hiduds24 Filippine


Espatriato Filippino in Arabia Saudita
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Dear All, Kindly advise, or to Mr Legendle,, I have an accident in my KIA Rio Car, last friday feb 21 it was only park near our house flat, as you all know we dont have any space for parking here in this area Mushrefah district 1 Jeddah besides Falasteen, So the other They I just saw the damage in my car beat the Tail light is broken, and the bumper is damage I dont know who's the Culprit ho does it, And I need to go to work so Until today I didnt have time to report it to Police, Tomorrow I will do that Should I need to Return my car in accident area?

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 23 Febbraio 2014

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  • hiduds24
    espatriato in Arabia Saudita

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