Barista with 2 years of experience and otherwise supervisor

Posted 3 months ago
18 Visits

I am French and I lived in Montreal for 4 years and I was a Barista for 2 years, I love the world of coffee, otherwise I have skills as a software developer and I was for 2 years Supervisor in a boarding school

original text

Barista de 2 ans d'XP et sinon surveillant

Je suis Français et j'ai vécu a Montreal pendant 4 ans et j'ai été pendant 2 ans Barista , j'aime l'univers du café , sinon j'ai des competence en tant que developpeur logiciel et j'ai été pendant 2 ans Surveillant dans un internat

Language(s) spoken

French (Mother tongue)

English (Advanced)

Job offer details
What I am looking for
Permanent contract, Fixed-term contract, Temporary work
Working time
Full time
Salary range
EUR 2000