Stephanie Heron
@Stephanie Heron
American expat in the Netherlands
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About me
Lives in Leiden
Speaks English, Mandarin, Taiwanese, and a tiny bit of Dutch.
Registration: 24 May 2018
Articles written by Stephanie Heron

As everyone knows, Dutchies really like to bike everywhere. According to the Dutch government, over 25% of the journeys residents make are by bike. Of course, this is practical when you're just going a few blocks over to visit your friend. But what if you want to make a longer trip? It may not be as practical to use your bicycle then.
03 October 2024
Wherever you live in the world, you'll be subject to taxes. In the Netherlands, how much you pay will depend on whether you own real estate and cars, as well as if you work and/or have any investments. While not an in-depth guide, this article will go over the basics of what to expect for taxes in the Netherlands.
03 October 2024
Perhaps you're a student, a freelancer, or someone who works minimal hours. Whatever it is, you've got spare time on the weekdays and want to get out and see this amazing city. It's true that like other major cities, Amsterdam really comes alive during the weekend. But there's plenty to do for the rest of the week. Here are some fun weekday activities in Amsterdam that you can do either solo or with some friends.
02 October 2024
Naturally, when you move to Amsterdam, you won't find a lack of sports, whether it's participating or watching. If you want to know where to work out or the best places to watch some soccer, then keep reading. In this article, we'll tell you all about the state of sports in Amsterdam.
02 October 2024
Amsterdam is a rich melting pot of many cultures; half of its residents are Dutch, while the other half are of foreign origins. With over 176 nationalities, this city certainly has a wide variety of cuisines to experience. However, the two main cuisines that really stand out are Dutch (of course) and Indonesian. We'll explore the foods you should try at these restaurants once you have settled in Amsterdam.
02 October 2024
While you live in Amsterdam, you may find yourself in different social situations. You might have some free time to go out alone, your friends from back home may visit, or your significant other might want a romantic date night. No matter what company you're in, you can count on this magnificent city to have everything you need right inside it.
02 October 2024
While there isn't one single correct way to travel around Amsterdam, there still may be ones that are better suited for your purposes. You can certainly get around the city on foot, but it takes quite some time and may require a physical toll on you. Here are some ways to get places quicker.
02 October 2024
Despite being a small country, the Netherlands has so much to offer, especially in terms of leisure. Seeing as you get at least 20 paid days off by law if you work full-time, you should put these days to good use.
02 October 2024
In June 2024, the Netherlands ranked ninth in the world for mobile internet speeds and 18th for fixed broadband speeds. Needless to say, you won't be displeased with the Internet services in this country. In this article, we'll discuss how to get a phone and connection to the Internet in the Netherlands.
02 October 2024
The Netherlands has a great travel infrastructure where you can walk and bike easily within cities. Plus, they have affordable public transport that's reasonably on time. Despite all this, you may still want to drive a car during your stay in the Netherlands. So, how do you get a Dutch driver's license, and how exactly do you drive here?
02 October 2024
The rest of Europe has public healthcare, but the Netherlands goes against the tide; the Dutch healthcare system is privatized. However, this isn't really a cause for concern since it's heavily regulated. In fact, it's ranked 11th in the world for the best healthcare, so you'll be in good hands. If you're wondering how Dutch healthcare works, then keep reading. We'll give you all the details you need to know to see if it's a good country of residence for your family or not.
02 October 2024
Over 918,000 people live in Amsterdam, which means there's a bit of competition when it comes to jobs. Add in the fact that it's easily commutable from other cities, and your competition's multiplied even more. Just because it's difficult doesn't mean it's impossible to secure a job, though. Here are a few ways you can increase your chances of finding employment in Amsterdam.
29 August 2024
To live anywhere in the world, you have to have money. And the safest place to put it is in a bank. Naturally, if you're going to live in the Netherlands, you'll need to open a Dutch bank account, although it's not necessary. However, it's in your best interest to, as it'll be more affordable and convenient. In this article, we'll discuss the types of bank accounts available and how to apply for them.
29 August 2024
While most cities in the Randstad are located by or near the coast, Utrecht is an exception. Instead, it's located right in the middle of the Netherlands, making it a convenient hub. It's an ideal city to live in if you don't want the busy Amsterdam life but don't want the quiet life of a village (dorp) either. The city center is small, but it's grown to overtake some of the smaller villages just outside. If you're considering moving to Utrecht, then here's some helpful information.
29 August 2024
Rotterdam is home to the largest shipping port in the world; no doubt you've heard of this big and important city. It was almost completely destroyed in WWII, which means its architecture is somewhat unique to the rest of the Netherlands. Instead of finding traditional brick houses that are only a few stories high, you'll discover that Rotterdam looks like a modern American city, complete with wide streets. If you want to live in Rotterdam, then keep reading to find out more.
29 August 2024
While most universities help international students arrange for housing, that isn't the norm in this country. Even though there are some student resources for finding accommodation in the Netherlands, for the most part, you're on your own. Considering there's a housing crisis in the whole country, this puts a bit of pressure on incoming students. But don't stress out too much. So long as you look well in advance and have backup plans, then it won't be impossible to find accommodation for your time at university.
29 August 2024
Maybe you're passing through the Netherlands for a week or so. Or maybe you're making a permanent move here. Whatever might the reason be, you may be looking for accommodations in the Netherlands. While it can be more expensive and difficult to find housing, it can be quite rewarding to stay in this country. In this article, we'll discuss the types of accommodation you'll find, plus the typical prices you can expect.
29 August 2024
If you want to pursue higher education in Amsterdam at a publicly funded research university, then you have two choices: the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Free University of Amsterdam). The former enrolls around 41,000 students a year (around 5,000 are international), and the latter enrolls around 31,000 students a year (over 5,000 are international). But t
28 August 2024
Moving to Amsterdam to start a new life can be very exciting; if you're planning on studying here, then it can be doubly so! However, it can be daunting trying to navigate things. Without some help, by the time you've figured it all out, it may already be time to leave. To help you out, we've put together some of the key things you should know and some ways to reduce costs so you can spend your Euros more wisely.
20 August 2024
Whether you're a globetrotter or have never left your place of birth, it's always a good idea to visit the Netherlands at least once in your lifetime. It's the land of cheese, tulips, and bikes, plus the country has an amazing and charming atmosphere. But for some people, they may not necessarily want to make a permanent move. A good way to get a taste of the Netherlands is to study here.
20 August 2024
Part of your big move to the Netherlands probably involves finding a job once you're settled. Not lining up work before you relocate can be daunting but, in some cases, necessary. If you aren't coming to Amsterdam with a contract from your current company, then you'll want to know what the job market is like here.
20 August 2024
Utrecht may be a smaller city than Amsterdam or Rotterdam, but it's one that many expats find themselves flocking to. It's a city located centrally in the Netherlands, which makes it very convenient to get to and from. Because there are so many expats in Utrecht, you can find many services available that help internationals like you settle in as quickly and as easily as possible. You won't feel claustrophobic there because it doesn't have as many space constraints as other big cities.
20 August 2024
While most other parts of the Netherlands feature centuries-old architecture, Rotterdam looks like a modern American city; this is the result of reconstruction after the destruction of World War II.
20 August 2024
Although it was once an alternative, uncommon lifestyle, digital nomadism is quickly becoming the norm, especially after the coronavirus pandemic. In 2023, there were already 35 million digital nomads in the world, and this number is projected to grow to over 1 billion by 2035. So here's what you need to know if you're planning to move to the Netherlands as a digital nomad.
20 August 2024
Like in many other parts of the world, some jobs require you to gain some prior experience before they consider you for the role. And even if they didn't, it's still a good idea to get all the hands-on experience you can so your CV is top-notch. In this case, you'll be pleased to know that the Netherlands offers plenty of internship opportunities (called stage), both while you're in university and when you get out. Keep reading to find out more information.
12 August 2024
If you're thinking of moving to the Netherlands, one major thing you have to consider is how you'll generate income. Perhaps instead of answering to a boss, you want to be your own instead? Thankfully, it's relatively simple to start your own business in this country so you answer to no one but yourself. In this article, we'll tell you what you need to successfully set up a business in the Netherlands.
12 August 2024
Because unemployment rates are so low and you can find many international companies in the country, it shouldn't be too difficult to find a job in the Netherlands. However, fluency in languages other than English (especially Dutch) can be extremely beneficial. Read on to find out how to find work in the Netherlands and how to increase your chances of success.
12 August 2024
While entering the Netherlands can be simple, it may take some time for approval from the appropriate authorities if you're not an EU or EAA citizen. Because of this, as soon as you know you want to come to this country, you should make the proper arrangements so any delays won't put off your trip. In this article, we'll outline the general visas you'll need to enter the Netherlands. Keep in mind that this is a broad guide, and you most likely will have to check with your Dutch embassy or consulate to get 100% accurate information.
12 August 2024
If you're considering moving to the Netherlands, you may want to visit it first and stay short-term to see if you like it here. But it's not as simple as just picking up and coming over; there will be requirements for you to stay if you're a non-EU citizen. While it may be best to inquire with the Dutch embassy or consulate in your home country before setting off, we'll outline some of the basics for travel in this article.
12 August 2024If you've been following the news, then chances are, you already know that after a long three years, the UK has finally decided to move forward with its divorce from the European Union. One of the main issues politicians promised to tackle with Brexit was immigration. Fearing the loss of jobs for native UK citizens, the government's introduced a new points-based immigration system that'll go into effect on the 1st of January 2021. Thinking of immigrating to the UK after that date? Then here's what you need to know.
24 February 2020
When we move to a new country, we hope desperately that everything will work out and that we'll stay for as much as we plan to and maybe more. But unfortunately, things don't always work out. Whether it's due to personal circumstances or the law, there comes a time when some expats may have to either move back to their home country or somewhere else. But when you're dealing with a difficult personal situation, how do you know if you should persevere just a bit longer, or it's actually time to move on? We discuss some important factors to base your decision on.
20 February 2020
Settling down in a new country is no easy feat. Getting your head round all the new laws surrounding residency and your rights as a resident but also, if you want to, staying in touch with your home country's political and economic life is a lot to take in. Usually, embassies and consulates are present to help you settle in. But what exactly are their use to an expatriate? And more importantly, can one settle in a country where there is no diplomatic representation?
19 February 2020Recently, ECA International released its list of top 20 most livable cities for European expats. Four out of the 20 top cities were found in the Netherlands with The Hague, Eindhoven and Amsterdam all being in the top 10. Quite obviously, this country is a highly attractive destination for those wishing to relocate. But why? In this article, we'll dissect the good (and the bad) of the Netherlands so you can decide for yourself if it's a good destination to move to.
19 February 2020Numbeo has just released its list of the safest and the least safe cities in the world. Abu Dhabi, Doha, Taipei, Quebec city and Charjah in the UAE are the safest cities while Caracas, Port Moresby in New Guinea, Pietermaritzburg, Pretoria and Durban in South Africa are the least safe, Numbeo found. But should the safety levels of a country stop you from living your expat dream? Realizing your dream expat destination is not as safe as you might have thought doesn't mean you can't still have an amazing time. It just means you have to be smarter about it. Read on for some helpful tips on how to settle in and stay safe after you've moved.
13 February 2020
Last week, the Marketing Week's Career and Salary Survey in the United States released data on the gender pay gap in the marketing sector. The gender pay gap can be found across sectors and countries… but does it affect expats?
04 February 2020