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Everything you need to know to work in Athens
Setting up a business in Greece
Starting your own company or being self-employed in Greece is not easy for non-locals, let alone for non-EU citizens. To become self-employed, you must have already had a residence permit in Greece for one year before you apply and a formal business plan (in Greek, approved by the Ministry of Interior Affairs). In some instances, you will need to prove you have a certain amount of capital to start your business and invest in Greece. However, provided you follow the right processes and have the correct documents, it is possible to set up a business in Greece as an expat successfully. 
Working in Greece
If you're thinking about finding a job in Greece as an EU-EEA citizen or a third-country national, it's important to know that the country's economy is still struggling with the aftermath of capital controls, austerity measures, and increased taxation. However, Greece has been gradually transitioning towards an export-oriented, globally-focused economy driven by technology, which offers new opportunities for job seekers. In this text, we'll explore some tips and resources to help you find work in Greece. We'll also provide some guidance on the job interview stage and how to make sure that the job can support your needs as an expat in Greece.
Internships in Greece
Are you interested in interning in Greece? Whether you're an EU/EEA or non-EU citizen, there are plenty of opportunities available in various industries to gain valuable skills and experience. In this article, we'll explore the different sectors where internships are available in Greece and how to obtain a National D-type visa, as well as a residence permit, if necessary.
Labour market in Greece
The labor market in Greece has undergone significant changes over the past decade, largely as a result of the country's financial crisis and subsequent bailout program. Despite facing challenges such as high levels of long-term unemployment, Greece's economy has shown signs of recovery in recent years, with sectors such as tourism, real estate, and investments helping to drive growth. In this article, we'll explore the current state of the labor market in Greece and provide practical information for those seeking work or looking to start a business in the country.
Teaching English in Greece
For many expatriates whose first language in English, teaching is a natural choice of career. In Greece, there are thousands of schools that employ native speakers of English, so wherever you are based, it's likely that there's a school near you that is willing to hire you.
Working as a digital nomad in Greece
Located on the southernmost tip of the Balkan peninsula, Greece boasts a beautiful coastline and small resort islands in the Mediterranean, Aegean, and Ionian Seas. The country is one of the world's top travel destinations and a popular spot among digital nomads.
Job candidates in Athens
Cosmetologist/ customer service
Ashley Dempkosky
Permanent contract
Added on 15/07/2024
USD 40000
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