Job offers in Shenzhen

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Everything you need to know to work in Shenzhen
Finding work in Shenzhen
Shenzhen is known as the “Silicon Valley of hardware” in China — it's the city where a lot of local and international companies choose to set up manufacturing bases for their high-tech projects. The city is also known for its large number of startups, makers' hubs and design studios.  
Become a digital nomad in China
For those new to the term, a digital nomad is someone who works remotely using telecommunications technology and is, thus, able to move around and choose which country to settle in and for how long. The choice of a place to settle in would usually be guided by the cost of living and Internet speeds. Thus, Asian countries like Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia often top the list of digital nomad destinations. What about China?
Working in Jinan
Jinan is the capital of China's Shandong province. It's one of the most beautiful cities in China, known for its stunning landscapes and hot springs. But if you have something more long-term in mind than just soaking in mineral-rich waters and admiring nature, you'll be glad to know that the city also offers professional opportunities for expats willing to settle in the area.  
The labour market in China
China is an attractive destination for those seeking new professional and business opportunities. However, following the pandemic, finding work in the country has become more complicated. You will also need to take travel restrictions into account. Here's what you need to know about China's labor market.
Finding work in China
China continues to be an attractive destination for new and experienced professionals from around the world. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic, traveling to the country as well as obtaining a work permit has become much more complicated. Plus, because of some of the recently introduced policies, finding a job in the teaching industry in China has also become more difficult.  
Setting up a business in China
As the world's second economy, China attracts a lot of entrepreneurs and investors. However, running a business in China as an expat is not easy. It takes a lot of research, planning, paperwork, and a substantial investment. Here's everything you need to know about opening a company in China.  
Job candidates in Shenzhen
Added on 23/09/2024
Hotel Services
Permanent contract
Added on 22/04/2024
EUR 1100
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