Filipino expat in Israel
35 posts
About me
Registration: 01 November 2013
Are you choosy and perfectionist? by davebec
I wanna to know you are choosy for everything or only friends or other. I am a bit choosy. this all depends upon either friends or other. but sometime this character feel like hard or selfish or tough or good. Also perfectionist - must have all ...
I tend to be picky about food but that's it. I'm not a vegan,vegetarian or up into some unusual diet. Just careful about the source and quality of the food i buy. Read More
Reality in the Philippines. by boredomsucks
Reality in the Philippines. 1. Expats in the Pilippines are richer and having a good life than locals. 2. Locals travel to other country to have a good life, expats travel to Philippines to enjoy life. Agree or Disagree?
Reality in the Philippine Locals travel to other country to have a good life, expats travel to Philippines to enjoy life. Agree or Disagree?I agree with your second statement though could not tell whether expats are richer than the locals.Look at ... Read More
The first convert is here. :D by John C.
Sorry, I could not post at 'News & announcements' because that section is reserved only for forum nobility, but I am glad to announce that top forummer Anil has uploaded his picture to his profile after getting sick & tired of using a dull ...
Congratulations Anil! Nice of you to finally show up. Read More
Face or body? by Mika750
Who would you prefer, a woman/man with a pretty face and overweight body, or a woman/man with an ugly face and an awesome body?
Sorry Mrs.Primadonna.I didn't know. Read More
Face or body? by Mika750
Who would you prefer, a woman/man with a pretty face and overweight body, or a woman/man with an ugly face and an awesome body?
Hi Mrs.Primadonna. What do you mean by found of it? Read More
Face or body? by Mika750
Who would you prefer, a woman/man with a pretty face and overweight body, or a woman/man with an ugly face and an awesome body?
You are very selective.A lot of men are married to overweight women. What if this your last chance and you're about to miss the boat? Read More
Face or body? by Mika750
Who would you prefer, a woman/man with a pretty face and overweight body, or a woman/man with an ugly face and an awesome body?
Thank you Mr.Julien. The original question was face or body? They are not willing to undergo plastic surgery or to lose weight.You have to accept them as they are.Beautiful face or awesome body? Read More
Face or body?
Who would you prefer, a woman/man with a pretty face and overweight body, or a woman/man with an ugly face and an awesome body? Read More
Why do we fall in love? by The Loner
What makes someone convincing a total stranger of the opposite sex to spend the rest of life together and have kids in the name of love?
Do you mean humans are falling in love simply because we they need to reproduce? As simple as that? Yes,I know about that stuff but that is relatively very expensive procedure for an ordinary person. Read More
Why do we fall in love? by The Loner
What makes someone convincing a total stranger of the opposite sex to spend the rest of life together and have kids in the name of love?
Reproduction is only one thing but not the main reason.Perhaps in the future people will find another way to reproduce.Science fiction stuff.Then,do people still need to fall in love? Yes? Why? Because love gives you the ability to expand ... Read More
Why do we fall in love? by The Loner
What makes someone convincing a total stranger of the opposite sex to spend the rest of life together and have kids in the name of love?
What makes someone convincing a total stranger of the opposite sex to spend the rest of life together and have kids in the name of love?Attraction draws one person towards another one.Contrary to most people think,many people can fall in love with ... Read More
Gold or Diamond? by Mika750
I would like to ask the girls which would you rather have? Guys,which one would u like to give to your loved one? Gold or diamond ring? Specially our folks in India.
Hi Farahz.I am similar to your wife.Not a big fan of expensive jems.I prefer to mix & match statement jewelries over my little black dress. But for special occasion like engagement or wedding maybe. I would love to get a gold ring. Read More
Snow in Amman by Primadonna
It is weird to see that my world turn into a white and silent fairy world. Weird because snow is a rarity in Jordan and special when this happened in the early winter season. But for me I like it and this is the perfect way to get the Christmas ...
Same here in Israel.Snows have started to fall in the north.I don't remember a snow like this in the Middle East. Read More
Gold or Diamond? by Mika750
I would like to ask the girls which would you rather have? Guys,which one would u like to give to your loved one? Gold or diamond ring? Specially our folks in India.
Hi John.What about wedding? What kind of ring will you offer to your beloved wife? Read More
How Iranian men are like? by poppywood
Dear All, I have met different type of people but to me Iranian men are kind of different.I have been cautious to approach them but I really would like to know how are they like? Are they real Muslims? or are they romantic ? Many thanks
Confidence, assertiveness,a bit possessive is Ok.I don't mind being with a hairy man as long as he will shave everyday If necessary. We don't have a lot of bearded men in South East Asia. Read More