Maria Iotova

Maria Iotova


Greek expat in Denmark

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Copenhagen, Capital Region

Speaks Greek, Bulgarian, English

Registration: 12 June 2012

Articles written by Maria Iotova

Moto rides and other adventures in the land of a thousand hills
Moto rides and other adventures in the land of a thousand hills

Sila, from Nigeria and Turkey, is now living and working in Rwanda after she agreed to accept a relocation job offer. In the heart of Africa, and home to the continent's largest rainforest with a third of gorillas' world population, Rwanda is one of the proudest nations regarding conservation of natural habitats. When not teaching the principles of leadership to talented, pan-African students, Sila is enjoying the variety of restaurants and the convenience of moto rides, which can take you anywhere in the country's capital city, Kigali. However, there are three things that Sila needs more time to adapt to — living without caring housemates, the lack of spicy food, and the calmness of the city.

10 April 2018
Global risks: An overview of 2018's biggest threats
Global risks: An overview of 2018's biggest threats

The world seems to have risen above the worst financial crisis in modern history, and we are benefiting from some of the highest living standards humanity has ever known. At the same time, we have access to unprecedented technological, scientific, and financial resources, which can give solutions to environmental, economic, geopolitical, and societal challenges. But how ready are governments, businesses, organisations, and people to recognise how interconnected we all are, collaborate and deal with problems at a global level?

09 April 2018
How a holiday in Mauritius turned into a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
How a holiday in Mauritius turned into a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

Before completing her Master's in Non Profit Administration in San Francisco, Kelly was working in both the corporate and government sectors of Singapore, her home country. Two years ago, what was supposed to be a short-term visit to her husband's mother land, Mauritius, opened their eyes to the flaws of the local food system. Ever since, they have focused on developing a sustainable farming model in Mauritius with international applicability. Kelly speaks to about the unexpected change in the course of her life and how she feels about Mauritius, her new home.

06 April 2018
7 popular expat destinations and their national sports
7 popular expat destinations and their national sports

Besides keeping you mentally and physically fit, sport has a much broader influence on the advancement of human rights, and social and economic development. Tomorrow we are celebrating the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, and we thought that it would be a good idea to introduce you to some of the most popular expat destinations and their national sports.

05 April 2018
Our best tips for homesick expats
Our best tips for homesick expats

Expat life is professionally and personally rewarding, but it can also be emotionally overwhelming. Homesickness is a feeling of anxiety and distress, which can stop you from making the most of your experience abroad. It is important to understand that feeling lonely, confused, and unable to adjust to the new lifestyle and environment is normal. However, the symptoms of missing home, along with the security and the routine that come with it should not be ignored or suppressed because they will devalue your expat project. We give you nine tips to overcome homesickness and start enjoying a fulfilling life abroad.

04 April 2018
Dos and don'ts of expat networking
Dos and don'ts of expat networking

It's not the first time that you hear about the importance of networking for your professional and social life. However, for your expat life, building meaningful relationships is necessary, if you wish to thrive in your host country. You might be going through a bureaucratic nightmare with your visa, jumping through hoops to make your long-distance relationship work, or spending long hours in the office — yet, don't let these be detrimental to your networking efforts. Depending on who you meet, your life abroad can be very different, as well as your views on your destination. Here is our guide on how to make the most of networking and what to stay away from.

03 April 2018
April's expat blog: Adventures With Pete
April's expat blog: Adventures With Pete

We are happy to announce our April's Blog of The Month, Adventures With Pete by Eve Brickner, a twenty-something American expat in New Zealand. In 2013, Eve met her fiancé, and ever since they have been together on a journey of adventures. However, the biggest of all is living in New Zealand, and Eve blogs about the ups and downs, and the lessons learned throughout.

02 April 2018
New Orleans: Where a French expat finds enthusiasm for life
New Orleans: Where a French expat finds enthusiasm for life

Céline, a French expat in New Orleans, Louisiana, has a rewarding job and leads a full life in this historic city of jazz music and swing. She loves cycling to work, seafood gumbo, and the friendliness of the people. Follow her unique expat story in New Orleans as we unfold it, and learn more about this expat destination from someone who found home away from home in it.

30 March 2018
What are the qualities of a successful expat?
What are the qualities of a successful expat?

Whether you become an expat because you crave change, build an international career, or follow your spouse, expatriation comes with certain, and sometimes somewhat unexpected challenges. To find out how likely you are to cherish your new life abroad or how much of a devout expat you are, see how many qualities and skills you can check off our list. But, don't despair if you are not acing the test because, as long as it does your heart good, you can learn some of these skills.

29 March 2018
Where in the world are the happiest people?
Where in the world are the happiest people?

This year's World Happiness Report links together the happiness of two groups of citizens — the migrants and the local people — and assesses how the levels of happiness of each group interact and affect one another. In the past 25 years, international migration has raised by 91 million people. Reportedly, migrants are more productive at work, earn higher income, and feel safer in the host country. But which countries lay the groundwork for a happy life for migrants and locals alike?

28 March 2018
Expatriation project accomplished! Welcome home
Expatriation project accomplished! Welcome home

Your expatriation project is soon coming to an end. During your expat life, you acquired new skills; experiences changed you; you made new friends, and have possibly established new priorities. Now, it's time to pack again — but this time to go back home. We recognise that repatriation can be as challenging as starting afresh in a new country. Thus, we have composed a step-by-step guide to successful repatriation.

27 March 2018
Top 5 cities of 2018 for quality of living
Top 5 cities of 2018 for quality of living

Your employer has just placed you on an international assignment, and you wish to know what living standards to expect in your new city. Mercer, the largest human resources consulting group, ranks the quality of living for 2018 in 231 cities based on different categories — from the political and social environment, economic conditions, healthcare, and education, to public services, housing, natural environment, recreation, and availability of goods. presents the five most competitive cities in the world when it comes to good quality of life and attraction of global talent and foreign investment.

26 March 2018
Expat life at the crossroads of civilisations
Expat life at the crossroads of civilisations

Leonard, a writer, an educationist, a history-lover, and an avid reader and traveler, has found everything he needs to lead a fulfilled life in Turkey — where two opposite cultures meet and thrive together. He established his new home in Turkey in 2008 by some quirk of fate, and today, ten years later, he knows that his future is tied with Turkey. To find out more about his expat life in this magical country, follow us as we unfold Leonard's story.

23 March 2018
World Water Day: Cities stand up to water challenges
World Water Day: Cities stand up to water challenges

The human population is growing at a fast rate, resource demand is increasing, polluted water is wasted, and climate change aggravates droughts and floods. This year's World Water Day is about finding nature-based solutions to overcome the current water challenges. Reforestation, restoration of wetlands, and sustainable management of freshwater and wastewater can rebalance the water cycle and improve billions of immediately affected people's well-being worldwide.

22 March 2018
The best countries to celebrate the International Day of Forests
The best countries to celebrate the International Day of Forests

The benefits of forests for Earth and all of us who are on it are plentiful — they absorb carbon and reduce the effects of climate change, cool the air, scale down noise pollution, filter water, prevent flooding, and are home to a vibrant biodiversity. This year, if your expat project is unfolding in any of the countries below, you are very lucky because they have some fantastic forests to celebrate the International Day of Forests in.

21 March 2018
5 tips for leading a healthy expat life
5 tips for leading a healthy expat life

To make the most of your expat project, it is very important to stay healthy in your host country. Depending on where you are settling, there are different health risks to consider and preventive measures to take. For example, in Ghana, you should beware of malaria and in the UK of colds and the seasonal flu. However, we have composed a universal guide to good personal health. So stop procrastinating your new healthy routine and enjoy your expatriation while you are in the best of health.

20 March 2018
The 10 most expensive cities in the world
The 10 most expensive cities in the world

In the past five years, the global cost of living has dropped from 85.5% to 74% — great news expats and expats-to-be, isn't it? How ever, before we cause a stir, we would like to point out that even though during 2017 the world witnessed the fastest economic growth since 2011, the cost of living is fluctuating depending on various indicators; and it's often quite unpredictable. This article looks into the ten most expensive cities for 2018, stemming from the Worldwide Cost of Living report, which has studied 133 cities and the prices of 160 products and services. Money, they say, don't bring happiness. What if, in some cities, they do? 

19 March 2018
The importance of e-learning: An interview with an expert
The importance of e-learning: An interview with an expert

In a fast-evolving job market, where new sectors are emerging every few years, employers need to consider how they will upgrade the skills of their staff, so that they can respond to the new demands. Employees, on the other hand, must find ways to keep up with the changes in the workplace. Investing in e-learning comes with many benefits for both sides — fewer hours and costs of training new staff, and more engaged and responsible employees. Stephen Somerville, Director of Business Development at FutureLearn, talks to about the importance of e-learning for businesses and employees, and the current trends in e-learning.

05 January 2018
An Indian expat in Finland finds new meanings in life
An Indian expat in Finland finds new meanings in life

Jutismita moved from the fast-paced Delhi to Helsinki as a trailing spouse. With her move to Europe, Jutismita discovered not only a different lifestyle and landscapes but also a whole new self. She talks to about her new habits, big loves (spoiler alert: travelling included), and the challenges of expatriation to northern Europe.

14 December 2017
Top 10 countries to teach English
Top 10 countries to teach English

At some point in our lives, many of us seek some adventure and cultural enlightenment. Maybe you have always dreamed of living in another country and having new experiences. Assuming that you aren't a day trader nor bought bit coins back in 2007, you are going to need to support yourself while living abroad. One of the most popular options is to teach English.

21 November 2017
Who are the masters of English?
Who are the masters of English?

Getting by with your native language is possible, but if you want to obtain a first-class education, thrive in business, or international relations, or simply expand your horizons, English language is your best bet. English serves the world's need to connect and exchange information in a universal language, which is one of globalisation's and international mobility's most important tools. Thus, EF has measured and created a quality index of the English proficiency of adults from 80 countries where English isn't the native language, and looks into the results.

15 November 2017
5 good reasons to move to Cape Town
5 good reasons to move to Cape Town

You have opened Google maps, and you are scrolling the globe, up and down, left and right, looking for an answer to “what's next?” If you are ready to expatriate and you are keen on taking up a new challenge, we are giving you five excellent reasons to consider Cape Town — South Africa's Mother City.

07 November 2017
6 ideal jobs for people who love to travel
6 ideal jobs for people who love to travel

Does the thought of visiting exotic locations and discovering new cultures seem more appealing than the daily grind of office life? We have put together a list of ideal jobs for those who want to earn a living without sacrificing their love for travelling.

31 October 2017
Life is beautiful for our Russian expat in Italy
Life is beautiful for our Russian expat in Italy

Alexandra from Russia, first moved to Italy to study the language and to join her many Italian friends. Ever since she has been living in Verona with her Italian husband, and has been enjoying a balanced life that allows space for big gatherings, good food, yoga, and cycling.

27 October 2017
Your questions about sustainable business practices answered
Your questions about sustainable business practices answered

Looking for ways to integrate sustainability into your business and become part of the solution towards a sustainable economy is an excellent first step for a business leader to take. However, in this competitive sector, decisions aren't always obvious, and advice is well-received. Denise Delaney, director at SustainAbility, talks to about sustainability in business, the current challenges companies face, and the benefits of leading a sustainable business.

16 October 2017
Tips to ensure good mental health when moving abroad
Tips to ensure good mental health when moving abroad

While you might think of joining a gym or a sports team to keep your body in good health when you move abroad, mental health often gets overlooked. While an emotional toll is to be expected, you can take some steps to keep your mind healthy and positive during a potentially tumultuous time.

22 September 2017
12 countries in 12 months: The story of an ardent digital nomad
12 countries in 12 months: The story of an ardent digital nomad

A few months ago, Justin Poore took up a challenge — to bid farewell to his regular life, and live in 12 countries in one year. Justin travels light, but there are two things he never leaves behind — his passion for video making and his work. Currently, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, this digital nomad has a lot more to see and do! Let's get a glimpse into his never-ending adventures.

21 September 2017
The 5 most and least stressed US cities
The 5 most and least stressed US cities

Being an adult comes with a ton of responsibilities, which can result in certain levels of stress and anxiety. How many of these worries aren't we battling day-to-day — Questions like, do I perform well at work, is my family safe, or will I ever have enough savings to do the things I want? To occasionally receive controlled signals of stress, as a response to a particular pressure is normal, and can be motivating and productive. However, it's chronic stress that wears away at us, puts our health at risk, and takes away hope.

29 August 2017
Expert Vagabond: An adventurous digital nomad
Expert Vagabond: An adventurous digital nomad

Matthew, a vagabond at heart and a full-time adventure travel blogger and photographer, has been living as a digital nomad and expat since 2010. His curiosity, explorer's mindest, and risk-taking personality have taken him to over 50 countries and opened the doors to numerous life-changing experiences. Today, Matthew and his wife have a more permanent home in the United States, but you will still hear from him from other parts of the world for at least half of the year. speaks to Matthew about wild travel stories, useful tips for digital nomads, and other adventures. Read the interview, and get inspired and motivated to live life to the fullest.

28 August 2017
5 ways to maintain your career as a trailing spouse
5 ways to maintain your career as a trailing spouse

The first Monday morning in a new country is hard. Your spouse goes to the office, leaving you standing in the echoing space of your new home. Maybe you feel guilty that they have to work, while you play house? But at the same time, you've given up your job for the sake of theirs! So you make another cup of coffee and look out the window at an unfamiliar street, wondering where it leads.

11 August 2017
Edinburgh: Scotland's irresistable charm
Edinburgh: Scotland's irresistable charm

Ashley, an American expat in Scotland talks to about the romantic (spoiler) reason behind her decision to move to Edinburgh, Scotland, and how she can now enjoy the best of two worlds. Driving on the "wrong" side of the road and coping with the wet and cold weather have been good enough reasons to give Ashley a cultural shock, but Edinburgh is an easy going place to live in, full of personality and genuinely nice people who will welcome you. 

13 July 2017
Expat life in Turkey: It's a perfect ten
Expat life in Turkey: It's a perfect ten

We most often talk about learning a foreign language and the challenges we face, but what about learning foreign numbers? Sounds familiar — that time at the till in a foreign country when we are expecting the cashier to punch in the amount we have to pay and turn the calculator so we can see. Jason, an American expat in Turkey, speaks to about his slow-paced life in Izmir, Turkey, the benefits of being your own boss, and his application, 'Foreign Numbers'.

12 June 2017
Bike sharing schemes around the world
Bike sharing schemes around the world

As the global trends towards health and fitness have picked up over the past years, with a vast population who won't stop talking about their clean eating journey, CrossFit classes, and seven-day-detox plans, it's hard to suppress the urge to become more active in our day-to-day lives. One of the easiest ways to get active is to shake up our commuting routine — after all, there must be more productive ways to use our time than staring at our phones on the bus or the subway.

06 June 2017
Coworking spaces: Everything you need to know
Coworking spaces: Everything you need to know

The freelance and entrepreneurial economies are thriving, especially among the Millennials and Gen Z working population. In 2016 there were 55 million freelancers in the USA, and it's estimated that by 2020 freelancers in the US will make 50% of the total workforce. But where do freelancers and digital nomads work? You have definitely seen them in the cafés or the park, however, with more than 10,000 coworking spaces around the world, remote work has been redefined. Here we look into the benefits of coworking spaces, the etiquette for deskmates, and we give you tips on how to choose the right coworking space for you.

05 June 2017
Ahlem Mahroua: From Google to the world of digital nomads
Ahlem Mahroua: From Google to the world of digital nomads

Ahlem is a blogger and the founder of Digital Nomads Media. Born in France to Algerian parents, she grew up in a multicultural environment — it's this setting that sparked her love for languages and travelling. Ahlem has lived in Mumbai, London, Madrid, Dublin, Lisbon, and currently she lives in Barcelona. A sales manager at Google for six years in the field of online advertising and marketing, Ahlem created the site last year after leaving Google to pursue her own passions. She is a digital nomad who writes about her travel experiences and entrepreneurship on her blog.

02 June 2017
Our top 5 expat parenting blogs
Our top 5 expat parenting blogs

Moving abroad with your children can be one of the most fulfilling and life-changing decisions you have made for your kids — new experiences, exposure to different cultures, and maybe acquiring a new language are just some of the benefits. But if you are overwhelmed by questions, such as how will my child cope in the new country and how to choose the right school abroad, here are five expat parenting blogs to help you and your family smoothly settle in your new home.

01 June 2017
Dream big and work hard: A Filipino couple in Qatar
Dream big and work hard: A Filipino couple in Qatar

Have you ever imagined starting a new life abroad without anything set in stone? No job or an employer awaiting for your arrival, no accommodation sorted, but with the only thought in mind that you have to make it work. Lenny and her husband from the Philippines dared to do exactly this -- to take the risk and to dream big. And you will be happy to know that they made it! Let's hear their inspirational story as shared with

25 May 2017
Jobs for digital nomads: Travel and work remotely
Jobs for digital nomads: Travel and work remotely

You want to rediscover your passion, to dedicate your time to a job that doesn't simply pay the bills — it makes your day. You know other people have done it, and you are ready to quit your nine to five and become a digital nomad. Here are a few top jobs that you could do remotely with all your heart while enjoying the freedom of travelling, managing your time, and balancing your life. Choose the job that best suits your talent and skills, and join a diverse community of digital nomads who have taken the courage to live life through experiences.

24 May 2017
The power of food: Feel at home in a foreign country
The power of food: Feel at home in a foreign country

Think of all the times that food has helped you feel better — the chocolate-stuffed pancakes in your mum's kitchen when your heart was broken, the creamy and comforting pasta on a night out with your colleagues after a hustling and bustling day at the office. Now, what about the days abroad when homesickness hits and you long for familiar flavours, or simply want to impress your friends with your cooking skills? Food is part of your identity, and wherever you are, you can find home through a great dish. Here' s a guide on how to recreate your favourite meals (and the homey atmosphere) in your kitchen abroad from Kristyna, a Czech expat in England.

23 May 2017
From a writer's perspective: Expat David Anicetti on Guatemala
From a writer's perspective: Expat David Anicetti on Guatemala

Expat and author David Anicetti expatriated in Guatemala 24 years ago from the US to set up his business. But the country of the epic Mayan civilisation and scenic nature made an impact on David, and he has called it home ever since. He talks to about the country, its people and the lifestyle, and how he conceived the idea for his book 'Living in Guatemala', a practical guide to the country. Join us in a journey to Central America to find out more about the everyday life of a long-term expat in Guatemala.

14 April 2017
European expatriation among the youth
European expatriation among the youth

European Millennials seem to be keen on leaving their home country for another country within the continent in search of academic and professional experiences. Students and professionals between 18 and 28 convey an enthusiasm for learning new languages, living in different cultures, and, of course, gaining a better education or establishing an international career. Here, is an overview of the expat life in seven European countries as recorded by the Think Young think tank.

13 April 2017
Expat, international analyst, commentator and writer, Alana Moceri talks to
Expat, international analyst, commentator and writer, Alana Moceri talks to

Alana Moceri is a university professor at Universidad Europea in Madrid. Being an American expat in Spain, her areas of expertise cover politics and communication in the US, the European Union, and Spain. Alana is also passionate about public diplomacy, public opinion, and activism. She shares with her expat experience in Spain, and — no matter how hard we tried — we couldn't resist including some politics in our conversation.

11 April 2017
Fred Swaniker: The Ghanaian expat who reimagined university
Fred Swaniker: The Ghanaian expat who reimagined university

Fred Swaniker is the man behind the African Leadership Academy in Johannesburg and ALU in Mauritius and Rwanda. Fred Swaniker speaks to about the link between expatriation and entrepreneurship. He also talks about Africa's future leaders and the power of a diverse education, which engages, brings the students in the core of real life situations, and boosts entrepreneurial thinking.

07 April 2017
5 expat bloggers reveal their recipe for happiness
5 expat bloggers reveal their recipe for happiness

Are you about to move abroad and make the tough decision to leave your many cookbooks behind? Never mind, because — with this selection of five expat bloggers pouring love and care in their dishes — is bringing an infusion of faraway flavours into your kitchen. Join us for an international feast — a celebration of life in foreign lands!

06 April 2017
The best of Europe: Five blogs for five cities
The best of Europe: Five blogs for five cities

What do Dublin, London, The Hague, Parma, and Galicia have in common? — Sorry, all being European cities, even though it is the right guess, doesn't count. Okay, we will save you the hustle — here it is, they all have good expat bloggers! brings them to you to introduce you to the expat life in the city they have decided to make a home (for now).

01 March 2017
How the English language opens international doors
How the English language opens international doors

How many times has the language barrier stopped us from developing a relationship, expressing ourselves, or resolving a misunderstanding? The English language is our best choice when it comes to integration and cross-cultural communication in diverse settings. But it is also a passport to a global network of successful and helpful people and enticing professional opportunities abroad.

17 February 2017
What an international student says about life in England
What an international student says about life in England

When Takahiro first arrived in Brighton in 2009 for his Master's degree, he couldn't imagine that seven years later he would still live there — now completing his PhD. It's been a rewarding journey —  academically and personally — with its ups and downs of course.

14 February 2017
Four things Italian: Drama, aesthetics, romance, and fashion
Four things Italian: Drama, aesthetics, romance, and fashion

Who hasn't looked at Italy as the country of arts and architecture, family and food, of a powerful empire, and the center of the Renaissance? Rebecca, a Scottish expat in Veneto, is feeling totally at home in Italy, and makes the most of the uniqueness this country has to offer – full of history museums, off the beaten track villages waiting to be explored, and traditional cuisine. Italy inspires!

03 February 2017
First came love, then came Switzerland
First came love, then came Switzerland

When Ashleigh met her lovely Swiss man, she didn't know what the future holds — a marriage, settlement in a new country, and a rewarding work life. Ashleigh and her husband are now living in Geneva, and as a first-time expat, she had a lot on her plate at the beginning. But almost two years after, the culture shock and feelings of loneliness have lightened, and Ashleigh enjoys the charms of Switzerland, plans a family, and can't be happier with her online projects.

31 January 2017
The best cities for an unforgettable student life
The best cities for an unforgettable student life

Prospective students, we understand your agonies, enthusiasm, and confusions because we have gone through the same journey. What course to study, where, and how will you benefit from it in the future — are just a few of the questions hanging. But before you start filling in the application forms, be reminded that learning doesn't shut in the classroom — it's an ongoing process that takes place in the bar, the cafe, on the streets, the galleries, the concert halls, and the parties.

26 January 2017