Job offers in San Francisco

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Everything you need to know to work in San Francisco
Working in San Francisco
Since its beginnings as a gold rush boom town, San Francisco has been a dynamic, busy city where people go to try and make their mark. Famous for its tech sector, San Francisco is also a manufacturing town, a shipping and logistics hub, a financial centre, and a key destination for creatives and artists. Whatever your industry is, you're likely to find it represented in San Francisco, but you'll likely be competing with some very qualified candidates. We've put together a list of key things to bear in mind when starting your job search in The Golden City.
Internships in San Francisco
Interested in doing your internship in San Francisco or any other big city in California? If you are a fresh graduate, doing an internship in this city can be an amazing experience. This article outlines the vital information you need on regarding the requirements and conditions for performing an internship in San Francisco.
San Francisco's labour market
San Francisco began as a boom town, sprouting up to support the gold rush, and established itself as a key West Coast port for trade and shipping. The city is now a center of global trade but also a major financial hub, as well as being famous for its technology and start-up industries. Keep reading for a breakdown of SF's biggest industries, so you can start tailoring your job applications.
Setting up a business in the USA
Lots of people dream about being their own boss and starting their own business. The United States is famous for the "American Dream", the idea that if you have a good idea and work hard, you can be successful. That's why many aspiring entrepreneurs see the US as the perfect place to kickstart their ventures. Fun fact: almost half of the Fortune 500 companies were started by immigrants or their kids. 
Become a digital nomad in the United States
It's hard to find a digital nomad out there who doesn't have a road trip through the US on their bucket list. The third-largest country in the world has a lot to offer its visitors — from the thriving innovation-driven environment to the incredible coastline and world-famous sightseeing. Before you hop on the plane, there are a few pesky details to take care of, like sorting out visas and taxes and making sure you've got a good internet connection.
Finding work in Portland
A mid-sized city on the West Coast, Portland is home to a thriving economy and a diverse array of industries. Steel and manufacturing, technology, transportation, and healthcare are some of its most important job markets. Portland is also home to a niche cluster of businesses that design outdoor and athletic apparel, anchored by the global headquarters of Nike.
Job candidates in San Francisco
San Francisco
Added on 07/04/2024
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