Ameerah Arjanee
@Ameerah Arjanee
Mauritian citizen
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Speaks English, Mauritian Creole, French, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi.
Registration: 11 July 2022
Articles written by Ameerah Arjanee

Some parents are very hesitant to let their child study abroad. They may be concerned about the financial burden of funding an international education. Conservative or deeply religious parents may fear their child could be influenced by a foreign culture and "forget" their roots. It can have an element of sexism, for some parents harbor these fears more about their daughters. They might also be concerned that their child will experience loneliness or face racism and xenophobia. If your parents share these concerns, how can you convince them to let you study abroad? Here are some tips.
02 August 2024
If you are an American living abroad, did you know you can deduct up to US$126,000 from the income you earn from outside US territory? The Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, or FEIE, is an IRS provision designed for Americans who live and work in another country.
30 July 2024
Adjusting to new food abroad involves more than just overcoming a psychological barrier or embracing an adventurous spirit. Your body may be sensitive and resistant to unfamiliar foods. How can you take care of your health while adjusting to a new culinary landscape? Here are some tips.
26 July 2024
Visa applications can be time-consuming, costly and stressful. To prevent complications and additional stress, ensure you are not stumbling into common pitfalls that could lead to your visa being rejected. Reapplying is a hassle, will delay your plans, and even give you a bad immigration track record, so it's crucial to get it right the first time. Here are some tips.
15 July 2024
This July, the 14-year rule of the UK's Conservative Party has come to an end. A snap general election led to a landslide victory for the opposing Labour Party, which is under the leadership of Keir Starmer. What are this new government's promises for immigration? How are expats affected by this, and what are their concerns and hopes?
08 July 2024
If you're a single expat in a new country, you might be excited at the idea of going on dates in completely new places (a great way to discover restaurants and the local cuisine!) and meeting new romantic partners. The dating pool is different from the one back home, and so are the social norms around dating. How do you navigate these norms and ensure you're not making a faux pas or even putting yourself in danger? Here are some tips.
21 June 2024
For queer expats, moving abroad means researching if a country is safe for them and will give them the same rights as heterosexual and cisgender expats. Here are some destinations which are more welcoming for LGBTQI+ expats.
07 June 2024
The current British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, called for a snap election on July 4. People were expecting the general election to happen in October or November, not in two months, reports the BBC. How can British expats abroad vote? And which expats in the UK have voting rights? Many Commonwealth and Irish expats in the UK are unaware that they are eligible to vote even if they don't have indefinite leave to remain.
29 May 2024
High levels of dissatisfaction among doctors in the UK are driving them to move abroad or consider doing so in the near future. This predominantly concerns young, UK-trained GPs who feel overworked, underpaid and undervalued. Their destinations of choice are other English-speaking countries, especially Australia, New Zealand and Canada, but many of them are also opting for the UAE.
22 May 2024
If you're an expat who hopes to get a job in Europe, a new report from the European Labour Authority (EURES) will be of great help to you. It has analyzed the jobs that are the most and least in demand across all countries of the EU. The jobs requiring the most expat labor are in skilled manual trades, medicine, IT, engineering, transportation and education. Meanwhile, less expat labor is required in administration, the arts, communications and the social sciences.
21 August 2023
Multiple studies show that the population of expats is getting younger. These expats under 30 report higher burnout rates than older expats, which means that employers need to consider well-being metrics more seriously in their work culture. Flexible work hours and the freedom to work remotely also count as well-being initiatives.
18 August 2023
Canada and Australia are well-known to be the powerhouses of immigration of the moment, and the United States and the United Kingdom have always been popular with immigrants too. However, other countries, including smaller ones, are trying to position themselves as attractive expat and immigrant destinations. The labor shortage in these countries has forced their governments to relax immigration laws in recent years.
16 August 2023
The strength of your passport can really make international travel easier and more affordable. A passport that allows visa-free entry into many countries saves expats a lot of time, stress and money when it comes to visa requirements. Singaporean, German, Italian and Spanish expats currently have the strongest passports in the world, while some countries in the Middle East, Africa and Asia tend to have weaker passports.
11 August 2023
In multiple Western countries, prospective international students from Africa face visa rejection rates of over 30-50%. Data from Canada, the United States and France show extremely different visa acceptance rates for international students from different parts of the world – even if they've all been accepted by recognized universities. Those from Europe and North America are rarely rejected; those from Asia and Latin America have a higher visa rejection rate, while over half of qualified Africans don't manage to get a visa. Africans are often required to submit more documents with their visa application, and they face racism-driven suspicion from visa officials.
07 August 2023
It can be more challenging for introverted expats to make new friends abroad. They can take more time adjusting to unfamiliar surroundings. However, their adaptation process can be easier if they personalize their house into a safety cocoon, create comforting rituals, connect with people with the same hobbies and don't pressurize themselves to do too many things at once.
01 August 2023
The rejection rate for student visas tends to be low compared to work, talent and investor visas. However, you can still get rejected if you neglect to submit all required documents, have suspicious financial records, show inadequate language skills, have an unclear purpose for entering the country, or fail to meet vaccination requirements. Here are mistakes you should avoid to ensure your student visa won't be rejected.
31 July 2023
Want to start your own business abroad? Being an expat puts you in a peculiar position as a budding entrepreneur. You have a new perspective but might be unfamiliar with the local entrepreneurial landscape and regulations. You might have a strong international network but lack a stronger local network. You feel both confident and insecure, experienced and lost. How can you gain footing as an expat entrepreneur? Here are some tips.
24 July 2023
When choosing a study abroad destination, the language in which university courses are taught is a major consideration. It can be the only barrier to admission if you're not proficient enough in it. While Chinese and Spanish are the languages with the most native speakers, English remains the most common second language worldwide.
18 July 2023
The Immigration Act of 1990 imposed a limit on the number of Green Cards that the United States can issue every year. Currently, about 1 million Green Cards are issued yearly. Most are Family-based Green Cards, while Employment-based Green Cards have a stricter cap of 140,000 per year. Furthermore, a maximum of 7% of these permits can go to individuals from a single foreign country. Such restrictions have created exceedingly long application backlogs for citizens of the top sending countries, namely Mexico, India, China and the Philippines.
14 July 2023
Diplomatic negotiations between the US and India have paid off for Indian expats in the States. Many of these expats have been affected by the 2023 tech layoff, which put their right to remain in the US as well as Green Card applications, in danger. In June, President Biden announced a pilot program allowing laid-off expats to get a one-year work authorization document while they find another sponsor.
07 July 2023
As an officially bilingual country, Canada must ensure that French doesn't fall behind English in all of its provinces, not just in Quebec. In June, the Canadian government adopted a new bill to foster the immigration of francophone expats as well as promote the use of French in federal institutions.
04 July 2023
The European Parliament needs to vote on a proposal that would ease non-EU expats' access to long-term resident status. That will make it easier for them to fully enjoy the EU's freedom of movement. Currently, there are de facto restrictions on taking up work in any EU country, even if you are a (non-EU) expat in one member state. If passed, the reform will allow these expats to immediately get long-term resident status in a second EU country if they relocate.
03 July 2023
Entrepreneurship is an exciting and risky endeavor anywhere. In a new country, it's even more so. The different legal, economic and cultural milieu and expats' status as non-nationals require us to consider additional factors. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid when launching your own business abroad.
03 July 2023
All countries are patriarchal to some extent, so it's often more challenging for expat women to adapt to their new professional lives abroad. There exist NGOs that can support them, but in some countries, notably Canada, the state itself has also created programs to facilitate the professional integration of women expats and immigrants. They provide training, develop the women's confidence and help them build networks.
26 June 2023
The post-Covid normalization of remote work has unlocked the possibility of working from anywhere in the world – as long as you have your employer's permission, have the correct work visa, and are tax-compliant. So many expats would love to be relaxing by the beach and sipping a cocktail while completing a report on their laptop. The trick lies in having an excellent internet connection. Fortunately, there are multiple countries that both offer remote work/digital nomad visas and excellent internet connectivity.
23 June 2023
The Argentine Congress might soon pass a new tax bill that will be a game-changer for remote workers who earn money from abroad. Until now, to legally keep their earnings in an Argentine bank, they had to convert them into pesos. The depreciation of the peso and lack of regularization of freelance work has pushed the state to come up with a bill that would allow these workers to leave up to US$30,000 unconverted in their Argentine account. The Congress's lower house has already approved this bill, but the upper house's vote is pending.
21 June 2023
Gulf countries have long been attractive to expats for levying zero taxes. But they are now trying to diversify their economy from the oil sector, and that requires getting revenues from taxes. All six GCC countries have slowly been implementing low taxes, starting with VAT, excise tax, real estate tax and corporate tax. They haven't introduced personal income tax, at least not yet.
14 June 2023
Portugal is currently one of the most attractive destinations for expats. Great aspects of expat life in this country include the existence of multiple types of visas, relatively low cost-of-living expenses and real estate prices, an attractive tax regime, and sunny Mediterranean weather. It should be no surprise that the Ministry of Labor has revealed that the number of expats in the country reached a stunning 650,000 in April, a 364% increase in 5 years.
13 June 2023
Affordability is the foremost barrier to getting a degree overseas. Indeed, in its recent survey, ICEF Agent Voice found that 75% of international students see it as their main worry. Unless you are studying in a country with no or low tuition fees, like Germany or Argentina, tuition is going to occupy half to three-quarters of your expenses. Non-tuition-related costs that make studying abroad look unattainable are accommodation, airfare, student visas, language tests, and study materials.
07 June 2023
University reputation, entry requirements, course content and tuition fees are major factors international students consider when deciding to study abroad. However, as a new study of the UK-based INTO University Partnerships shows, the economic climate in the country, post-study employment opportunities, the accessibility of housing, the ease of the visa application process and safety are also key concerns of prospective international students.
30 May 2023
Getting around is a significant issue to consider when relocating abroad. A reliable public transit system is important, but you might also want to be able to drive in your new country. Will you have to retake a driving test there? Can you convert your license into a local one in your new country? It will depend on the bilateral and international agreements that your home country has with other countries.
26 May 2023
Since its release in late 2022, the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot ChatGPT has generated a lot of controversy in academia. It has blurred the line between original research and plagiarism in a way universities are still grappling with. Many universities have explicitly banned ChatGPT in their plagiarism policies, but others remain ambivalent about its use. In addition, there is another layer of danger for international students – if accused of plagiarism, they can lose their student visa and the right to remain in the country.
16 May 2023
It is common knowledge that degrees in medicine, computer science, law and finance give international students high-paying jobs abroad. However, there are also other degrees/diplomas which can lead to great salaries. Culinary arts, nursing and paramedical professions, business combined with IT skills, and human resources are underrated specializations that can lead to fulfilling and high-paying careers.
03 May 2023
Moving abroad with a family can be a different challenge from moving abroad alone or as a childless couple. School, extracurricular activities, spaces to play, safety, allowances and child-friendly policies are all issues that these parents have to take into consideration. Some countries, such as Sweden and the Netherlands, have a reputation for being child-friendly expat destinations.
03 May 2023
Remote working has become popular since the pandemic, but expat workers might still be unsure about how to request it. Are there labor laws that lay down rules for remote working? If you plan on working from abroad as an expat, what issues should both you and your employer take into consideration?
02 May 2023
For many international students, a degree abroad is part of a larger immigration plan. They invested in these studies with the hopes of getting a job as an expat after graduating. Some countries, such as Australia and the United Kingdom, offer a specific work visa for international graduates of their institutions. They allow them to work temporarily in the country for 1-6 years. After this period, they can apply for a more long-term work visa.
02 May 2023
Various studies have shown that studying abroad increases your chances of getting a high starting salary upon being hired. Back home, employers will value the language, intercultural and problem-solving skills you learned abroad. If you choose to remain in the foreign country where you studied, your experience as a student will likely also help you transition into the country's work culture.
24 April 2023
Studying abroad can come with a hefty price tag. Most countries allow international students to work a limited number of hours to help them pay for their tuition, living expenses and leisure. There are various job opportunities on the campus itself: teaching assistants, tutors, library assistants and campus ambassadors. Many students also choose to work in hospitality as waiters, bartenders and receptionists. The gig economy also gives them the opportunity to be freelancers, drivers, babysitters and petsitters.
17 April 2023
The UK government has been considering putting various restrictions on international students. Among these is a proposal to prevent some international students, those considered to be doing “low value” degrees, from getting dependent visas for their spouses and children. This proposition has been criticized both within and outside the government for being vague, discriminatory and counterintuitive for the economy.
12 April 2023
Campus France reports that the number of international students in the country has increased by 8% over 2021-2022. There are now over 400,000 international students there, the highest number in 15 years. The growth has been driven by big leaps in the number of students from the Americas (+15%) and Europe (+13%). The affordability and quality of education in France could well be among the reasons behind this.
12 April 2023
In March, the Norwegian parliament approved a policy to introduce tuition fees for international students from outside the European Union and European Economic Area. This will apply from Fall 2023. However, critics from within the higher education sector are protesting that it will damage the reputation of Norwegian universities and Norway's image as an egalitarian society.
05 April 2023
Embarking on an expat journey as a woman can be more challenging than for men. The level of safety and the stubbornness of patriarchal norms varies between countries. When women move abroad, they need to consider how this new country treats women and what gender norms reign in its corporate culture. Networking with both expat and local women can give them an emotional support system to navigate life there.
04 April 2023
As reported by The Guardian, a recent study of the World Values Survey Wave found that among 24 countries, the UK's population has the most positive view of immigration. 71% of the British population doesn't think that locals should be prioritized over expats in hiring practices. At the same time, part of the UK government is keen on restricting immigration – a position that is in opposition to wider public opinion.
22 March 2023
Expats who are in a relationship often want to bring their partner or spouse to the country where they are working. In some countries, this is a fairly straightforward process, but unfortunately, other countries have more stringent requirements like a minimum income threshold, age, or the number of years living together. Expats in same-sex relationships might also struggle to bring their partner to a country where same-sex marriage is not recognized.
03 March 2023
Many international students work part-time to fund their studies and gain experience. They have to be aware of both their rights and responsibilities. They should not only avoid exceeding the maximum number of hours they're allowed to work and file their taxes, but they also need to be on guard against exploitative employers who can take advantage of their lack of familiarity with local labor laws.
28 February 2023
After a good few years of living in the same country, expats might consider becoming permanent residents. For some, it is the first step towards their end goal of citizenship. For others, it's simply a way to be able to get more opportunities or travel in and out of the country more easily. However, expats have to carefully consider the tax implications of being a resident.
27 February 2023
Multiple Gulf countries are currently replacing expats with locals in many jobs. Saudi Arabia's situation looks paradoxical because the kingdom is both creating new measures to attract expats and continuing the “Saudization" (nationalization) of the local workforce. How are these two seemingly diametrically opposed policies working together?
24 February 2023
The Times reports that the UK's Home Office is considering reducing the post-study work rights of international students from 2 years to 6 months. This follows discussions within the government since late 2022 about capping international student numbers. If these are actually applied, they might drastically reduce the attractiveness and accessibility of the UK for overseas students and expats.
22 February 2023
Moving to a new country can be a thrilling and exciting experience, but it can also be challenging, especially when the country has immigration quotas in place. Immigration quotas are designed to regulate the flow of people entering a country, but they can also make the process of obtaining a visa and residency more complicated.
17 February 2023
After multiple years in a country, expats might wish to acquire local citizenship. They might feel that this country is now as much of their home as their birth one. They might want to buy property more easily, vote or even run in local elections, and enjoy the privileges of the local passport. How long does it take to get naturalized in popular expat destinations, and what are the conditions to be met? In most countries, it takes 5 years of continuous residence to apply for citizenship.
14 February 2023