Canadian expat in Costa Rica
79 posts
About me
Lives in Playa Lagarto
Speaks French and English
Registration: 04 April 2015
Uber - San Jose/ escazu by jose1954
Will my app. for Uber in the states work in CR or do I need a different app.? Is Uber pretty reliable and easily available in valley area? Thanks!
Hola Jose, I would assume it is the same app. We use Uber all the time when in San Jose and the longest we have waited is 8 minutes !!!!!! Read More
New resteraunt coming to playa Negra by Chefjohn2017
I will be opening a new resteraunt in playa Negra in the next few weeks and would like to know what food people want to eat. I have an amazing local chef cooking 4 days a week sharing his take on local fare. I will be cooking tex mex twice a week ...
Hum, some curry, or something fresh like great variety of salads, some good wings, fresh sandwiches. What I find hard to get in this area, is a good breakfast place, with some variety. Nothing fancy, but something like a delicious "BLT" ... Read More
Playa Lagarto Eco Developement by Brooksy
Looking for any info on this project which is being spearheaded by a Toronto based company called Recap investments...Any body else who has experience with this company and is or has bought land or housing there??? :/
Mr Tallest, I sent you some pictures of your villa on facebook...... Read More
Playa Lagarto Eco Developement by Brooksy
Looking for any info on this project which is being spearheaded by a Toronto based company called Recap investments...Any body else who has experience with this company and is or has bought land or housing there??? :/
Just so you know, more houses are being built as we speak. Read More
Playa Lagarto Eco Developement by Brooksy
Looking for any info on this project which is being spearheaded by a Toronto based company called Recap investments...Any body else who has experience with this company and is or has bought land or housing there??? :/
Hey sleeperwagon, Went by your villa today...........got some pictures for you........as soon as they are downloaded, I will send them by messenger ! Read More
Playa Lagarto Eco Developement by Brooksy
Looking for any info on this project which is being spearheaded by a Toronto based company called Recap investments...Any body else who has experience with this company and is or has bought land or housing there??? :/
Hello Saggaboy, We live on site ! Are you from Saguenay Lac St-Jean ? Read More
Playa Lagarto Eco Developement by Brooksy
Looking for any info on this project which is being spearheaded by a Toronto based company called Recap investments...Any body else who has experience with this company and is or has bought land or housing there??? :/
It is looking pretty good ! slow, but steady ! I sent you a pm. We love our new life ! It is quite quiet around here. So peaceful. Read More
Playa Lagarto Eco Developement by Brooksy
Looking for any info on this project which is being spearheaded by a Toronto based company called Recap investments...Any body else who has experience with this company and is or has bought land or housing there??? :/
Yes, we are living there full time ! Read More
Mold - please share your tips and tricks for dealing with it by samramon
We live in an area where we get a lot of fog as well as rain. Not as much as some others, mind you, but still enough to create mold problems. Examples: We had a bunch of stuff stored in cardboard boxes. We soon realized cardboard boxes invite mold! ...
Hey Samramon, Have you been to Golfito ? It is supposed to be dutyfree. Maybe you can find a good deal there on dehumidifier ? Never been there myself, but it seems like it could work.....maybe....... Read More
Common misconceptions and clichés about life in Costa Rica by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Old clichés die hard, as the saying goes... and living in Costa Rica can generate lots of misconceptions in the eyes of the people. What are the most common misconceptions about the expat lifestyle in Costa Rica? What are ...
Well said, Samramon ! So right about not being cheap. We also thought what we coud live for much cheaper here than in Canada. We do, but not drastically by less. But you just poped up my balloon about the pesticide. But then again, they can't ... Read More
Playa Lagarto Eco Developement by Brooksy
Looking for any info on this project which is being spearheaded by a Toronto based company called Recap investments...Any body else who has experience with this company and is or has bought land or housing there??? :/
You are so right, Kohlerias ! We could have easily fallen into the trap as we bought blind (I know what you are thinking at this moment !!!). While it could have been disastrous, it turned out to be a wonderful move ! Read More
Playa Lagarto Eco Developement by Brooksy
Looking for any info on this project which is being spearheaded by a Toronto based company called Recap investments...Any body else who has experience with this company and is or has bought land or housing there??? :/
Well, Samramon, it is quite a large development with over 300 lots and over 50 villas. Not sure of the exact numbers. Phase I has all the infrastructure done, phase II partially and the roads on phase III and IV are being done as we speak. It ... Read More
Playa Lagarto Eco Developement by Brooksy
Looking for any info on this project which is being spearheaded by a Toronto based company called Recap investments...Any body else who has experience with this company and is or has bought land or housing there??? :/
Bentley, Which site are you talking about ? We are getting confused here.........M-C Read More
Playa Lagarto Eco Developement by Brooksy
Looking for any info on this project which is being spearheaded by a Toronto based company called Recap investments...Any body else who has experience with this company and is or has bought land or housing there??? :/
Hum. Playa Lagarto eco development is not a scam. I live here, on site !! Also, I beleive others are referring to another site than this one. It is just getting confusing....and I never heard of Sean Brady. The project started way after 2006. ... Read More
Playa Lagarto Eco Developement by Brooksy
Looking for any info on this project which is being spearheaded by a Toronto based company called Recap investments...Any body else who has experience with this company and is or has bought land or housing there??? :/
I feel like the topic "Playa Lagarto eco dev" is out of control. The subject development is not a scam. Read More