Maria Iotova

Maria Iotova


Greek expat in Denmark

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Copenhagen, Capital Region

Speaks Greek, Bulgarian, English

Registration: 12 June 2012

Articles written by Maria Iotova

From the sunshiny mediterranean to the icy northern Europe
From the sunshiny mediterranean to the icy northern Europe

Marietta from Greece started her expat journey seven years ago when she went to Denmark for her Master's degree and then to the Netherlands as a research assistant. Today, she is based in Kuopio, a densely populated city in Finland, famous for its beautiful forested area and Lake Kallavesi, which surrounds the town. After two and a half years in Finland, Marietta may still struggle with the cold weather, but she has found joy in outdoor activities and of course, her PhD. 

06 July 2018
July's most anticipated festivals around the world
July's most anticipated festivals around the world

July is this time of the year when culture is cherished with festivals and special events around the globe. If you are the expat who wishes to have fun, but not in the usual Friday-night-out-way, and you are looking forward to mingling with locals and other international crowds, check's calendar with some of the world's best festivals in July. Don't fret; if you cannot find your host country on the list, consider travelling to the nearest destination to get the party started.

04 July 2018
Where in Europe you can obtain a Bachelor's degree for free
Where in Europe you can obtain a Bachelor's degree for free

Higher education is more accessible than ever before globally, with more and more young people creating their academic and professional paths. Students tend to be attracted to universities outside their home country to live a fulfilling international experience, shared with people from all over the world. However, studying abroad can be very costly, with tuition fees reaching up to USD 55,000 per year in some of the world's best universities. On the other hand, some European countries have remained the advocates of free education, and are an appealing option for many prospective students who.

03 July 2018
July's blog of the month: The Fashion Matters
July's blog of the month: The Fashion Matters

Hadas first left her home country, Israel, to study fashion business in New York. Ever since, she has visited more than 25 countries and has lived as an expat in France and England where she pursued a Master's degree and is currently planning to get married. Hadas is a genuinely creative person, whose passion for exploring the world and fashion is evident in her three-year-old blog The Fashion Matters  — an endless source of inspiration for stylish travellers.

02 July 2018
These are the cleanest cities in the world
These are the cleanest cities in the world

Making the best choice regarding your expat destination will be based on several pivotal factors such as career opportunities, cost, and quality of living. However, living in a clean environment should also concern you, as it means living in a healthy environment. Check the cleanest cities in the world as ranked by Mercer to find out where you can breath fresh air, drink good quality water, stay away from infectious diseases.

28 June 2018
6 tips for a successful house share abroad
6 tips for a successful house share abroad

Living in a shared house can be the best solution for solo expats who are keen on socialising, saving money, or both. Sharing accommodation can be as exciting and open-minding as expatriation itself — each of your housemates will probably teach you something about yourself that you didn't know and will introduce you to new experiences and habits (from making pizza dough and separating laundry by their type and colour, to recycling and watching international cinema). Thus, even if you don't live with like-minded people, you can establish harmony with your housemates, as long as there's willingness for respect, tolerance, good communication, and a good sense of humour.

27 June 2018
The expat's guide to earthquakes
The expat's guide to earthquakes

Earthquakes are some of the most powerful and unpredictable natural phenomena, which occur underground due to the release of energy when two blocks of rocks (plates) are pushing against each other and eventually break. Although earthquakes can happen anywhere on the planet, there are some countries which are more vulnerable due to their location near or within seismic zones. Unfortunately, we cannot rely on earthquake forecasts yet, but being prepared for an emergency situation can be life-saving.

26 June 2018
Study abroad: How to be the most well-prepared international student
Study abroad: How to be the most well-prepared international student

Have you been accepted into a university abroad? Congratulations! You are about to experience one of the most meaningful adventures in your life and reach a huge milestone. But don't let other people's “been there, done that” attitude predetermine your journey. The only preconception you should carry with you is that this will be a second to none experience. With September and the beginning of the term being just around the corner, we have composed a helpful guide on everything you should do before your departure to set the base for a fulfilling time abroad as an international student.

25 June 2018
From America to Spain: Happily ever after
From America to Spain: Happily ever after

When Cat from Chicago, US graduated from high school, she went to Seville, Spain for her studies abroad. Oh! And for the tapas, the siestas, and the flamenco dresses. What was supposed to be a year abroad and an immersion in the Spanish language, has turned into a ten-year fulfilling expat experience. Ever since Cat decided to settle in Spain, she met her husband, bought a house, has worked in two different cities, and has become a mother. Today, Cat feels that Spain is her final destination, but who knows what the future beholds?

22 June 2018
10 ways to empower your trailing spouse abroad
10 ways to empower your trailing spouse abroad

Have you just heard the news of an awesome job offer abroad? This is everything you wanted to progress your career and rediscover yourself through the challenges and rewards of expatriation. Thankfully, you aren't alone in this project; your partner is determined to travel the extra miles and start anew with you. However, evidence shows that overseas contracts are very likely to break due to the accompanying spouse's and the dependents' lack of adjustment. We believe that with an honest pre-departure conversation and ongoing support during the assignment, expat life can be accommodating and exciting for everyone involved.

21 June 2018
How trustworthy are the institutions of big expat destinations?
How trustworthy are the institutions of big expat destinations?

For the 18th year in a row, Edelman has published the latest trust and credibility survey, which measures the population's trust in institutions and sectors in 28 countries around the world. The most common worries among international respondents are fake news and the lack of credibility of media organisations, which are the least trusted institutions for the first time in the Trust Barometer history. On the other hand, the opinions and knowledge of journalists, analysts, and entrepreneurs are gaining credibility among the general population.

19 June 2018
How to welcome visitors to your host country
How to welcome visitors to your host country

Your expatriation can be the perfect motivation for some of your very good (and not so good) friends and family members to travel abroad. Depending on your host country and living conditions, it can be either easy for you to receive guests or slightly challenging. However, regardless of your current circumstances, with some good organisation, a big smile, and enthusiasm, you can turn visits of friends and family into a memorable holiday! Plus, remember that this is an excellent opportunity to create some new memories together until the next time you meet again.

18 June 2018
The most compelling reasons you should move to Germany now
The most compelling reasons you should move to Germany now

Are you trying to decide on your next expat destination as a digital nomad? Or have you just been offered a job in Germany, and you wish to know more about your future host country? Germany is split into 16 federal states, each of which has its policies and laws regarding education and culture. Europe's largest economy is a major exporter of heavy equipment, vehicles, and chemicals, and has a highly-skilled labour force. Despite the low fertility rates and increase in immigration, Germany can still afford a generous social welfare. shares the top reasons you should move to the country of Goethe, Bach, and Beethoven.

15 June 2018
The active lifestyle of an expat family in Finland
The active lifestyle of an expat family in Finland

Paola, a wife and mother of two, lives and works in the tech sector in the capital area of Finland. Besides her full-time job, which she loves, Paola is a dedicated blogger. Today, she talks to about her expat life as an Italian in the Nordic world, and her appreciation about Finland's natural beauty, as well as the country's socioeconomic security — aspects which nurture a happy family life.

14 June 2018
The global migration picture
The global migration picture

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the international migrant population is steadily growing as the movement has become easier thanks to the digital revolution and more affordable travel costs. In 2015 there were about 244 million international migrants — 89 million more than the number of migrants in the year 2000. In most cases, people are moving to high-income countries for work in the service sector. If done in a humane and orderly way, IOM believes that migration is beneficial for both the society and migrants, and can boost the global social and economic development.

11 June 2018
5 things only an expat who has lived by the ocean will understand
5 things only an expat who has lived by the ocean will understand

Research shows that spending time by the ocean is beneficial both for our physical and mental health. Some expats are consciously in search of seaside destinations to fill their life with joy and fresh sea air while others accidentally find themselves on the shore, only to ask how on earth were they living before without the breathtaking sea view. Today, on World Oceans Day, celebrates the future of our oceans with a few points which commemorate the best aspects of expat life by the ocean.

08 June 2018
From Brazil to Italy: Crossing borders hand in hand
From Brazil to Italy: Crossing borders hand in hand

After two and a half fulfilling expat years in Brazil's vast and hectic Rio de Janeiro, Charlotte from Manchester, UK and her Brazilian partner moved to Italy for studies. Starting anew, Charlotte, who is a seasoned traveller and expat, is determined to make the most of her time in Italy. Life in a small Italian town may be quieter, but not without its challenges and stories worth sharing.

07 June 2018
The top high-performance startup hubs in the world
The top high-performance startup hubs in the world

Both expat and local entrepreneurs contribute to national economies and the global economy to make the world a better place through unique products and excellent services. But where in the world are the best places to set up your business or join a charismatic team of changemakers? Startup Genome, a solid support system for technology organisations in forward-looking cities, has composed a geographic and sectorial report, which signals the beginning of a new technological era. We present the startup environment in some of the most entrepreneur-friendly cities.

06 June 2018
This month's expat blog: Travel Gourmande
This month's expat blog: Travel Gourmande

After spending 12 rewarding years in Dubai, Arni and her family decided to move back to the Philippines and "set up their nest". Today, and after a decade of a hectic career-oriented lifestyle in the Middle East, Arni and her French husband run their business in the Philippino countryside. With every opportunity, Arni steals some time for blogging — what started as a journal filled with travel and culinary tips, expanded to be the record of an eventful life journey. Are you ready to join Arni in her adventures and get inspired?

04 June 2018
Tips for expecting expat parents
Tips for expecting expat parents

Pregnancy can be a fascinating process yet a very stressful one. Preparation is key to ensure a smooth and uneventful birth and to welcoming your child merrily. Delivering in a foreign country can cause further anxiety due to the many unfamiliar circumstances. Check out our compiled guide to giving birth abroad, and get organised well in advance for the most important event in your life.

31 May 2018
Where will your dog enjoy a happy expat life
Where will your dog enjoy a happy expat life

How exciting — you are about to seize a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity abroad with all its challenges and rewards. But you are not alone in this expatriation journey; your four-legged friend is family to you and is joining the adventure. Before you get your pooch a passport and make the first steps towards your dog's transportation, take a look at the list we have prepared with some of the world's greatest places to be a dog.  

30 May 2018
A checklist to find out how well you have adapted to your new country
A checklist to find out how well you have adapted to your new country

Moving abroad may mean changing almost every aspect of your life, depending on how far your host country is from your home culturally. Adjusting to a different lifestyle and bringing in your day-to-day a new etiquette and mode of operation requires an open mind. However, at we understand that tolerance isn't always enough, and often, regardless of your willingness to adapt to your new environment, it may just be impossible or not as easy as it was during your previous expat project. On average, you should be able to say whether you feel comfortable or not in your host country after the first half of a year's stay. Use our checklist to see how far you are in your adaptation process.

29 May 2018
Top cities for successful freelancers
Top cities for successful freelancers

Are you one of these professionals who aspire to work free from the rules of the nine-to-five office environment? Or does the company you work for encourage remote working? Gig economy, which is based on freelance work and short-term contracts, empowers you to apply creativity to your work and lifestyle. If you want to expatriate and experience a new culture while earning a living, you may wish to consider one of the cities below for your freelance career along with some additional information about this satisfying yet challenging field.

28 May 2018
Parenting practices from around the world
Parenting practices from around the world

Globally, parenting aims at nurturing responsible and productive members of society. But the definition of a kind and successful citizen differs from culture to culture, depending on the ethics and moral values. Is your child-rearing flexible or do you implement discipline? Do you impose your ideas or let your child to discover their talents creatively? has put together some of the most interesting parenting practices to show you child raising from a different perspective.

24 May 2018
An expat's guide to life in highly polluted cities
An expat's guide to life in highly polluted cities

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has published a report with the most polluted cities in the world based on several-years thorough research. Ideally, the safest way to fight pollution is to prevent it via political, economic, and environmental measurements. However, if you are an expat in a country with high levels of pollution, there are some easy actions you can take to help your body cope with the added stress. But not all cities are polluted — smaller and more conscious cities are offering a healthy environment to their inhabitants.

23 May 2018
The top 5 biggest economies in the world for 2018
The top 5 biggest economies in the world for 2018

The annual GDP of a country doesn't only define the economy of a place but also the quality of life and living standards among its population. According to the World Economic Forum and data provided by the International Monetary Fund, there aren't significant changes in the world's leading economies when comparing the current rankings with the rankings of the previous years. The strongest economies are the usual suspects with some emerging markets reluctantly joining the game.

22 May 2018
Observing the holy month of Ramadan around the world
Observing the holy month of Ramadan around the world

There are more than one and a half billion Muslims worldwide, many of whom greeted Ramadan last Thursday as expats in a non-Muslim country. Also, there are many Western expats in the midst of the 30-day fasting in Muslim countries such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia. looks at how both expat groups can enjoy the holy month of Ramadan — whether it is while abstaining from food and water from dawn till dusk or trying to understand the deeper meaning of this experience for the people who engage in it.

21 May 2018
What are UK's perceptions of immigration?
What are UK's perceptions of immigration?

The annual Aurora Humanitarian Index is based on the survey of about 11,000 people in 12 countries (France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, Argentina, Japan, Kenya, etc.), and their perceptions of global humanitarian issues such as immigration. From those surveyed, 1,053 are British, whose answers show an increasing sympathy towards refugees and immigrants, as well as apparent disagreement with their government regarding the lack of support and legalisation of immigrants.

18 May 2018
Thriving abroad: The story of a forever expat
Thriving abroad: The story of a forever expat

Ute is a German (and Swiss) “expat-since-birth”, as she likes to call herself. She has lived abroad her entire life, and is currently living with her loving family in The Hague, Netherlands. Ute has moved to different countries several times for study, work, and to accompany her partner, and with every move she had to reinvent herself, to adapt, and to overcome the lows. However, every country has been an adventure she has learned from and an opportunity to thrive and move forward.

16 May 2018
Tips on how to cope with sickness abroad
Tips on how to cope with sickness abroad

Struggling with a chronic health condition or having found yourself coping with a sudden illness is tough as it is, and sometimes can be a rather lonesome path. Depending on one's personality and type of sickness, a health condition can prevent us from living life as fully as we would like to. However, some of the best ways (other than our positive attitude) to get through sickness are to have a reliable support system and to trust the environment we are in. Thus, managing illness while living abroad can be a double challenge, especially when we are new to our host country or we are in a country where the healthcare is lacking.

16 May 2018
The most family-friendly expat destinations
The most family-friendly expat destinations

In spite of the fact that families around the world have unique structures and are affected by different socio-economic environments, they are the basic unit of every society. On the United Nations' International Day of Families, presents the best countries to raise a family, as revealed by the latest HSBC Expat Explorer survey. Find out where you get high-quality childcare, education, and healthcare to secure a glowing future for your family.

15 May 2018
Code-switching: A survival communication tool for expats
Code-switching: A survival communication tool for expats

If you have been an expat in the same country for a long time, or have been moving to countries that use the same official language, it's likely that you master at least two languages — your mother tongue and the language that is spoken in your host country — and you easily switch between them.

14 May 2018
The world's best cities for international students
The world's best cities for international students

There are plenty of good reasons to study abroad such as discovering the world, experiencing a new culture, learning a new language, building an international network, and opening your horizons to job opportunities. However, the decision of where to go as an international student isn't one to take lightly. QS ranks 100 global cities with London being the best student city of 2018. Which other cities make it to the top five and why? Let's find out together. 

11 May 2018
Designing a pretty life: From Guatemala to Finland
Designing a pretty life: From Guatemala to Finland

Omar is from Guatemala and arrived in Finland eleven years ago as the singer in a heavy metal band. Ever since, many things have changed — the group split up, Omar obtained the Finnish nationality, and he has created a loving family. Follow us on this exciting journey of a designer, musician, and avid traveller from Guatemala to Finland. 

10 May 2018
Which nations work the longest hours?
Which nations work the longest hours?

When you find yourself in an international group of expats, conversations tend to turn into some competition about whose country has the best national dish and which is the most hardworking nation. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) debunks any myths that expats may have created with a thorough survey, which has measured the annual working hours in 35 OECD member states. Most of the countries ranked are developed, and some fall under the category of developing countries.

09 May 2018
How to get to know your host country
How to get to know your host country

To ensure a successful expatriation and a pleasant expat life, it is very important to become aware of the cultural differences between your host country and your previous location. First and foremost, understand the context of the new culture you are about to throw yourself in. What is the short history of the region? What is the country's climate? What about the economic, social, and geopolitical environment? The answers to these questions will help you wrap your mind around the people's lifestyle, local cuisine, work ethics, and family life. gives you some tips on how to collect sufficient and accurate information about your host country to interact successfully with the local population and avoid misunderstandings or even legal troubles.

08 May 2018
Goodbyes: The fallout of expatriation
Goodbyes: The fallout of expatriation

What is the one thing that you detest as an expat, and every time you go through it, it feels like it's the first time? At we voted: the goodbyes. Or as we prefer to call them: the “see you soon”. You pave your expat path away from family and friends, and you have to leave behind a place and maybe a pet — whichever your situation is, parting from the people you love and the space you feel comfortable in is an onerous process. Every single time.

07 May 2018
From Strasbourg to New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa
From Strasbourg to New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa

Aby, arrived in New Zealand from Strasbourg on a Working Holiday Visa, grabbing the opportunity that the country offers to young expatriates who want to work in New Zealand with spare time to explore its beauty. There are many reasons why Aby chose New Zealand as her expat destination; one of them is the friendly and welcoming Kiwi people. She talks to about the flexibility that the Working Holiday Visa gives you and the best things about New Zealand. 

04 May 2018
This month's expat blog: Tales From The Right Brain
This month's expat blog: Tales From The Right Brain

Meet this month's blogger, Anja, and indulge into expat life in France through her stylish lifestyle and travel blog Tales From The Right Brain.  After meeting her love in Paris, Anja decided to leave her successful career as an auditor and moved to Paris where she is now restarting her professional life with new influences and ideas in mind. If you are looking for some inspiration and tips on how to live life to the fullest, follow Anja's weekly blog posts. 

02 May 2018
5 unique bookshops in popular expat destinations
5 unique bookshops in popular expat destinations

If you have travelled to your new destination only with your e-reader due to its practicality, but you are missing flipping through ink books, we have composed a list of the world's coolest bookshops in five urban expat destinations. You don't have to be the typical bookworm to enjoy the benefits of a nice bookshop — you may go for the good coffee, to meet other expats, or to do your work.

30 April 2018
Essential technology for expats
Essential technology for expats

Expats have special needs due to the unique lifestyle that they lead — from packing and travelling to moving and recreating the comforts of home in a new environment. Technology, if chosen and used wisely, can help expats of all types to enjoy a comfortable, efficient, and fun expat life in their new country. We have composed a handy list of our favourite tech products and apps to ease your transition from native to expat life.

27 April 2018
From Thailand to Timor-Leste for gender equality
From Thailand to Timor-Leste for gender equality

Xian, an Australian-Chinese-Filipina, amateur photographer, badminton player, and swimmer among others, moved to the island nation of Timor-Leste three and a half years ago to continue her wonderful work on gender equality and the prevention of violence against women.  Xian has absolutely adapted to the unique style of island living, and shares with some tips on making the most of your expat experience in Timor-Leste — spoiler alert: food and snorkelling included.

25 April 2018
Where are you in the nationality lottery?
Where are you in the nationality lottery?

We don't choose our place of birth, and our nationality shouldn't be linked to our achievements, growth, and personal value. However, the Quality of Nationality Index by Henley & Partners has set some objective criteria to compare nationalities and measure their local and global performance.  Find out to what extent your nationality allows you to develop your talents inside and outside of your country.

24 April 2018
The biggest relocation challenges for 2018
The biggest relocation challenges for 2018

A relocation project can be very beneficial for companies thanks to the recruitment of global talent and diversity in the working place. However, it comes with several challenges, which, if not adequately addressed, may not only cost the company a lot of money but also lead to loss of competent human force. Some of these challenges are available support to expat employees and orientation, visa acquisition, travel costs, housing, shipment of goods, and other benefits. Cartus, a provider of corporate relocation services, has assessed the global relocation trends for 2018 and the challenges that companies have to deal with when sending employees abroad.

23 April 2018
The accomplishments of a successful expat in Lyon
The accomplishments of a successful expat in Lyon

Alejandra, a Colombian expat in Lyon, France has gone through different stages of life in this historical city. A language enthusiast, Alejandra initially arrived in France to learn French but she immediately fell in love with this vibrant place, and enrolled in a Master's degree before getting a rewarding full time job as a business developer. Looking always on the bright side of life, Alejandra gives us a tour around her favourite city. 

19 April 2018
How to save money while living abroad
How to save money while living abroad

Adapting your habits and lifestyle to a new culture during your expat life is challenging already as it is. However, be prepared that it may also be hard for your wallet to comply with the new costs. In order to help with your smooth transition from one economy to another while moving abroad, we have composed a list of the five most essential tips on how to save money as an expat.

18 April 2018
The countries with the biggest brain drain
The countries with the biggest brain drain

Brain drain is the phenomenon during which young, highly skilled, and competent professionals leave their home country for better professional and financial opportunities abroad. This international movement of talent is usually from developing or small nations where unemployment and political oppression are through the roof, or business opportunities are limited, to richer and predominantly democratic countries. We look at six countries that appear to suffer the most from the side effects of human capital flight.

17 April 2018
5 big European city Marathons coming soon
5 big European city Marathons coming soon

This April if you feel like building your confidence as an expat and achieving a new goal, five popular expat destinations invite you to explore new places and make new friends via the challenge of taking part in a Marathon. Whether you are determined to make it to the finish line or be the race spectator cheering for others, being outdoors in your favourite city and joining the enthusiastic crowds will give you a new perspective of your host city.

16 April 2018
Long distance relationships: Challenging but possible
Long distance relationships: Challenging but possible

You and your partner are in a secure and loving relationship, which has to undergo a temporary physical separation due to set objectives for career growth or personal development. It is true that this sole expatriation, which can be anything from a few weeks to many months, can bring some uncertainties and unexpected difficulties in the relationship. However, we believe that true love doesn't know geographical boundaries, and expat life can be a valuable experience for both — the one who departs and the one who stays behind.

13 April 2018
Pros and cons of hiring an expat
Pros and cons of hiring an expat

Are you thinking to recruit global talent to help you set up your business abroad or establish your brand in a foreign market? International recruitment can help you achieve your business objectives and boost your company's performance on an international level. However, before you rush into sourcing global talent, why not weighing first the pros and cons of working with people from overseas? We have compiled a list of the advantages and disadvantages of hiring an expat to help you make a well-informed decision.

11 April 2018