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Articles to help you in your expat project in Guatemala

  • Accommodation in Guatemala
    Accommodation in Guatemala

    Guatemala being a country of stark contrasts, the choice of a place to live deserves careful thinking. The ...

  • Banking in Guatemala
    Banking in Guatemala

    Guatemala has endeavoured to clamp down on money laundering by implementing stringent control over international ...

  • Finding work in Guatemala
    Finding work in Guatemala

    Guatemala has a stable economy driven by the primary and tertiary sectors. Although foreigners are only rarely ...

  • Leisure activities in Guatemala
    Leisure activities in Guatemala

    With Guatemala's rich cultural and historic heritage, stunning landscapes and dense cultural agenda, spending your ...

  • How to drive in Guatemala
    How to drive in Guatemala

    The majority of public means of transportation in Guatemala is notoriously uncomfortable, so being able to drive ...

  • The healthcare system in Guatemala
    The healthcare system in Guatemala

    Guatemala's public health system benefits from a well-established legal framework, a long-standing ...

  • Phones and internet in Guatemala
    Phones and internet in Guatemala

    Guatemala enjoys extensive and modern telecommunications networks, encompassing cellular and land lines, broadband ...

  • The tax system in Guatemala
    The tax system in Guatemala

    Taxation in Guatemala is all but excessive; the country's revenue from tax, at 12.3% of GDP, is one of the lowest ...

All of Guatemala's guide articles