Job offers in Phuket

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Latest job offers in Phuket
Marketplace Administrator
Bright Berry Store Co., LTD
Permanent contract
Added on 01/07/2024
THB 15000
Sales Agent
Chalupa Motors
Permanent contract
Added on 11/11/2023
USD 1250
Everything you need to know to work in Phuket
Working in Phuket
The tropical island of Phuket is very popular among foreigners who are looking to integrate Thai culture and the beach into their everyday lives. As an expat, you will need to follow the same visa regulations and procedures as you would elsewhere in the country, even though the laidback vibe of Phuket is quite different compared to cities such as Bangkok. If you want to find a job in Phuket, you will need to be able to offer skills that aren't available locally.
Starting a business in Thailand
Thailand is the second-largest economy in Southeast Asia and the 26th-largest economy in the world. It offers many business opportunities, but for an expat, these are hidden under layers of paperwork and complicated registration procedures.  
Working in Thailand
Although some jobs aren't permitted to foreigners in Thailand, there is still an array of career opportunities in this rapidly developing Southeast Asian nation. Certain sectors are easier for foreigners to find jobs in — notably tourism and teaching — but if you can prove you have the required skills that are difficult to find locally, then opportunities in other sectors are also likely to be available to you.
Internships in Thailand
If you are a self-motivated individual with good communication skills and a strong command of English, then doing an internship in Thailand is a great way to develop and apply academic knowledge to the realities of day-to-day life in modern business. The practical skills you will gain can give you a head start in pursuing your career, and international work experience will look great on your CV. An internship can also contribute to your academic credits if you are still enrolled at university and help you make valuable industry contacts for your future.
Become a digital nomad in Thailand
Thailand has long earned the title of a digital nomad mecca — it is the country most often associated with the working traveler lifestyle and has lured visitors and adventurers for decades with the promise of freedom garnished with the beauty of blissful islands and the enigma of glittering temples.
Working in Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai's ethnic diversity, breathtaking scenery, and the multitude of festivals and attractions attract more foreigners every year. Blessed with pristine mountains, waterfalls, and rivers, it is a nature lover's paradise and offers numerous activities, from trekking and rafting to cooking and massage courses.
Job candidates in Phuket
Added on 19/09/2024
THB 25000
Project manager
Permanent contract
Added on 01/09/2024
USD 2800
Claire janeau
Permanent contract
Added on 30/06/2024
EUR 1500
Open to work abroad!
Permanent contract
Added on 21/06/2024
EUR 2000
Added on 20/05/2024
THB 50000
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