Michael Donth
American looking for information about Philippines
10 posts
About me
Lives in Michigan
Registration: 24 February 2014
Whats it like for an American living in the Philippines? I am single by Michael Donth
I am coming to the Philippines in March for the first time. I would like to stay in either Davao, Cebu City or Dumaguete. I am single and retired. My dream is to live there forever. How long can I stay before I have to leave the country and if I was ...
yes I would like any information please Read More
Moving to Cebu City by Michael Donth
I am moving to Cebu City soon, I have been in Cupid and met many people. However even though they have offered to pick me up at the Airport and suggested I say with them that is not what I desire. My question is if someone could give me an idea or a ...
In Cebu City Read More
Moving to Cebu City
I am moving to Cebu City soon, I have been in Cupid and met many people. However even though they have offered to pick me up at the Airport and suggested I say with them that is not what I desire. My question is if someone could give me an idea or a ... Read More
Whats it like for an American living in the Philippines? I am single by Michael Donth
I am coming to the Philippines in March for the first time. I would like to stay in either Davao, Cebu City or Dumaguete. I am single and retired. My dream is to live there forever. How long can I stay before I have to leave the country and if I was ...
Very well said Beautiful post Read More
Whats it like for an American living in the Philippines? I am single by Michael Donth
I am coming to the Philippines in March for the first time. I would like to stay in either Davao, Cebu City or Dumaguete. I am single and retired. My dream is to live there forever. How long can I stay before I have to leave the country and if I was ...
Thank you Any idea what the costs would be living there. Just a normal life not into the Bar scene. Mike Read More
Whats it like for an American living in the Philippines? I am single by Michael Donth
I am coming to the Philippines in March for the first time. I would like to stay in either Davao, Cebu City or Dumaguete. I am single and retired. My dream is to live there forever. How long can I stay before I have to leave the country and if I was ...
Thank you for your response. What areas do you recommend Mike Read More
Whats it like for an American living in the Philippines? I am single by Michael Donth
I am coming to the Philippines in March for the first time. I would like to stay in either Davao, Cebu City or Dumaguete. I am single and retired. My dream is to live there forever. How long can I stay before I have to leave the country and if I was ...
Thank you Also are there areas you would recommend over others. I would kind of like to be were there are some foreigners. Being 65 I am not as adventurists as I once was. Just looking for a simple peaceful live Mike Read More
Whats it like for an American living in the Philippines? I am single by Michael Donth
I am coming to the Philippines in March for the first time. I would like to stay in either Davao, Cebu City or Dumaguete. I am single and retired. My dream is to live there forever. How long can I stay before I have to leave the country and if I was ...
Thanks for the information. How much per month do you figure it takes to live comfortably in US dollars Mike Read More
Whats it like for an American living in the Philippines? I am single by Michael Donth
I am coming to the Philippines in March for the first time. I would like to stay in either Davao, Cebu City or Dumaguete. I am single and retired. My dream is to live there forever. How long can I stay before I have to leave the country and if I was ...
Yes I would like your input on the pitfalls. can I have your email address. Thank you very much Mike Read More
Whats it like for an American living in the Philippines? I am single
I am coming to the Philippines in March for the first time. I would like to stay in either Davao, Cebu City or Dumaguete. I am single and retired. My dream is to live there forever. How long can I stay before I have to leave the country and if I was ... Read More