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Everything you need to know to work in Rome
Finding work in Rome
Unsurprisingly, Rome is one of the most popular destinations in Italy, especially for expatriates. Its culture, historical heritage, world-class cuisine, and attractive climate make the city a unique destination in the world and it's no wonder expats flock to Rome. Whether your plan is to move there temporarily or to live there permanently, you will undoubtedly need to work in the Eternal City. In this article, we will try to give you some key tips for finding job in Rome.
The work culture in Rome
Working in Rome is an opportunity for many expatriates. Still, before starting this new adventure, it is useful to know the established work culture and the norms so that employers and new colleagues have a positive image of you right away.
Labor market in Rome
Rome is a trendy city for expatriates, with most looking to move there permanently and build a career. As the Eternal City is not the economic capital of Italy, the job market is less strong than in Milan. However, by knowing the right sectors of activity with many job opportunities, you should be able to find a role that fits your profile.
Starting a business in Italy
Are you interested in moving to Italy and setting up a business here? Italy's reputation for bureaucracy and structural problems has historically disadvantaged the country, with potential foreign investors and expatriates looking to start a business here. However, in recent years, the system and procedures have been simplified, and many businesses, including start-ups, have emerged.
Working in Italy
Are you looking to move to Italy and find a job there? In this article, we will give you tips for starting your job hunt it Italy, applying for a job, and preparing for the recruitment process. Italy has a particular job market in which it is sometimes difficult to find a place.
Working conditions in Italy
Unless you have decided to move to Italy for retirement or study, you are probably looking for a job to support yourself. This article contains all the essential information you need to know before your move: the formalities for working in Italy, the most prominent sectors, wages and benefits, useful resources, and regulations, among others.
Job candidates in Rome
Project Purchaser
Raoul van de Laar
Fixed-term contract
Added on 17/06/2024
EUR 2200
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