Maria Iotova
Greek expat in Denmark
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About me
Lives in Copenhagen, Capital Region
Speaks Greek, Bulgarian, English
Registration: 12 June 2012
Articles written by Maria Iotova

Travel and population exchange has proved to be one of the pandemic's closest friends. Hence, since the outbreak, limiting international and local travel has been a top priority among governments worldwide. Expats and expats-to-be have seen their plans changing quickly; many have lost international job placements, and others have waited for months to reunite with their families or return to their home country.
27 January 2021
After the Covid-19 labour market changes, expatriate and mobile employability will never look the same. The pandemic has shaped the labour market of tomorrow in so many ways — from how we communicate with our colleagues and where we work from to job losses among low-skilled workers, child-carers (mostly mothers), and the youth.
26 January 2021
With four Covid-19 vaccines available, and the UK having kicked immunisation early in December, the debate is shifting on health passports. For now, most of the conversation is theoretical and based on speculations, but a health passport could be on our doorstep in no time...
18 January 2021
On the 20th of January this year, the United States of America will have a new President. It is no secret that Donald Trump, the soon-to-be ex-President of the US has not been very pro-immigration. His policies, whether immigration related or not, has caused a decline in the US' appeal as an expat destination. How will this change under Joe Biden's presidency?
13 January 2021
With the start of the new year, significant changes as a result of Brexit kicked in. Theoretically, the UK left the EU and its institutions on February 1, 2020. Now, the 11-month transition and negotiation period has ended, and the deal between the UK and the EU has come into effect. New agreements and regulations, which span across work life, travel, education, healthcare, tax, and communications, define the UK's relationship with the EU and vice versa. This article presents the key points of the Brexit deal which are likely to affect British expats and expats-to-be in the EU and EU nationals who are planning to move to the UK or are already there.
06 January 2021
In the past three decades, an increase in freedom of expression of identity and growth of women's empowerment and financial independence have led to the rise in single-parent families. What's more, single parents don't compromise with a mediocre life, but they are in pursuit of their dreams, career success, and a high-standard nurturing environment for their children...
04 June 2020As the American authorities struggle to contain the spread of the coronavirus, three expats share their experiences with us.
18 March 2020As of March 16, 2020, the total Coronavirus cases in the United States are 3,487 and 68 deaths. However, the data changes day-by-day meteorically, and for the most up-to-date information regarding the U.S. one should be checking with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Experts agree that the number of infected people exceeds the number of laboratory-confirmed cases since many COVID-19 patients are asymptomatic yet fully capable of infecting others.
18 March 2020
For many expats, the excitement of moving to a new country and upgrading our career is lessened by the concern for the family we leave behind — especially aging parents who are more likely to be dependent on us. So how can we chase our expatriation dream while making sure our aging parents receive the love and support they deserve? I have been an expat since 2007 and lucky enough to have self-sufficient and healthy parents. However, since I am planning to continue my expatriation journey, I am continuously thinking of better ways to strengthen my relationship with my parents in spite of the physical distance between us and see to it that the older they grow, the more care and comfort they will get.
17 January 2020
It's been almost two years since thousands and thousands of expats in Saudi Arabia started making their exit due to the Kingdom's newest Saudi Nationalisation Scheme (also known as Nitaqat). According to the saudization policy implemented by the Ministry of Labour & Social Development, companies must hire Saudi nationals and expats on a quota basis, which favours the former. Almost two million expats have left Saudi Arabia since 2017 within the scope of a 2020 National Transformation Program, with no signs of an end to the mass exodus.
11 December 2019
Are you thinking of spending your golden years outside your home country, but all the glossy brochures about retiring abroad are demonstrating unrealistic lifestyles for someone with your budget? We believe that finding your retirement heaven shouldn't be a privilege for the rich only. Many countries offer a good quality of life at a reasonable cost, and even if you don't have a ton of savings, you can still enjoy a happy retirement. Let's find them out (in alphabetical order)!
21 November 2019
Banks sell loans, and regardless of whether you are an expat or national, they want you — the customer — to buy these loans. Bearing this in mind will help you understand that getting a loan as an expat is not out of the question, and it is worth considering if it will ease your life as an expat. But where do you start when applying for a loan in a country whose banking system is not overly familiar to you?
28 October 2019
Last week, Ethiopia made history with Prime Minister, Dr. Abiy Ahmed, winning the Nobel peace prize for establishing a peace agreement with neighbouring Eritrea, challenging media censorship, fighting corruption, and increasing women's social and political presence, among others. But what is it like to be an expat in Ethiopia? Expat.com dives into Ethiopia's profile as an expat destination and speaks with a long-term expat in Addis Ababa for a first-hand insight of what expat life in Ethiopia is actually like.
24 October 2019Canada, one of the most popular expat destinations, is set to elect their Prime Minister on the 21st of October. Expat.com chats to a short-term expat living in Canada at the moment as well as a long-term expat who has chosen to run in the elections.
17 October 2019
Whereas a retirement plan should be a concern for every adult who wishes to spend their golden years in relative comfort, expats have a lot more to organise when it comes to their pension. Precisely, if you have been living and working abroad for many years, you cannot rely on what your home country's national pension scheme has to offer. To make things clearer and your expat life easier, we have put together some insightful information about retirement planning when working outside your home country.
30 September 2019
Work, curiosity, quality of life (or all of these combined) are excellent reasons to move to a new country. But expatriating with a child brings some legit, culture-related points to the equation of the expat life. How does raising a child in an environment that is unfamiliar even to you as a parent impacts their upbringing and cultural identity? Read through to find out ways to help your child navigate through the culture of your host country, and make the most of being a Third Culture Kid.
13 August 2019
A scouting expat trip is a process of testing the waters before making a life-changing decision to move (or not) to a country. At first, it may sound unreasonable to spend all this money and time to visit a place where you are most likely relocating to anyway. But it's actually a wise choice and a thoughtful investment towards your expatriation project. In the long term, it can save you a whole lot of hustle. So, don't take someone else's word for your prospecting expat country; find out for yourself. Here's a primer on how to make the most of your scouting trip.
05 August 2019
Records of expat blues date as far back as the 8th century BC, in Homer's ancient Greek epic poem of Odyssey. Throughout his 20-year-long perilous journey, Odysseus was finding comfort in the hope that one day, he would kiss the soil of his homeland and see his family. Nowadays, expatriation is taking lighter forms — partly due to technology and ease of travelling. However, symptoms of perturbation and low spirits are characteristic among those suffering from homesickness.
31 July 2019
According to an HSBC report earlier this year, two of the ten best expat destinations for international workers are in the Middle East. The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain give expats-to-be financial incentives to apply for jobs in the region and offer contract stability and fair workplace culture. On the other hand, the Middle Eastern lifestyle and culture are beyond many expats' ken, especially women's from Western parts of the world. But what it's like to be a woman expatriate in the Middle East? Expat.com taps into the Middle Eastern idiosyncrasies to help women expats-to-be understand the nuances of living and working in the area.
19 June 2019
So, you are moving to a new country? With just three months left before the big event, there are plenty of things to be excited about. With that, as exhilarating as this period may be, it can also get quite overwhelming. With so many things to think about, paperwork to arrange and packing to do, the best thing you can do is keep calm and stay organised.
30 May 2019
In spite of Greece's lingering financial crisis and high levels of unemployment, especially among the youth, the country has remained an attractive destination for expats who are looking for low cost of living, sunshine, and a booming startup ecosystem. The cradle of Western civilisation, Greece is a large source of history and culture. Once you overcome the initial culture shock, you won't be able to resist Greek people's passion for introducing you to the Greek way of life; before you know it you will be celebrating name days, and you will be hugging and kissing your friends when you meet them.
28 September 2018
China, currently the world's largest economy after the United States, aspires and takes drastic actions to become number one before 2030 by transitioning to a consumption-driven development model. Although there are risks of failure, which may lead to uneven economic growth, protectionism, and nationalism instead, China is most likely going to play an even bigger role on the global economic stage, while it restructures its policies and regulations, and improves the quality of life of its citizens. Here are eight predictions about China's business and consumption future as presented by the World Economic Forum, based on China's commitment to innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship.
27 September 2018
Toronto, the capital city of Canada's province of Ontario and the fifth largest city in North America (after Mexico City, NYC, Los Angeles, and Chicago), is one of Canada's greatest places to live, if you have an active and outgoing personality. The city's landscape and lifestyle are the results of the fascinating mixture of cultures and subcultures. From the hospitality of the people and the vibrancy of city life to the job opportunities and the work-life balance, here are five reasons you will enjoy expat life in the metropolis of Toronto.
26 September 2018
The Arab world's competitiveness is promising, as long as the countries in the region commit to economic and social reforms, and accomplish the erosion of persisting inequalities. One solution for a more open and prosperous economy in the Arab world is for its countries to further invest in an entrepreneurial private sector, which will create employment opportunities for the youth. In general, the Arab world needs to diversify its economy by shifting from natural resources to dynamic entrepreneurship, and at the same time fund education, innovation, and connectivity projects.
21 September 2018
If you are a seasoned urbanite, most likely your eyes and personality are trained to find the beauty and unique characteristics in every city you live in. Of course, each place has its positive and negative aspects, but some destinations are closer to our heart. Here, we present five charming and contemporary cities around the world, which are not the capital cities.
19 September 2018
Street food isn't only cheap, tasty, and easy to find around the country, but it's also an authentic way to explore the local traditions and culture. Tackling the street food queue and interacting with the cooks puts you in the heart of the local society. You may find yourself practising your language skills when trying to order or find out more about the recipe, or you may start wandering in a neighbourhood that you had never visited before in search of the best food stall in your city. Also, choosing street food for your lunch, dinner, or snack is a flavoursome way to support the local economy. Expat.com has chosen the tastiest street foods from the most attractive expat destinations and warns you that by the end of this article you will be hungry.
17 September 2018
Expatriation started as a necessity when I was looking to progress with my academic studies of a Master's degree in England. However, it was earlier in my life, when I began travelling for leisure, that I figured out moving countries is a lifestyle I would like to revel in. Since 2007, I have lived and worked in five countries in Europe, Africa, and East Asia, and I am currently preparing for my next expatriation project. I may find it easier to board a plane and start all over again than deciding what to have for dinner, but the journey is not anxiety and sorrow-free. So, if you are interested in how a life away from everything you take for granted is, please don't ask me (or any other like-minded expat for that matter) any of the following questions — here's why.
14 September 2018
The concept of minimum wage helps companies ensure that their employees earn enough for a minimum standard of living, which allows them to stay healthy and enjoy a state of well-being. Clearly, to achieve a similar standard of living in Kuwait, for example, and the Netherlands, you should earn a different minimum salary, depending on the country's cost of living. In general, if a nation's minimum wage is high, there is less poverty, more productivity, increased economic mobility, and reduced income inequality. This article will help you understand where does your host country stand in the international minimum wage ranking, and how does this affect its labour force and economic development.
12 September 2018
Whether you are moving abroad to set up your tech startup, begin your freelance career, or enjoy the freedom of the nomadic lifestyle, the internet speeds in your host country will profoundly affect your professional performance. That being said, even if your work isn't immediately dependant on the internet, you would still want to have a fast and stable connection to uninterruptibly complete your everyday online tasks. See below the top five countries with the highest average broadband speeds to know where you aren't at risk of sluggish internet connection.
10 September 2018
To become successful in your expatriation project and to make the most of your host country, you should be ready to accept changes in your lifestyle and everyday routine. However, we all have a few habits, favourite activities, or personality traits that we are not willing to compromise regardless of our location or circumstances. Expat.com has selected a few countries depending on your priorities in life to help you choose the most suitable expat destination for you, or to get a better understanding of your new country of residence.
06 September 2018
Extreme weather conditions, disastrous natural phenomena such as earthquakes and hurricanes, turmoil and civilian unrest may, at some point, affect your expat life to such an extent that it may be necessary for you and your family to undergo emergency evacuation. The process of getting out of your host country quickly and under the threat of a disaster is scary, and unless you have a plan in place, you run the risk of panicking and not focusing on what's most important: your and your family's safety. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for emergency evacuation.
05 September 2018
Did you move abroad and happened to find your soulmate in your host country? We are so happy for you! Now you deserve to have your dream wedding ceremony. So, whether you are planning your wedding in the place you are currently residing in or your partner's home country, look no further. Expat.com has composed a handy guide with everything you may have to consider before your big day.
03 September 2018
I have always been very thoughtful about the things I own, and how I organise them in my space — whether it's the tiny studio in South Korea, the shared-flat in Ghana, or the two-floor house in Mauritius. I love change, and I see moving to a different country as an opportunity to reset my reality and rediscover myself; living abroad helps me look at things with fresh eyes and get rid of preconceptions. Packing is a big part of the whole moving process, and when you have to limit your belongings down to two suitcases, you reconsider the value of possessions. Here's how I learned to put my life on the scale and hit the 23 kg target.
31 August 2018
Whether you are about to establish your business abroad or settle in your new home, you will have to choose a telecom service provider from the many available companies targeting the market. Our professional and personal lives are heavily dependant on online, instant communication and wireless telephones, and our home entertainment has incorporated streaming media. In a free market, with more options than ever, it can be difficult to conclude on a telecommunication service provider, especially when you are overseas, and you are not familiar with the brands and expectations. However, there are several things that you need to consider to select a provider which matches your needs.
27 August 2018
Millennials demand flexibility at work, push off marriage until they have established their career and have become financially stable, and are more interested in experiences than homeownership. These digital, entrepreneurial, and well-travelled young people cherish change and are keen to take up the challenge of relocation. But where do Millennials flock to, and what are their criteria for liking a place? Nestpick, a global accommodation website, has ranked 110 cities based on professional opportunities, good quality of life, tolerance, and recreation. Here are the five most popular urban centres among Millennials for this year.
27 August 2018
With the development of the commercial aviation industry, non-stop flights have become longer — no one could have imagined back in the 1950s that the journey from the UK to Australia which was made of nine layovers would become a 17-hour direct flight. As an expat, you are probably travelling more often than the average person; it's therefore important for your mental and physical well being to know how to manage discomfort during eight, ten, or seventeen hours of flying.
24 August 2018
Buying property abroad as an expat can require more research, and may involve more risks than buying in your home country. You should start planning the purchase well in advance, do some research on formalities such as visa requirements for buyers and mortgage conditions, and get expert advice when necessary. Expat.com has put together a guide to finding and buying the right property for you, whether it's an investment solution, a holiday home, or a permanent residence.
22 August 2018
You are fresh in the expat way of living, and you are still trying to find your way around an unfamiliar place, new work ethics, and strangers. And, to top it all off, your birthday is approaching; but the idea of celebrating it is only intensifying emotions of homesickness and nostalgia for what your life used to be when you were surrounded by family and friends. We encourage you to look for the silver lining of your situation, and focus on the potential beneficent outcomes of your expat adventure — believe it or not, celebrating your birthday abroad is one of them. Read below to find out how you can have an epic birthday away from home.
17 August 2018
The international travel and tourism industry largely contributes to the global economy, making for 10.2% (or about USD 7,6 trillion) of the annual global GDP. In 2016, the sector accounted for one in ten jobs on the planet, creating 292 million positions — a number which corresponds with the 1.2 billion international arrivals during the same year. While we have been used to North to North travel, outbound travel from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific is overgrowing. Here's an overview of a sector that generates high-quality employment opportunities, bridges people and cultures, and has the potential to promote the protection and restoration of our planet's ecosystem.
15 August 2018
Working parents in the United States are facing daunting hurdles to find high-quality and affordable care for their children due to the country's inadequate childcare system. Each state has a unique setting, but what all states have in common are the high cost of childcare and the difficulty to access a system whose priority is not the welfare of parents, children, and professional carers.
13 August 2018
Usually, the clothes we wear tend to be appropriate for the occasion (e.g. a business meeting, a Sunday hike, a night out with friends) we get dressed for, and often express our mood or reveal our personality. But clothing isn't merely a personal matter; it's a national too. Traditional ethnic wear, which dates back to a certain period of time in history, represents the culture and identity of a specific ethnic group and is often linked to social and religious status. In most areas of the world, western dress codes have been incorporated, and traditional garments are saved for special events and festivals. However, in some places such as Bhutan, the ethnic wear is still worn in public by citizens.
10 August 2018
The world is full of beautiful places, and every country has natural resources, historical, or archaeological sites to be proud of. However, some countries are more charming than others — they host indigenous animal species, have some of the most impressive UNESCO World Heritage sites, and boast diverse ecosystems of land and water. The World Economic Forum has ranked 136 countries based on their landscape, natural parks, fauna, and availability of outdoor tourism activities. We pulled the top five countries from the WEF's list and present them to you. Well, aren't they beautiful?
08 August 2018
If you have arrived at your expat destination without your vehicle, and your employer isn't providing a company car, you should research your options regarding your mode of transport. Owning a car may be the most convenient way of moving from A to B, especially if you have children, or you don't live in the city, but before you decide to buy a car abroad, keep in mind the following.
06 August 2018
Whether you are a wholehearted urbanite, or you are about to move to a big city, here's a list of the top ten places in the world for a fulfilling city life. Time Out has surveyed 15,000 city-dwellers about the ways they have fun in their city, the cost of living, their lifestyle satisfaction, and the qualities of the people who surround them, and has composed a list of 32 inspiring cities. Expat.com is presenting to you the top ten most exciting cities to live in, where each day can be a new adventure.
03 August 2018
A hefty salary doesn't necessarily mean that you can save a ton of money at the end of the month, or that you can afford big expenditure on leisure activities and luxury items. Cost of living has a direct impact on all of the above. Starting with the least expensive, we present to you America's ten most expensive metropolitan areas, where a six-figure annual salary for a family of three isn't enough for a comfortable lifestyle. After paying their taxes, debts, housing, and transportation, a family earning $100,000 a year is still struggling to get by in certain US cities.
01 August 2018
To understand how generations interact with one another, the Resolution Foundation, a British think tank, has convened an Intergenerational Commission. While generations share common living space — whether it is in the form of family or the broader society — the IC is studying how they can live better together, and how the younger population can be better off than their parents. Going beyond the unlucky timing of the global economic crisis, the side effects of which Millennials have felt the most, IC is trying to renew the social contract between generations.
16 July 2018
The number of women who have made it to the top of the government has more than doubled since the beginning of the Millennium. However, female power has still a long way to go, as the list of women leaders remains short; between 2014 and 2016, the World Economic Forum counted 56 nations (of the 146) with a female head of state for at least one year in the past 50 years. Yet, some of the world's most powerful countries such as Germany, India, South Korea, UK, Brazil, and Chile currently have or had women in power, helping towards the normalisation of female leaders.
12 July 2018
Today, the world is celebrating 50 years since the International Conference of Human Rights took place in 1968, when for the first time, family planning was recognised as a human right. Thus, on World Population Day, Expat.com looks into the state of the world's population to better understand the implications on the environment, gender equality, and wealth distribution. Find out whether your host country is home to megacities, a rapidly growing population, or an ageing population.
10 July 2018
Wine tasting at a picturesque winery is an excellent unwinding and invigorating experience, and you don't have to be a leisure traveller to enjoy it. If your expatriation journey has taken you to one of the world's most astonishing landscapes in the USA, Portugal, Australia, South Africa, France, or Spain, you are fortunate because you can indulge in the country's rich wine heritage at any time.
10 July 2018
Moving overseas will initially fill you up with excitement about the adventures to come, and gradually may bring up worries about practical matters. Regardless of how easy or tough the reality is during your time abroad, expatriation will be for sure a growth experience, from which you will learn a tone of things about yourself and your interaction with the world.
09 July 2018