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Everything you need to know to work in Berne
Working in Bern
As the federal capital of Switzerland, Bern offers numerous professional opportunities and attracts many expatriates seeking employment. This article explores the job market and career prospects in Bern.
Finding work in Switzerland
Switzerland's stable economy and high standard of living make it an appealing destination for foreign workers. To find a job here, begin by familiarizing yourself with the Swiss labor market and its requirements to tailor your job search strategy accordingly. It's also important to understand the specific conditions you need to meet as a foreigner to work in the country. Using effective job search tools is crucial as well. This article provides an overview to help you get started.
Setting up a business in Switzerland
Switzerland's political stability, vibrant economy, and clear regulations make it an attractive destination for investors and professionals looking to start a business. Recognizing this appeal, Swiss authorities have implemented regulations to support and regulate the establishment of small and medium-sized enterprises. If you're a foreigner looking to start a business in Switzerland, here's a guide to the conditions and procedures involved.
Internships in Switzerland
If you want to acquire professional experiences in Switzerland, an internship could be a great opportunity to get your proverbial foot on the door. Also known as a ‘trainee programme' or ‘traineeship agreement', an internship can help simplify the process of procuring an entry visa and/or a residence and work permit. The demand for internships in Switzerland is growing every year, due to the various opportunities available in different fields. Many national and international companies operating across the country are ready to welcome young professionals who are eligible to work in a field related to their competencies. Here are the steps you need to follow.
Applying for a job
A job application in Switzerland consists of a quite extensive "Dossier", containing at least:
The Swiss labor market
Switzerland offers numerous benefits to its employees, including flexible contracts, strong worker protections, and high wages. Despite a relatively protected labor market, job opportunities for foreigners are available, especially in fields with a local labor shortage, such as IT, engineering, and healthcare. This article provides an overview.
Job candidates in Berne
Added on 07/02/2024
USD 4000
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