
Johannesburg is a city of opportunities for expatriates from across the globe. Here are some useful guidelines to help you find a job there.
Working in Johannesburg
Johannesburg, the provincial capital and largest city in Gauteng, the country's richest province, is South Africa's largest metropolis. It is not only the most densely populated city but also the one with the largest number of economically active people. Here is what you need to know if you are interested in working in Johannesburg.
Working in South Africa
Anyone who is not a citizen or permanent resident of South Africa and wishes to work in South Africa must obtain a work permit based on a job offer. The work permit is issued for the duration of the contract and is applied for at the South African embassy or consulate in the country of residence.
Setting up a business in South Africa
South Africa occupies a central economic position on the African continent and setting up a business there is a real strategic choice because this country has a stable, diversified and expanding economy.
Become a digital nomad in South Africa
A digital nomad is a person who can work while traveling. No office, no fixed hours, only a laptop and a good internet connection are essential. Working online offers the freedom to live wherever you want. So can you become a digital nomad in South Africa?  
Internships in South Africa
The end-of-study internship represents an important step in a student's curriculum, so why not take advantage of this time to discover another country, or another culture and take the opportunity to perfect your English if it is not your mother tongue. South Africa is the ideal country for this.  
Job candidates in Johannesburg
Added on 26/07/2024
USD 52000
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