Tayah África do Sul


Tayah, Sul-Africano procurando informa��o sobre na Suiça
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Hi, Im a young South African interested in moving to Switzerland. I've lived in London for 2 years (abt 7 years ago) & after having my children at home, I crave a new environment. My husband and I have visited Geneva & fell I love with it. As we have 2 small kids, things become trickier so we'd like some advice / stories from other South Africans who have moved to Switzerland,about their experiences. Also how you went about the move,how easy or difficult the transition and how kid friendly it is. Would love to here from you.

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 05 Fevereiro 2014.

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  • Tayah
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados Suiça

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