Peter Brooks
Australian expat in the Philippines
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Naga City
Registration: 21 October 2011

Where do Aussie Expats like to live in Phillipines? by rjw
Hi, I am considering moving to Philippines and just wondering is any particular City or Island more attractive to Aussies than others. I am not really where I want to base myself. Any helpful advice is appreciated.

We moved here for my wife reles but Naga city is quite large close to million people but its spread out and there's a lot of gated development like were I live. house and land packages are cheap and there's plenty rentable properties. easy ... Read More

Where do Aussie Expats like to live in Phillipines? by rjw
Hi, I am considering moving to Philippines and just wondering is any particular City or Island more attractive to Aussies than others. I am not really where I want to base myself. Any helpful advice is appreciated.

No I live 150m from that bar never seen any drugs around here Read More

Where do Aussie Expats like to live in Phillipines? by rjw
Hi, I am considering moving to Philippines and just wondering is any particular City or Island more attractive to Aussies than others. I am not really where I want to base myself. Any helpful advice is appreciated.

I'm told there are many Aussies in Angeles City (never been there) But in Naga City Bicol there are plenty of foreigners who speak English and many have a beer at a bar owned by a Brit (Pom) In fact in 5yrs here I've only meet 3 Aussies ... Read More

My Comparison of Philippines and Australia by ABCDiamond
I have lived in the Philippines for about 2-3 years, and just went back to Australia, and I am comparing everything right now. This first post is for the Accommodation cost. In both places I have a 1 bedroom furnished condo type place, both about ...

Aussie would be $20+hr Pinoy $ 1 hr Read More

My Comparison of Philippines and Australia by ABCDiamond
I have lived in the Philippines for about 2-3 years, and just went back to Australia, and I am comparing everything right now. This first post is for the Accommodation cost. In both places I have a 1 bedroom furnished condo type place, both about ...

I too have been on my annual trip to Australia price comparison beer 375m scooner $5.50 in pub aus 330m bottle in local bar Naga $1.25 or 40p Pete Read More

Some reading I been doing seems to point to the fact that inverter aircon units have a poor reliability record. Some models are said to be subject to geckos, mice, bees, shorting out the circuit boards, others say they are cheaply made. Has anyone ...

As a frigie by trade, I think inverter systems are a waste of money, a lot more to purchase, more circuits , more to go wrong also don't buy to big for the room, compressors like running , not cutting in and out and set the thermostat as high as ... Read More

Where do expats live in philippines? by VSIVISA
Where do expats live in philippines?

If u like the guite life Bicol is great, we live in Naga it has everything one could need as well as a fair few expats to have a beer with Peter Read More

Fewer Australians coming to Philippines because of FX rates ? by ABCDiamond
Will the big drop in the value of the Australian Dollar mean that fewer Australians will come to the Philippines? Will those that come spend less ? The FX rate on 6 April 2011 was 45 pesos to the Dollar, and on the 6th April 2015 it is just under ...

Well the pesos is strengthening against most currencies a lot of expats I know are complaining that their pensions are the lowest there ever been Peter Read More

Top 5 tips to live in the Philippines by expat.com
Hi, When you are going to live abroad, you may have a lot of questions. Hence to facilitate you in this process, we are inviting expats to share their top 5 tips with regards to settling and living in the Philippines. What recommendations ...

1. As said before make sure you have external income to meet your needs very hard to make enough money here. 2. Be careful with relations of gf/wife don't give them money they will become reliant on you. 3.I assume a gf/wife already here, ... Read More

Cost of living in Manila by aviatorchandu
I am planning to movie to manilla. What is the cost of living for a descent lifestyle?

I will agree that 2kus is what u need in provincial cities, we school 3 teenagers in side that budget and live well. MANILA? Will be more expensive and why live there, we did for12 mths shit place Read More

Canadian coming Philippines wanting ideas for investing by PhilCanbeno1
Hello everyone Salamat for accepting me to your blog. I have been reading several the questions and answers it us great exchange ideas. I have been to Manila twice and spent several trips and time China. I am looking for investment oppurtunities, ...

Matnog is southern bicol, i live naga city nice part of Philippines making money here is hard ,my wife and I have several business the most successful is our canteen in a school but bloody hard work, my English mate has a bar but he struggling and ... Read More

Americano in the provinces by mugtech
I arrived in Manila two weeks ago, took the Partas bus to Ilocos Sur, and have spent time in Burgos, Narvacan Mall, several trips to Vigan, ate in restaurants four times, and have not seen another Cano the entire time. The only westerner I saw was ...

Funny thing, it's my observation that in provinces a lot of expats keep to their self's We live in bicol, I see heaps of expats but only have meet about 20 and only socialise with about 6, my reasoning is they are happily married or ... Read More

living in the phillippines by tom mc cormack
just wondering how life is there ,im seriously considering moving and living in the philippines after living in ireland for the last fifty years and would like to live in a warmer climate

Well u know this bloke makes a lot of sense, cost of living is great but corruption is out of control, I won't bore you all with the problems in our subdivision and it's impossible to fight the homeowners are in court constantly Peter Read More

taking a pre moving trip in Feb by dilli
I am going over in Feb to look around and see if I can find a place to move to. I was hoping to get some ideas on where to look. I am wanting a place with general modern conveniences, malls, night live ect. I am 46 and retired making about 4000 a ...

Well I think maybe Naga city might suit as well, or one ot the suburbs or seaside villages, definitely stress free, , except if u drive in the city, I personally know 20 expats and know off guite a few more. some meet weekly for a few beers. but I ... Read More

Sec 13 Visa by ruth11062014
Hi, does someone know this type of visa. Does this visa require extension of visa every two months? Thanks

If you are referring to the 13a visa which most expats have, it lasts for 5yrs and is renewable after that Peter Read More